2,388 research outputs found

    Improved calibration of the radii of cool stars based on 3D simulations of convection: implications for the solar model

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    Main sequence, solar-like stars (M < 1.5 Msun) have outer convective envelopes that are sufficiently thick to affect significantly their overall structure. The radii of these stars, in particular, are sensitive to the details of inefficient, super-adiabatic convection occurring in their outermost layers. The standard treatment of convection in stellar evolution models, based on the Mixing-Length Theory (MLT), provides only a very approximate description of convection in the super-adiabatic regime. Moreover, it contains a free parameter, alpha_MLT, whose standard calibration is based on the Sun, and is routinely applied to other stars ignoring the differences in their global parameters (e.g., effective temperature, gravity, chemical composition) and previous evolutionary history. In this paper, we present a calibration of alpha_MLT based on three-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics (3D RHD) simulations of convection. The value of alpha_MLT is adjusted to match the specific entropy in the deep, adiabatic layers of the convective envelope to the corresponding value obtained from the 3D RHD simulations, as a function of the position of the star in the (log g, log T_eff) plane and its chemical composition. We have constructed a model of the present-day Sun using such entropy-based calibration. We find that its past luminosity evolution is not affected by the entropy calibration. The predicted solar radius, however, exceeds that of the standard model during the past several billion years, resulting in a lower surface temperature. This illustrative calculation also demonstrates the viability of the entropy approach for calibrating the radii of other late-type stars.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Efficiency and spectrum of internal gamma-ray burst shocks

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    We present an analysis of the Internal Shock Model of GRBs, where gamma-rays are produced by internal shocks within a relativistic wind. We show that observed GRB characteristics impose stringent constraints on wind and source parameters. We find that a significant fraction, of order 20 %, of the wind kinetic energy can be converted to radiation, provided the distribution of Lorentz factors within the wind has a large variance and provided the minimum Lorentz factor is higher than 10^(2.5)L_(52)^(2/9), where L=10^(52)L_(52)erg/s is the wind luminosity. For a high, >10 %, efficiency wind, spectral energy breaks in the 0.1 to 1 MeV range are obtained for sources with dynamical time R/c < 1 ms, suggesting a possible explanation for the observed clustering of spectral break energies in this range. The lower limit to wind Lorenz factor and the upper limit, around (R/10^7 cm)^(-5/6) MeV to observed break energies are set by Thomson optical depth due to electron positron pairs produced by synchrotron photons. Natural consequences of the model are absence of bursts with peak emission energy significantly exceeding 1 MeV, and existence of low luminosity bursts with low, 1 keV to 10 keV, break energies.Comment: 10 pages, 5 ps-figures. Expanded discussion of magnetic field and electron energy fraction. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Blood Compatibility in Cats

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    Creep, Relaxation and Viscosity Properties for Basic Fractional Models in Rheology

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold: from one side we provide a general survey to the viscoelastic models constructed via fractional calculus and from the other side we intend to analyze the basic fractional models as far as their creep, relaxation and viscosity properties are considered. The basic models are those that generalize via derivatives of fractional order the classical mechanical models characterized by two, three and four parameters, that we refer to as Kelvin-Voigt, Maxwell, Zener, anti-Zener and Burgers. For each fractional model we provide plots of the creep compliance, relaxation modulus and effective viscosity in non dimensional form in terms of a suitable time scale for different values of the order of fractional derivative. We also discuss the role of the order of fractional derivative in modifying the properties of the classical models.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figure

    A Sea Level Equation for seismic perturbations

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    Large earthquakes are a potentially important source of relative sea level variations, since they can drive global deformation and simultaneously perturb the gravity field of the Earth. For the first time, we formalize a gravitationally self-consistent, integral sea level equation suitable for earthquakes, in which we account both for direct effects by the seismic dislocation and for the feedback from water loading associated with sea level changes. Our approach builds upon the well-established theory first proposed in the realm of glacio-isostatic adjustment modelling. The seismic sea level equation is numerically implemented to model sea level signals following the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake, showing that surface loading from ocean water redistribution (so far ignored in post-seismic deformation modelling) may account for a significant fraction of the total computed post-seismic sea level variatio

    Self-critical Rumination and Associated Metacognitions as Mediators of the Relationship Between Perfectionism and Self-esteem.

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    Past research has shown that perfectionism, can negatively impact self-esteem. However, the mediating factors that explain this relationship remain unclear. The current study aimed to investigate whether specific cognitive processes, namely, self-critical rumination and associated metacognitions, mediate this relationship. An opportunity sample of 347 participants completed a battery of online questionnaires measuring clinical perfectionism, self-critical rumination, metacognitions about self-critical rumination, self-esteem, and levels of psychological distress. Several hypotheses were tested to examine the associations between the study variables. Following this, a path analysis was used to determine whether the influence of perfectionistic concerns and perfectionistic striving on self-esteem is mediated by positive metacognitions about self-critical rumination, self-critical rumination, and negative metacognitions about self-critical rumination, serially. Positive metacognitions about self-critical rumination, self-critical rumination, and negative metacognitions about self-critical rumination partially mediated the relationship between perfectionistic concerns and self-esteem and fully mediated the relationship between perfectionistic striving and self-esteem. These results point towards possible interventions for those who struggle with low self-esteem due to their perfectionistic tendencies. Further investigations should explore additional factors that help to explain why perfectionism impacts self-esteem levels, whilst also addressing the limitations of this current research

