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    Plantas medicinais de um remascente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Altomontana, Urupema, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Forty Years Of Brazilian Medicinal Plant Research

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    The Brazilian Foundation of Medicinal Plants has developed a medicinal plant database. Data were obtained from communications presented in Brazilian Scientific Meetings in the 1949-1989 period and include plant species, family, local name, part used, extract analyzed, claimed therapeutic action, pharmacological activity and active compounds. The families most frequently studied and the usual popular indications are analyzed. The history of research during this period and the current state of medicinal plant research in Brazil are outlined. © 1993.3915367Agra, Contribuição ao estudo de plantas medicinais da Paraíba (1980) Ciência e Cultura, 33, pp. 64-66. , (Suplemento)Almeida, Prata, Cerqueira, Medrado, Levantamento da Flora Medicinal comercializada em Salvador, BA (1990) Annals do XI Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, , Comm. 4.60Almeida, Mattos, Oliveira, Fonteies, Atividade molusquicida de algumas plantas do nordeste brasileiro H (1987) Annals da Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Experimental, , Comm. 6.44Amorozo, Gely, Uso de plantas medicinais por caboclos do baixo Amazonas, Barbacena/Pa (1988) Boletim do Museu Paraense Emília Goeldi, 4 (1), pp. 47-131Anderson, Brazil walks the tightrope (1989) Nature, 342, pp. 355-374Balbach, (1969) A Flora National Na Medicina Doméstica, 2. , Editera Edificações do Lar, BrasilBatatinha, Bernardi, Palermo Neto, Efeitos da administração em ratos do óleo de Croton zehntneri na atividade geral e na convulsão experimental (1988) Annals do X Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, p. 6. , Comm. 6.9Batatinha, Bernardi, Palermo-Neto, Estudos psicofarmacológicos do óleo de Croton zehntneri (1988) Annals da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, p. 1004. , Comm. G.4/101Born, Diniz, Rossi, Plantas Medicinais da Estaç~aao Ecológica Jureia-Itatins, SP (1990) Annals do XI Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, , Comm. 4.63Bracht, Alvarez, Bracht, Effects of Stevia rebaudiana natural products on rat liver mitochondria (1985) Biochemical Pharmacology, 34, pp. 873-882Braga, (1960) Plantas do Nordeste, especialmente do Ceará, p. 98. , Imprensa Oficial, BrasilBranch, Silva, Folk medicine of “Alter do Chão”/PA-Brasil (1983) Acta Amazónica, 13, pp. 737-797Bulhões, Da-Mota-E-Silva, Phytochemical screening of plants native to northeastern Brazil (1977) Annals da Faculdade de Farmácia da UFPE, 15, pp. 45-50Caetano, Maia, Afiatpour, Araujo, Rego, Godoy, Projeto de Fitoterapia de Olinda/PE-Avaliaçcão fitoquímica, microbiológica e farmacológica preliminar do Acanthospermum hispidum (1990) Annals do XI Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, , Comm. 3.22Calixto, Nicolau, Yunes, The selective antagonism of bradykinin action on rat isolated uterus by crude Mandevilla velutina extract (1985) British Journal of Pharmacology, 85, pp. 729-731Calixto, Yunes, Effect of a crude extract of Mandevilla velutina on contractions induced by bradykinin and des-Arg-9-bradykinin in isolated vessels of the rabbit (1986) British Journal of Pharmacology, 88, pp. 937-941Calixto, Nicolau, Pizzolatti, Yunes, Kinin antagonist activity of compounds from Mandevilla velutina in the rat isolated uterus (1987) British Journal of Pharmacology, 91, pp. 199-204Calixto, Nicolau, Yunes, Antagonistic effect of Mandevilla velutina extract on kinin-induced contractions of guinea-pig and cat ileum longitudinal smooth muscle (1988) General Pharmacology, 19, pp. 595-599Calixto, Pizzolatti, Yunes, The competitive antagonistic effect of compounds from Mandevilla velutina on kinin-induced contractions of rat uterus and guinea-pig ileum in vitro (1988) British Journal of Pharmacology, 94, pp. 1133-1142Calixto, Strobel, Cruz, Yunes, Blockade of the bradykinin-evoked diphasic response of isolated rat duodenum by the crude extract and compounds obtained from Mandevilla velutina (1988) Brazilian Journal of Medicinal and Biological Research, 21, pp. 1015-1018Calixto, Silva, Reis, Costa, Cruz, Yunes, Demonstration of antibradykinin compounds in callus cultures of Mandevilla velutina (1989) Brazilian Journal of Medicinal and Biological Research, 22, pp. 1275-1279Calixto, Yunes, Blockade of kinin-induced responses of the guinea-pig isolated urinary bladder by extract of Mandevilla velutina (1990) General Pharmacology, 21, pp. 285-290Carlini, Guimarães, Isolation and