414 research outputs found

    Orbital Solutions and Absolute Elements of the Eclipsing Binary MY Cygni

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    Differential UBV photoelectric photometry for the eclipsing binary MY Cyg is presented. The Wilson-Devinney program is used to simultaneously solve the three light curves together with previously published radial velocities. A comparison is made with the previous solution found with the Russell-Merrill method. We examine the long-term apsidal motion of this well-detached, slightly eccentric system. We determine absolute dimensions, discuss metallicity/Am-star issues, and estimate the evolutionary status of the stars

    Evolution of the Starspots in V478 Lyrae from 1980 to 1988

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    Differential UBV photometry of V478 Lyrae from 1980 to 1988 is given and analyzed as 22 separate light curves, each spanning an average of a dozen rotation cycles. It is shown that spots on V478 Lyr appear to have lifetimes on the order of several months to a year. The amplitude of the light loss produced by a spot can change by a factor of 2 within 20 days. In the only four determinate cases, a spot came into existence at one of the two conjunctions, that is, in the middle of the hemisphere facing (or opposing) the companion star. This finding provides additional support for the picture of a four-sector longitudinal structure, aligned with the major axis of the binary, which determines where magnetically active regions develop

    HD 126516: A Triple System Containing a Short-period Eclipsing Binary

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    From numerous radial velocities as well as Johnson B and V differential photoelectric photometry, we have determined the orbital elements and other properties of the single-lined triple system HD 126516. This system consists of a narrow-lined F5 V star and an unseen M dwarf companion in a 2.1241 day circular orbit. The small, low-mass secondary produces detectable eclipses of the primary, and that pair has been given the variable star name V349 Vir. Variations of the center-of-mass velocity of this short-period system have an orbital period of 702.7 days or 1.92 yr and an eccentricity of 0.36. The third star is likely a K or M dwarf. From an analysis of our photometry, we conclude that the primary of HD 126516 is not a γ Dor variable. Comparison with evolutionary tracks indicates that the primary is slightly metal-poor and has an age of 2.5 Gyr. The projected rotational velocity of the primary is very low, just 4 km s−1, which is 10 times less than its synchronous rotational velocity. Thus, either that component\u27s rotation is extremely non-synchronous or the inclinations of the rotational and orbital axes are very different, and so the primary has a very large spin–orbit misalignment. Because of the moderate age of the system and the fact that its orbit is already circularized, neither situation is expected theoretically

    Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary VV Corvi

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    We have obtained red-wavelength spectroscopy and Johnson B and V differential photoelectric photometry of the eclipsing binary VV Crv = HR 4821. The system is the secondary of the common proper motion double star ADS 8627, which has a separation of 52. VV Crv has an orbital period of 3.144536 days and a low but non-zero eccentricity of 0.085. With the Wilson–Devinney program we have determined a simultaneous solution of our spectroscopic and photometric observations. Those orbital elements produce masses of M1 = 1.978 ± 0.010 M☉ and M2 = 1.513 ± 0.008 M☉, and radii of R1 = 3.375 ± 0.010 R☉ and R2 = 1.650 ± 0.008 R☉ for the primary and secondary, respectively. The effective temperatures of the two components are 6500 K (fixed) and 6638 K, so the star we call the primary is the more massive but cooler and larger component. A comparison with evolutionary tracks indicates that the components are metal rich with [Fe/H] = 0.3, and the system has an age of 1.2 Gyr. The primary is near the end of its main-sequence lifetime and is rotating significantly faster than its pseudosynchronous velocity. The secondary is still well ensconced on the main sequence and is rotating more slowly than its pseudosynchronous rate

    HD 71636, A Newly Discovered Eclipsing Binary

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    Our differential BV photometric observations, acquired with an automated telescope at Fairborn Observatory, show that HD 71636 is an eclipsing binary. From follow-up red-wavelength spectroscopic observations we classify the primary and secondary as an F2 dwarf and an F5 dwarf, respectively. The system has a period of 5.01329 days and a circular orbit. We used the Wilson-Devinney program to simultaneously solve our BV light curves and radial velocities and determined a number of fundamental properties of the system. Comparison with evolutionary tracks indicates that both stars are well ensconced on the main sequence. The age of the system is about 1.2 billion years