    A metacognitive model of self-esteem

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    Background: In the current study, we aimed to test a metacognitive model of self-esteem grounded in the Self-Regulatory Executive Function model of psychopathology. Method: A convenience sample of 346 community participants were recruited and completed a battery of online questionnaires that measured self-esteem, self-criticism, self-critical rumination, metacognitions about self-critical rumination, generic metacognitions and negative affect. Initially, we tested a series of hypotheses to establish the relationships between the study variables. We then examined whether self-critical rumination, and its associated metacognitions, both positive and negative, would independently predict self-esteem when controlling for age, negative affect, levels of self-criticism and generic metacognitions. Results: Self-critical rumination and its associated negative metacognitions, levels of depression and self-criticism independently predicted self-esteem. Additionally, a path analysis revealed that the study data was a very good fit to the proposed metacognitive model of self-esteem. Conclusion: The metacognitive model of self-esteem presented in this paper may be used to generate novel interventions to improve self-esteem and decrease self-critical rumination

    Diagnostic evaluation of a point-of-care test for culture and microbial susceptibility testing in canine dermatological infections in clinical practice

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    Background and Aim: Empirical antimicrobial therapy is frequently given in superficial bacterial folliculitis (SBF) and otitis externa (OE) in dogs, especially for the initial clinical presentation. Culture and subsequent antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) are generally limited to chronic cases with poor response to initial therapy. Several factors contribute to the failure to implement the use of AST in veterinary practice, i.e., long laboratory turnaround time or special requirements for sample shipping. Point-of-care (PoC) testing might reduce laboratory turnaround time and costs and the risk of emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens. This study evaluated the Speed Biogram\u2122 PoC test in canine SBF and OE compared with conventional methods for culture and AST. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four canine samples were analyzed: eleven from SBF, seven from bacterial OE, four from mixed OE, six from Malassezia spp. OE, and six negative controls. Sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the PoC test and the agreement between the PoC test and conventional methods were evaluated. Results: Se and Sp of PoC test in discriminating between healthy and unhealthy subjects were 100% (95% confidence interval [CI] 87.66-100.00) and 100% (95% CI 54.1-100.0), respectively. For bacterial identification, the k value was 0.532. Se and Sp of PoC tests for AST were 81.73% (95% CI 72.95-88.63) and 93.10% (95% CI 88.86-96.98), respectively with a total good agreement between tests (mean k=0.714), but major (8/27) and very major (19/27) errors were observed in 55% of bacterial conventional culture-positive samples. Conclusion: PoC test can identify dogs with SBF and OE, but AST is not sufficiently accurate. The lack of susceptibility testing for methicillin makes this test inappropriate for use in small animal practice

    Application of the Post-Widder Laplace inversion algorithm to postseismic rebound models

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    The postseismic response of a viscoelastic Earth can be computed analytically with a normal-mode approach, based on the application of propagator methods. This framework suffers from many limitations, mostly connected with the solution of the secular equation, whose degree scales with the number of viscoelastic layers so that only low-resolution models can be practically solved. Recently, a viable alternative to the normal-mode approach has been proposed, based on the Post-Widder inversion formula. This method allows to overcome some of the intrinsic limitations of the normal-mode approach, so that Earth models with arbitrary radial resolution can be employed and general linear non-Maxwell rheologies can be implemented. In this work, we test the robustness of the method against a standard normal-mode approach in order to optimize computation performance while ensuring the solution stability. As an application, we address the issue of finding the minimum number of layers with distinct elastic properties needed to accurately describe the postseismic relaxation of a realistic Earth model

    Asteroseismology of evolved stars to constrain the internal transport of angular momentum. VI. Testing a parametric formulation for the azimuthal magneto-rotational instability

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    Asteroseismic measurements of the internal rotation rate in evolved stars pointed out to a lack of angular momentum (AM) transport in stellar evolution models. Several physical processes in addition to hydrodynamical ones were proposed as candidates for the missing mechanism. Nonetheless, no current candidate can satisfy all the constraints provided by asteroseismology. We revisit the role of a candidate process whose efficiency scales with the contrast between the rotation rate of the core and the surface which was proposed to be related to the azimuthal magneto-rotational instability (AMRI) by Spada et al. We compute stellar evolution models of low- and intermediate-mass stars with the parametric formulation of AM transport proposed by Spada et al. until the end of the core-helium burning for low- and intermediate-mass stars and compare our results to the latest asteroseismic constraints available in the post main sequence phase. Both hydrogen-shell burning stars in the red giant branch and core-helium burning stars of low- and intermediate-mass in the mass range 1M⊙≲M≲2.5M⊙1 M_{\odot} \lesssim M \lesssim 2.5 M_{\odot} can be simultaneously reproduced by this kind of parametrisation. Given current constraints from asteroseismology, the core rotation rate of post-main sequence stars seems to be well explained by a process whose efficiency is regulated by the internal degree of differential rotation in radiative zones.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 10 pages, 10 figures, 1 appendi
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