characterization of a toxin protein from Canavalia ensiformis (Jack bean) seeds, distinct from concanavalin A (1981) Toxicolology, 19, pp. 667-675Carlini, Gomes, Guimarães, Markus, Sato, Trolin, Central nervous effects of the convulsant protein canatoxin (1984) Acta Pharmacological Toxicology, 54, pp. 161-166Carlini, Guimaraes, Ribeiro, Plate-let release reaction and aggregation induced by canatoxin, a convulsant protein: evidence for the involvement of the platelet lipoxygenase pathway (1985) British Journal of Pharmacology, 84, pp. 551-560Cavalcante, Frickel, A farmacopeia Tiriyó: estudo etnobotânico (1973) Publicações Avulsas do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, 24, p. 157Collares, Ribeiro da Silva, Involvement of lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase pathways in hypoxia and metabolic alkalosis produced by canatoxin in rats (1988) Brazilian Journal of Medicinal and Biological Research, 21, pp. 107-110Corrêa, (1978) Dicionário das Plantas Uteis do Brasil e das Exóticas Cultivadas, 6. , Imprensa Nacional, Ministério da Agricultura, IBDF, BrasilCruz, (1965) Livro Verde das Plantas Medicinais e Industriais do Brasil, 2. , Editora Velloso, BrasilCuri, Alvarez, Bazotte, Botion, Godoy, Bracht, Effect of Stevia rebaudiana on glucose tolerance in nomal adult humans (1986) Brazilian Journal of Medicinal and Biologycal Research, 19, pp. 771-774Di Stasi, Santos, Santos, Hiruma, (1989) Plantas Medicinais na Amazonia, p. 194. , Editora da UNESP, BrasilDomingos, Ribeiro-do-Valle, Costa, Simoes, Nicolau, Poli, Efeitos dos extratos brutos de Achyrocline satureoides (Marcela) sobre a resposta contrátil da traqueia isolada de cobaia a vários agonistas (1990) Annals do XI Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, , Comm. 4.38Elisabetsky, Setzer, Caboclo concepts of disease diagnosis and therapy: implications for ethnophar-macology and health systems in Amazonia (1985) The Amazon Caboclo: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, 32, pp. 243-278. , E.P. Parker, Studies in Third World Societies, College of William and Mary, Virginia, USAElisabetsky, New directions in ethnopharmacology (1986) Journal of Ethnobiology, 6, pp. 121-128Elisabetsky, Posey, Pesquisa etnofarmacológica e recursos naturais no trópico úmido: o caso dos índios Kayapós e suas implicaçoes para a ciência médica (1986) Annals do I Simpósio International do Trópico úmido, 11, pp. 85-93. , Embrapa CPATU, Published byFarnsworth, Pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical education in the Peoples's Republic of China (1976) American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 40, pp. 115-121Farnsworth, Banco de datos computadorizado para plantas médicinales (1984) Foro Mundial de La Salud, 5, pp. 429-432Farnsworth, Bingel, Problems and prospects of discovering new drugs from higher plants by pharmacological screening (1977) New Natural Products and Plant Drugs with Pharmacological, Biological or Therapeutical Activity, pp. 1-22. , H. Wagner, P. WolffFarnsworth, Bingel, Problems and prospects of discovering new drugs from higher plants by pharmacological screening (1977) New Natural Products and Plant Drugs with Pharmacological, Biological or Therapeutical Activity, p. 288. , H. Wagner, P. Wolff, Springer-Verlag, BerlinFerreira-Alves, Nunes, Turchetti-Maia, Duarte, Nakamura, Antiinflammatory and analgesic effect of Pp DDE-81 obtained from Pterodon polygalaeflorus Benth (1986) Annals do I Simpósio Franco-Brasileiro, , Comm. 01Furtado, Souza, Van den Berg, Notas sobre uso terapêutico de plantas pela população cabocla de Marapanim (1978) Boletim do Museu Paraensi Emílio Goeldi, 70, pp. 1-31Gadelha, Menezes, Efeito da Alpinia speciosa no edema agudo em ratos (1988) Annals do Sim-pósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, p. 12. , Comm. 7.9Gentry, Phytogeographic pattern as evidence for a Choco refuge (1982) Biological Diversification In The Tropics, p. 714. , G. Prance, New YorkGuarim-Neto, (1987) Plantas Utilizadas na Medicina Popular do Estado do Mato Grosso, p. 58. , CNPq, Assessoria EditorialGuerra, Oliveira, Maia, Peters, Efeito biológico de extratos aquosos de diferentes órgãos de Petiveria alliacea. (1988) Annals da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, p. 873. , Comm. G. 17Guimarães Ferri, Contribuiçcão ao conhecimento da ecologia do Cerrado e da Caatinga. Estudo comparativo do balanço de água e de sua vegetação (1975) Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, 12, pp. 1-170Guimaraes Ferri, Editora Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, Reconquista do Brasil. New Series (1980) Vegetação Brasileira, 26, pp. 51-69Hirschmann, Arias, A survey of medicinal