    Orbital Solutions and Absolute Elements of the Short-Period Eclipsing Binary ES Librae

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    We have obtained new differential UBV photoelectric photometry and radial velocities of both components of the short-period eclipsing binary ES Lib. The system has a circular orbit with a period of 0.883040928 days and is seen at an inclination of 70.1°. With the Wilson-Devinney analysis program, we obtained a simultaneous solution of our photometric and spectroscopic observations that resulted in masses of M1 = 2.30 ± 0.03 M⊙ and M2 = 0.97 ± 0.01 M⊙ and the equal-volume radii of R1 = 2.69 ± 0.02 R⊙ and R2 = 1.83 ± 0.01 R⊙ for the primary and secondary, respectively. The secondary is oversized and overluminous for its mass. The effective temperatures of the primary and secondary are 8500 K (fixed) and 5774 ± 57 K, respectively. Despite the very large temperature difference, our photometric and spectroscopic data indicate that ES Lib is not semidetached but rather require it to be in an overcontact state, where both components exceed their critical Roche lobes. Given its nonthermal equilibrium state, if the overcontact solution correctly characterizes the system, the change from being semidetached to overcontact may have occurred recently. While the asymmetry of the light curves can be modeled well with a large, hot starspot or a large, cool one on the secondary component, we prefer the latter interpretation because cool spots are a typical feature on many contact binaries

    Orbital Solutions and Absolute Elements of the Massive Algol Binary ET Tauri

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    We acquired differential UBV photoelectric photometry and radial velocities of the relatively bright, understudied, massive Algol binary ET Tau and utilized the Wilson-Devinney (WD) analysis program to obtain a simultaneous solution of these observations. To improve the orbital ephemeris, the V measurements from the ASAS program were also analyzed. Because of the very rapid rotation of the significantly more massive and hotter component (B2/3 spectral class), only radial velocities of the secondary component, which has a ∼B7 spectral class, could be measured. We derive masses of M1=14.34±0.28 M⊙{M}_{1}=14.34\pm 0.28\,{M}_{\odot } and M2=6.339±0.117 M⊙{M}_{2}=6.339\pm 0.117\,{M}_{\odot } and equal-volume radii of R1=6.356±0.056 R⊙{R}_{1}=6.356\pm 0.056\,{R}_{\odot } and R2=11.84±0.10 R⊙{R}_{2}=11.84\pm 0.10\,{R}_{\odot } for the primary and secondary, respectively. The secondary is filling its Roche lobe, so the system is semi-detached. The effective temperature of the secondary was held fixed at 15,000 K, and the primary\u27s temperature was found to be 30,280±109\mathrm{30,280}\pm 109 K. The system, which has a period of 5.996883 ± 0.000002 days, is assumed to have a circular orbit and is seen at an inclination of 79\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 55\pm 0\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 05

    Adolescents, Adults and Rewards: Comparing Motivational Neurocircuitry Recruitment Using fMRI

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    Background: Adolescent risk-taking, including behaviors resulting in injury or death, has been attributed in part to maturational differences in mesolimbic incentive-motivational neurocircuitry, including ostensible oversensitivity of the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) to rewards. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test whether adolescents showed increased NAcc activation by cues for rewards, or by delivery of rewards, we scanned 24 adolescents (age 12–17) and 24 adults age (22–42) with functional magnetic resonance imaging while they performed a monetary incentive delay (MID) task. The MID task was configured to temporally disentangle potential reward or potential loss anticipation-related brain signal from reward or loss notification-related signal. Subjects saw cues signaling opportunities to win or avoid losing 0,0, .50, or $5 for responding quickly to a subsequent target. Subjects then viewed feedback of their trial success after a variable interval from cue presentation of between 6 to17 s. Adolescents showed reduced NAcc recruitment by reward-predictive cues compared to adult controls in a linear contrast with non-incentive cues, and in a volume-of-interest analysis of signal change in the NAcc. In contrast, adolescents showed little difference in striatal and frontocortical responsiveness to reward deliveries compared to adults. Conclusions/Significance: In light of divergent developmental difference findings between neuroimaging incentive paradigms (as well as at different stages within the same task), these data suggest that maturational differences i
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