plants of Minas Gerais, Brazil (1990) Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 29, pp. 159-172Hyakutake, Grotta, Morphological and anatomical study of Kalanchoe brasiliensis Cambessedes (Crassulaceae) (1972) Farm Hosp, 10, pp. 217-237Inoue, Projeto de Fitorerapia do Estado de São Paulo (1990) Annals do XI Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, , Comm. 4.69Joly, (1975) Botânica: Introdução à Taxonomia Vegetal, p. 777. , Companhia Editora Nacional, BrasilKawano, Simoes, Effect of Stevia rebau-diana on Biomphalaria glabrata (1986) Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 46, pp. 555-562Langeloh, Atividade antiespasmódica do extrato alcoólico de marcela — Achyroctine satureoides (Lam.) D.C., (Compositae) sobre a musculatura lisa genital de ratos (1985) Caderno de Farmácia, 1, pp. 38-44Le Cointe, (1947) Arvores e Plantas Úteis, p. 80. , Editora São PauloLima, Morato, Takahashi, Determinação da eficácia pré-clínica da Petiveria alliacea (1988) Annals do Congresso Nacional de Botânica, pp. 124-125Lobato, Ribeiro, Pinheiro, Maia, Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Amazonia (1989) Acta Amazônica, 19, pp. 355-364Machado, Matos, Craveiro, Alencar, Plantas produtoras de metileugenol (1988) Annals do X Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, p. 7. , Comm. 6.9Malone, (1977) New Natural Products and Plant Drugs with Pharmacological, Biological or Therapeutic Activity, pp. 23-53. , H. Wagner, P. Wolff, Springer-Verlag, BerlinMalone, Common problems encountered in ethnopharmacological investigations and how to solve them (1980) Ciência e Cultura, 33, pp. 19-31Martins, Rao, Fonteles, Alguns efeitos farmacológicos e antiinflamatórios promovidos pelo extrato hidroalcoólico de Kalanchoe brasiliensis Camb (1982) Annals do VII Simposio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil-Oreades, 8, pp. 412-419Martins, Rao, Fonteles, Inibição de colinesterase pelo extrato hidroalcoólico de Kalanchoe brasiliensis Camb (1982) Annals do VII Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil-Oreades, 8, pp. 420-426Matos, Formulário Fitoterápico Professor Dias Da Rocha (1987) Coleção Mossoroense, 365, p. 205Matos, (1988) Introdução à Fitoquímica Experimental, p. 126. , Imprensa Universitária da UFC, BrasilMatos, Gottlieb, Isocucurbitacina B, constituinte citotóxico da Luffa operculata (1967) Annals da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 39, pp. 245-247Mendonça, Santos, Oliveira, Fonteles, Screening farmacológico gérai de Alpinia nutans (1988) Annals do X Simposio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, p. 13. , Comm. 5.9Menezes, Rao, Fonteles, An-tiulcerogenic activity of Astronium urundeuva (1986) Fitoterapia, 57, pp. 253-256Menezes, Rao, Effect of Astronium urundeuva (aroeira) on gastrointestinal transit in mice (1988) Brazilian Journal of Medicinal and Biological Research, 21, pp. 531-533Moita, Atayde, Cortez, Nunes, Efeito do extrato bruto de Kalanchoe brasiliensis Camb. sobre a pressao arterial e frequência cardíaca em cães (1988) Annals do X Simposio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, p. 3. , Comm. 5.9Nunan, Carvalho, Pilo-Veloso, Turchetti-Maia, Ferreira-Alves, Furano diterpenos com atividades antiinflamatória e pró-inflamatória (1982) Annals of Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Experimental, , Comm. 167Oliveira, Vidai, Sgarbieri, Le-sions of intestinal epithelium by ingestion of bean lectins in rats (1989) Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 35, pp. 315-322Oliveira-Filho, Uehara, Minetti, Valle, Chronic administration of aqueous extract of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) in rats: endocrine effects (1989) General Pharmacology, 20, pp. 187-191Peckolt, Peckolt, (1914) História das Plantas Medicinais e Úteis do Brasil, 6. , Typographia Laemmert BrasilPeigen, Recent developments on medicinal plants in China (1983) Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 7, pp. 95-109Perozin, Projeto de fitoterapia do SUDS-PR (1990) Annals do XI Simposio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, , Comm. 4.71Peters, Oliveira, Maia, Guerra, Efeito biológico dos extratos das folhas de Petiveria alliacea (1988) Annals da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, p. 872. , Comm. G.17-09Pinheiro, Oliveira, Silva, Poletto, Pinheiro, Effect of guarana and Stevia rebau-diana (leaves) extracts and stevioside on the fermentation and synthesis of extracellular insoluble polysaccharides of dental plaque (1987) Revista de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, 1, pp. 9-13Pozti, Pizsolitto, Giazzi, Yashuda, Estudo da atividade biológica de Dorstenia bryoniifolia (1982) Annals da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, p. 784. , Comm. 34Prance, Ethnobotanical notes from Amazonian Brazil (1972) Economic Botany, 26, pp. 221-237Rao, Viana, Menezes, Gadelha, Studies on the antiulcerogenic activity of Astronium urundeuva II. Aqueous extract (1987) Brazilian Journal of Medicinal and Biological Research, 20, pp. 803-805Ribeiro-da-Silva, Carlini, Pires-Barbosa, Guimarães, Blood glucose alterations induced in rats by canatoxin, a protein isolated from Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) seeds (1986) Toxicolology, 24, pp. 775-782Ribeiro-da-Silva, Pires-Barbosa, Carlini, Effect of canatoxin on the circulating levels of gonadotropins and prolactin in rats (1989) Brazilian Journal of Medicinal and Biologycal Research, 22, pp. 387-395Ribeiro-da-Silva, Pires-Barbosa, Prado, Carlini, Convulsions induced by canatoxin in rats are probably a consequence of hypoxia (1989) Brazilian of Medicinal and Biologycal Research, 22, pp. 877-880Ribeiro-da-Silva, Collares, Grassi, Prado, Zappellini, Carlini, Alterations in rat carboydrate metabolism induced by canatoxin as a probable consequence of primary hypoxia (1989) Brazilian of Medicinal and Biologycal Research, 22, pp. 1405-1413Rizzini, (1979) Tratado De Fitogeografia Do Brasil, 2, p. 374. , Editora da Universidade de São PauloRocha, Silva, Thin layer Chromatographie analysis of coumarins and preliminary test for some active substance in the root of Petiveria alliacea L (1969) Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara, 3, pp. 65-72Schuhes, The Amazonia as a source of new economic plants (1979) Economic Botany, 33, pp. 259-266Setzer, Desmate: dados conflitantes (1990) Ciência Hoje, 11, p. 66Silva, Rao, Fonteies, Protective effect of Luffa operculata (L.) Cogniaux in experimental liver injury (1982) Annals do VII Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil-Oreades, 8, pp. 467-474Silva, Rao, Fonteies, Effects of Luffa operculata (L.) Cogniaux on pregnancy in rats (1982) Annals do VII Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil — Oreades, 8, pp. 463-466Simões, Mentz, Schenkel, Irgang, Stehmann, (1986) Plantas da Medicina Popular do Rio Grande do Sul, p. 173. , Editora da Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul BrasilSimões, Ribeiro-Do-Valle, Nicolau, Hagemann, Efeitos dos extratos de Achyrocline satureoides (Lam.) DC., Familia Compositae (marcela) na musculatura lisa e na pressāo arterial de rato (1988) Annals do Congresso Nacional de Botânica, , Comm. 56Sousa, Demuner, Pedersoli, Afonso, Guiné: medicinal or poisonous herb? (1987) Ciência e Cullura, 39, pp. 645-646Thomas, Araujo, Souza, Avaliação das atividades antiinflamatŕia, analgésica e antipirética dos extratos de Caesalpinia ferrea (1988) Petiveria alliacea, Plantago major, Polgonum acre e Pterodon polygalaeflorus. Annals do X Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, p. 5. , Comm. 7.9Thomson, (1981) Guia Practica Ilustrada de las Plantas Medicinales, p. 220. , Editorial Blume, EspanhaTyler, Medicinal Plant Research: 1953–1987 (1988) Planta Medica, 54 (2), pp. 95-100Van den Berg, (1982) Plantas Medicinais na Amazonia: Contribuição ao seu Conhecimento, p. 212. , Editora do CNPQ, BrasilVanderlinde, Souccar, Lapa, Atividade farmacológica do extrato de Alpinia speciosa Schum (1986) Annals do IX Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, , Comm. 36Vieira, Matos, Barros, Souza, Medeiros, Medeiros, Pharmacological study of plants from northeastern Brasil II (1968) Revista Brasileira de Farmácia, 49, pp. 67-75Waterman, Searching for bioactive compounds: various strategies (1990) Journal of Natural Products, 53, pp. 13-22Wiesenauer, Gaus, Bohnacker, Haeussler, Efficiency of homeopathic drug combinations for the treatment of sinusitis results of a randomized double-blind study with general practitioners (1989) Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 39, pp. 620-625Antibacterial activity of some medicinal plants from Nigeria (1993) Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 39, pp. 69-7

    Gastric Antiulcerogenic Effects Of Dalbergia Monetaria L. In Rats

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    The antiucerogenic activity of Dalbergia monetaria L. (Leguminosae-Fabaceae) lyophilized aqueous extract (LAE) was studied in four models of gastric ulcers in rats. LAE showed a dose dependent inhibition of gastric lesions induced by indomethacin, ethanol, pylorous ligature and hypothermic-restraint stress. LAE extract was more effective against hypothermic-restraint stress-induced lesions and less effective against indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal damage. The effectiveness on the ethanol and pylorus ligature induced gastric lesions was equivalent. On the other hand, LAE did not modify mucus secretion in gastric lesions induced by stress, The oral administration of LAE did not produce any toxicity signals until 5 g/kg. Proanthyanidins present in this species are phenolic compounds that inhibit the histidine decarboxylase enzyme. Thus, the mechanism involved in the reduction of ulcerative lesions of rat gastric mucosa produced by the LAE of D, monetaria may be related to its property of inhibiting histamine production.114314316Carlini, E.A., Braz, S., (1988) Estudo de Ação Antiulcera Gástrica de Plantas Brasileiras (Maytenus Ilicifolia - Esphinheria Santa-e Outras), pp. 21-35. , CEME, Brazilia, DFCorne, S.J., Morrisey, S.M., Woods, R.J., A method for the quantitative estimation of gastric barrier mucus (1974) J. Physiol., 242, pp. 116-117Fewtrell, C.M.S., Gomperts, B.D., Effect of flavone inhibitors of transport ATPases on histamine secretion from mast cells (1977) Nature (London), 265, pp. 635-636Guth, P.H., Hall, P., Microcirculatory and mast cell change in restraint-induced gastric ulcer (1960) Gastroenterology, 50, pp. 562-569Hayden, L.J., Thomas, G., West, G.B., Inhibitors of gastric lesions in the rat (1978) J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 30, pp. 244-246Koo, M.W.L., Ogle, C.W., Cho, C.H., Effect of verapamil, carbenoxolone and N-acetyl cysteine on gastric wall mucus and ulceration in stressed rats (1986) Pharmacology, 32, pp. 326-334Levine, R.J., A method for rapid production of stress ulcers in rats (1971) Peptic Ulcer, pp. 92-97. , ed. by C. J. Pfeiffer, Munksgaard, CopenhagenLevine, R.J., Senay, E.L., Histamine in the pathogenesis of stress ulcers in the rat (1968) Am. J. Physiol., 214, pp. 892-898Nunes, D.S., Haag, A., Bestmann, H.J., Two proanthocyanidins from the bark of Dalbergia monetaria (1989) Phytochemistry, 28, pp. 2183-2186Oates, P.J., Hakkinen, J.P., Studies on the mechanism of ethanol-induced gastric damage in rats (1988) Gastroenterology, 94, pp. 10-21Parmar, N.S., Ghosh, M.N., Gastric anti-ulcer activity of (+)-cyanidanol-3, a histidine decarboxylase inhibitor (1981) Eur. J. Pharmacol., 69, pp. 25-32Reimann, H.J., Lorenz, W., Fisher, M., Frolich, B., Meyer, H.J., Schmal, A., Histamine and acute hemorrhagic lesions in rat gastric mucosa: Prevention of stress ulcer formation by (+)-catechin, an inhibitor of specific histidine decarboxylase in vitro (1977) Agents and Actions, 77, pp. 69-73Shay, H., Komarov, S.A., Fels, S.S., Meranze, D., Grunstein, M., Siplet, H., A simple method for the uniform production of gastric ulceration in the rat (1945) Gastroenterology, 5, pp. 43-61Souza Brito, A.R.M., (1995) Manual de Ensaios Toxicológicos 'In Vivo', 122p. , Ed. Unicamp, CampinasSzabo, S., Mechanisms of mucosal injury in the stomach and duodenum: Time-sequence analysis of morphologic, functional, biochemical and histochemical studies (1987) Scand. J. Gasteroenterol., 22 (127 SUPPL.), pp. 21-28Szelenyi, I., Thiemer, K., Distention ulcer as a model for testing of drugs for ulcerogenic side effects (1978) Arch. Toxicol., 41, pp. 99-102Vogin, E.E., Rossi, G.V., Biofiavonoids in experimental ulceration (1961) J. Am. Pharmacol. Ass. (Sci. Edn.), 50, pp. 14-17Yamamoto, O., Okada, Y., Okabe, S., Effects of a proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, on gastric secretion and gastric and duodenal ulcers or erosions in rats (1984) Dig. Dis. Sci., 29, pp. 394-40

    Petiveria Alliacea L. Extract Protects Mice Against Listeria Monocytogenes Infection - Effects On Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells

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    In this study we have investigated the effects of Petiveria alliacea on the hematopoietic response of mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes. Our results demonstrate a protective effect of the crude extract of P. alliacea since the survival of the treated/infected was higher than that in the infected group. Moreover, the number of granulocyte/macrophage colonies (CFU- GM) and the serum colony stimulating activity levels were increased in the treated/infected mice in relation to the infected group. These results suggest an immunomodulation of Petiveria alliacea extract on hematopoiesis, which may be responsible, at least in part, for the increased resistance of mice to Listeria monocytogenes infection.211109124Germano, D.H.P., Caldeira, T.T.O., Mazella, A.A.G., Sertie, J.A.A., Bacchi, E.M., Topical anti-inflammatory activity and toxicity of petiveria alliacea (1993) Fitoterapia, 64, pp. 459-462Rossi, V., Jovicevic, L., Troiani, M.P., Bonanomi, M., Mazzanti, G., Antiproliferative effects of petiveria alliacea on several tumor cell lines (1990) Pharmacological Research, 22, p. 434Jovicevic, L., Troiani, M.P., Capezzone De Joannon, A., Saso, L., Mazzanti, G., Rossi, V., In vitro antiproliferative activity of petiveria alliacea L. on several tumor cell lines (1993) Pharmacological Research, 27, pp. 105-106Marini, S., Jovicevic, L., Milanese, C., Giardina, B., Tentori, L., Leone, M.G., Rossi, V., Effects of petiveria alliacea L. on cytokine production and natural killer cell activity (1993) Pharmacological Research, 27, pp. 107-108Rossi, V., Marini, S., Jovicevic, L., D'Atri, S., Turri, M., Giardina, B., Effects of petiveria alliacea L. on cell immunity (1993) Pharmacological Research, 27, pp. 111-112Mackaness, G.B., Cellular resistance to infection (1962) J. 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    Effects Of Prolonged Administration Of Musa Paradisiaca L. (banana), An Antiulcerogenic Substance, In Rats

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    In Brazil, unripe banana as well as the latex obtained from the top of the inflorescence are popularly used in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcers, especially in the poorest regions. However, adverse effects in fasted subjects treated with unripe banana have been described. Thus, the antiulcerogenic effects of Brazilian banana samples and possible toxic effects of prolonged administration of unripe banana in rats were studied. The analysed samples of Musa paradisiaca showed antiulcer effects in all models employed. Moreover, following 5 weeks of oral treatment with unripe powdered banana, small alterations in some haematologic and biochemical parameters were observed. No significant differences were observed on evaluated physiological parameters. These results provide evidence that treatment with unripe banana is acceptable and could be recommended by official health authorities.1112831Best, R., Lewis, D.A., Nasser, N., The anti-ulcerogenic activity of the unripe plantain banana (Musa species) (1984) Br J. Clin. Pharmacol., 82, pp. 107-116Black, J.W., Fisher, E.W., Smith, A.N., The effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on gastric secretion in anesthetized dogs (1958) J. Physiol., 141, pp. 27-34Bülbring, E., Lln, R.C.Y., Effect of intraluminal application of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine on peristalsis - The local production of 5-HT and its release in relation to intraluminal pressure and propulsive activity (1958) J. Physiol., 140, pp. 381-407Cornish, H.H., Problems posed by observations of serum enzyme changes in toxicology (1971) Crit. Rev. Toxicol., 1, pp. 1-32Elliot, R.C., Heward, E.J.F., The influence of a banana supplemented diet on gastric ulcers in mice (1976) Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 8, pp. 167-171Faulkner, W.R., King, J.W., Renal function (1976) Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, , ed. by N. Tietz. W. B. Saunders, PhiladelphiaGad, S.C., Weil, C.S., Statistics for lexicologists (1994) Principles and Methods of Toxicology, 7, pp. 221-274. , 3rd edn., ed. by A. Wallace Hayes, Raven Press, New YorkImafidon, G.I., Sosulski, F.W., Nucleic acid nitrogen of animal and plants foods (1990) J. Agric. Food Chem., 38, pp. 118-120Levine, R.J., A method for rapid production of stress ulcers in rats (1971) Peptic Ulcer, pp. 92-97. , ed. by C. J. Pfeiffer, Munskgaard, CopenhagenMorimoto, Y., Shimohara, K., Oshima, S., Sukamoto, T., Effects of the new anti-ulcer agent KB-5492 on experimental gastric mucosal lesions and gastric mucosal defensive factors, as compared to those of terpenone and cimetidine (1991) Jpn J. Pharmcol., 57, pp. 495-505Murakami, M., Lam, S.K., Inada, M., Gpode, K.D., Pathophysiology and pathogensis of acute gastric mucosal lesions after hypothermic restraint stress in rats (1985) Gastroenterology, 88, pp. 660-665Oliveira Lima, A., Soares, J.B., Greco, J.B., Galizzi, J., Cançado, J.R., Hematologia (1985) Métodos de Laboratório Aplicados à Clínica-Técnica e Interpretaçäo, , Ed. Guanabara, Rio de JaneiroRobert, A., Nezamis, J.E., Lancaster, C., Hanchar, A.J., Cytoprotection by prostaglandins in rats. Prevention of gastric necrosis produced by alcohol, HCl, NaOH, hypertonic NaCl and thermal injury (1979) Gastroenterology, 77, pp. 433-443Sanyal, A.K., Gupta, K.K., Chowdhury, N.K., Banana and experimental peptic ulcer (1963) J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1, pp. 283-284Shibata, K., Onodera, M., High-performance liquid chromatographic measurement of serotonin in food (1992) Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi, 66 (6), pp. 1013-1015Souza Brito, A.R.M., (1995) Manual de Ensaios Toxicolgicos "in Vivo", pp. 31-40. , Ed. Unicamp, CampinasSuber, R.L., Clinical pathology methods for toxicology studies (1994) Principles and Methods of Toxicology, , ed. by A. W. Hayes. Raven Press, New YorkSzabo, S., Mechanisms of mucosal injury in the stomach and duodenum: Time sequence analysis of morphologic, functional, biochemical and histochemical studies (1987) Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 22 (127 SUPPL.), pp. 21-28Szelenyi, I., Thiemer, K., Distention ulcer as a model for testing of drugs for ulcerogenic side effects (1978) Arch. Toxicol., 41, pp. 99-105Vieira, L.S., (1992) Fitoterapia da Amazônia: Manual de Plantas Medicinais, p. 57. , Ed. Ceres, São PauloWeil, C.S., Guidelines for experiments to predict the degree of safety of a material for man (1972) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 21, pp. 194-199Yamamoto, O., Okada, Y., Okabe, S., Effects of a proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, on gastric secretion and gastric and duodenal ulcers or erosions in rats (1984) Diges. Dis. Sci., 29, pp. 394-401Young, D.S., Pestaner, L.C., Gibberman, V., Effects of drugs on clinical laboratory tests (1975) Clin. Chem., 21 (5), pp. 1-43

    Anti-ulcerogenic Mechanisms Of A Lyophilized Aqueous Extract Of Dalbergia Monetaria L. In Rats, Mice And Guinea-pigs

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    The decoction of Dalbergia monetaria L. is popularly used in Brazil for the treatment of gastric ulcer and the lyophilized aqueous extract (LAE) of D. monetaria has significant anti-ulcerogenic activity and inhibits gastric ulcer lesions induced by pylorus-ligature, ethanol and hypothermic-restraint stress. This work was conducted to identify the anti-ulcerogenic mechanisms of action of the LAE of D. monetaria. We analysed the effect of the LAE on prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis and on the characteristics (pH, volume and total acid content) of gastric juice. The antagonism between the LAE and histamine or carbachol was also analysed. The LAE increased gastric mucosal PGE2 synthesis compared with control (89.7 ± 21.5 and 52.6 ± 11.8 pg mg-1 respectively) as assayed by enzyme immunoassay in the rat stomach. The LAE reduced the total acid content of gastric juice, but did not modify pH or gastric volume significantly, in Shay rats. Dose-response curves to histamine were shifted to the right in guinea-pig isolated right atria (pD2 values were 5.77 ± 0.2 and 5.42 ± 0.3, respectively, in the absence and presence of the LAE), with a significant reduction in maximum response (140 ± 15.1 and 98 ± 13.0, respectively). The same effect was observed when the agonist was isoprenaline. The LAE had no effect on the dose-response curve to carbachol in rat fundus strips. Thus, the protective effect of the LAE on induced gastric lesions might be because of synergistic effects, e.g. increased PGE2 synthesis and antagonism of H2 histamine and β-adrenergic receptors, reducing gastric acid secretion. Increased PGE2 synthesis results in increased protection, and antagonism of H2 histamine and β-adrenergic receptors reduces aggressive factors against the gastric mucosa.516735740Andersson, K., Cabero, J.L., Hakanson, R., Gastric acid secretion after depletion of enterochromaffin-like cell histamine. 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Med., 67, pp. 81-95Shay, H., Komarov, S.A., Fels, S.S., Meranze, D., Gruenstein, M., Siplet, H., A simple method for the uniform production of gastric ulceration in rats (1945) Gastroenterology, 5, pp. 43-61Souza Brito, A.R.M., Cota, R.H.S., Nunes, D.S., Gastric anti-ulcerogenic effects of Dalbergia monetaria L. in rats (1997) Phytother. Res., 11, pp. 314-316Sun, D.C.H., Etiology and pathology of peptic ulcer (1974) Gastroenterology, pp. 579-610. , Bockus, H. I. (ed.) W. B. Saunders, PhiladelphiaSun, S.B., Matsumoto, T., Yamada, H., Effect of polysaccharide fraction from the roots of Bupleurum falcatum L. on experimental gastric ulcer models in rats and mice (1991) J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 43, pp. 699-704Threvethick, M.A., Oakley, I., Clayton, N.M., Strong, P., Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastric damage in experimental animals: Underlying pathological mechanisms (1995) Gen. Pharmacol., 26, pp. 1455-1459Vane, J.R., A sensitive method for the assay of 5-hydroxytryptamine (1957) Br. J. Pharmacol. Chemother., 12, pp. 344-349Wallace, J.L., Granger, D.N., The cellular and molecular basis of gastric mucosal defence (1996) FASEB J., 10, pp. 731-740Wallace, J.L., Keenan, C.M., Granger, D.N., Gastric ulceration induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is a neutrophil-dependent process (1990) Am. J. Physiol., 259, pp. G462-G46

    Antiulcerogenic Activity Of Ethanol Extract Of Solanum Variabile (false "jurubeba")

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    The ethanol extract (EE) of the aerial parts of Solanum variabile Mart. (Solanaceae) was investigated for its ability to prevent ulceration of the gastric and duodenal mucosa at different doses. Its ability to heal chronic ulcer processes was also evaluated. When the HCl/ethanol solution was used to induce gastric ulcer, the EE produced a significant dose-dependent reduction of lesion formation of 51, 74 and 89%, at doses of 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg, respectively. The 100 mg/kg dose had no significant activity. The EE also significantly reduced the gastric lesions induced by the combination of indomethacin and bethanechol (60 and 72%) at doses of 500 and 1000 mg/kg and also reduced stress-induced gastric ulcer (41%) but only at the doses of 1000 mg/g (P<0.05). The pylorus-ligature experiment demonstrated that the highest EE dose affected significantly the gastric juice parameters by increasing pH values from 4.08 (negative control) to 5.42 and decreasing acid output from 7.16 (negative control) to 4.26 mEq. mL, 4 h. A decrease of gastric contents from 370 mg (negative control) to 240 mg was also observed. The results obtained in the chronic gastric ulcer model indicated that a single oral dose of Solanum variabile (1000 mg/kg) administered for 14 consecutive days accelerated the ulcer healing by 46% compared to a 55% effect of cimetidine. Also, at the dose of 1000 mg/kg, the EE inhibited the onset of duodenal lesions by 64%. The data suggest that the EE of Solanum variabile has a significant preventive, curative and duodenal anti-ulcer effect. © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.9318388(1972) Flora Paulista, p. 74. , Boletin no. 13, São PauloCôrrea Pio, M., (1984) Dicionário de Plantas Úteis Do Brasil e Das Exóticas Cultivadas, 4, p. 573. , Ministério da AgriculturaHalter, F., Schmassmann, A., Tarnawski, A., Healing of experimental gastric ulcers - Interference by gastric acid (1995) Digestive Disease Sciences, 40, pp. 2481-2486Hunt, H.R., Cederberg, C., Dent, J., Halter, F., Howden, C., Marks, S.I.N., Rune, S., Walt, R.P., Optimizing acid suppression for treatment of acid-related diseases (1995) Digestive Disease Sciences, 40, pp. 24s-49sIto, M., Segami, T., Inagguma, K., Suzuki, Y., Cimetidine and omeprazole accelerate gastric ulcer healing by an increase in gastrin secretion (1994) European Journal of Pharmacology, 263, pp. 251-259Leitão Filho, H.F., (1972) Plantas Invasoras de Cultura, 549p. , Ministério da Agricultura, HUCITEC, São PauloLevine, R.J., A method for rapid production of stress ulcers in rats (1971) Peptic Ulcer, pp. 92-97. , Pfeiffer, C.J. 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    Gastroprotective effect of essential oil from Croton cajucara Benth. (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Rodriguez, J. Instituto de Biologia, Universidad de Talca, Talca, ChileThe gastroprotective activity of the essential oil from the bark of Croton cajucara Benth (Euphorbiaceae) was assessed in three different models of experimentally induced gastric ulcer in mice. At oral dose of 100 mg/kg the essential oil reduced gastric lesions induced by hypothermic restraint stress and HCl/ethanol significantly. In the HCl/ethanol model a dose-dependent gastroprotective effect was found. Moreover, significant changes in gastric parameters such as pH, secretion rate and total gastric acid were found after intraduodenal administration of essential oil under ligated pylorus (Shay) conditions. The acute toxicity of essential oil was assessed in mice. The LD50 values were 9.3 and 680 mg/kg for oral and intraperitoneal administrations, respectively. The cytotoxicity of essential oil was studied also. A dose-dependent cell viability inhibition was found in V79 fibroblast cell cultures with an IC50 of 22.9 μg/ml. Our results support the pharmacological study of this essential oil

    Strychnos L. da América do Sul e Central

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    Uma revisão do perfil químico e farmacológico é apresentada de espécies de Strychnos (Loganiaceae) ocorrentes na América do Sul e Central, incluindo o uso popular, as substâncias isoladas e suas atividades biológicas.A review of the chemical and pharmacological profile of Strychnos species (Loganiaceae) found in South and in Central America is presented. It includes the folk uses, the isolated compounds as well as the pharmacological activities as reported in the literature.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES