7 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamics in the mid-field plume region of the Rhine ROFI

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    River plumes, also regions of freshwater influence , are important features to understand because of their impact on the current structure, stratification and the transport of fine sediments, nutrients and contaminants. One important river plume is the Rhine ROFI. Prior studies have sought to understand far-field dynamics where cross-shore straining is dominant (Simpson & Souza, 1995; Souza & Simpson,1995; De Boer et al., 2008). However, less is known about the mid-field region of this river plume, where fronts matter as well. Here we use field observations from a 6 week measurement campaign in fall 2014 to investigate the dynamics of the mid-field region of het Rhine ROFI. We will focus on the interaction between far-field processes, such as tidal straining, and near field processes, such as fronts. The Rhine ROFI is of interest because the Dutch coast has been modified by extending the Port of Rotterdam and the construction of the Sand Engine that extends into the southern North Sea. These perturbations might impact the currents, the ROFI and the distribution of fine sediment, nutrients and contaminants. Therefore, the understanding of this is of importance. During September and October 2014, a large field observational campaign was conducted off the Dutch coast close to the sand Engine, 10 km north of the river outflow. Measurements were made at two locations, 2 and 5.5 km offshore (see Figure 1). Moorings, with Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) and Optical Backscatter (OBS) instruments at different depths, were deployed to obtain vertical profiles of salinity and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC). In addition, at each location a bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measured vertical velocity profiles. Radar images of the area were used to gain surface information, specifically about frontal propagation in the vicinity of the measurement locations. The weather conditions were highly variable during the six week period. There were very calm periods, but also storms, which completely destroyed stratification. The wind direction changed during the campaign as well. In addition to the data, numerical modelling with a 3D hydrostatic model will be used to gain information of the entire mid-field plume.Environmental Fluid Mechanic

    The Influence of Tide and Wind on the Propagation of Fronts in a Shallow River Plume

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    In this study we used field data and radar images to investigate the influence of winds and tides on the propagation of tidal plume fronts. The measurements were collected in a shallow shelf region off the Dutch coast, 10 km north of the Rhine River mouth, and they clearly show the passage of distinct freshwater lenses and associated fronts at the surface that propagate all the way to the coastline. These fronts are observed as a sudden drop in near-surface salinity, accompanied by high cross-shore shear with onshore velocities at the surface. We determined the arrival time to our measurement site, frontal propagation speed, and structure of the fronts by combining the in situ data and radar images. Frontal Froude numbers show a wide range of values, with an average of 0.44. Our results show that fronts during spring tides are thinner, more mixed, and move faster relative to the ground during calm spring tides when compared to calm neap tides. Downwelling winds during spring tides result in thicker and faster fronts; however, the intrinsic frontal propagation speed indicates that the wind and tide control the frontal propagation mainly due to advection rather than by changing the frontal structure. Strong return currents in the near-bed layer resulting from fast and thick fronts increase near-bed turbulence and bed stresses. These high stresses suggest that the passage of fronts in shallow coastal areas can initiate sediment resuspension and contribute to transport processes.Environmental Fluid Mechanic

    The formation of turbidity maximum zones by minor axis tidal straining in regions of freshwater influence

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    This study investigates the influence of tidal straining in the generation of turbidity maximum zones (TMZ), which are observed to extend for tens of kilometers along some shallow, open coastal seas. Idealized numerical simulations are conducted to reproduce the cross-shore dynamics and tidal straining in regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs), where elliptical current patterns are generated by the interaction between stratification and a tidal Kelvin wave. Model results show that tidal straining leads to cross-shore sediment convergence and the formation of a nearshore TMZ that is detached from the coastline. The subtidal landward sediment fluxes are created by asymmetries in vertical mixing between the stratifying and destratifying phases of the tidal cycle. This process is similar to the tidal straining mechanism that is observed in estuaries, except that in this case the convergence zone and TMZ are parallel to the shoreline and perpendicular to both the direction of the freshwater flux and the major axis of the tidal flow. We introduce the term minor axis tidal straining (MITS) to describe the tidal straining in these systems and to differentiate it from the tidal straining that occurs when the major axis of the tidal ellipse is aligned with the density gradient. The occurrence of tidal straining and the coastal TMZ is predicted in terms of the Simpson (Si) and Stokes (Stk) numbers, and top–bottom tidal ellipticity difference (∆ε). Based on our results, we find that SiStk2 > 3 and ∆ε > 0.5 provide a limiting condition for the required density gradients and latitudes for the occurrence of MITS and the generation of a TMZ.Environmental Fluid Mechanic

    The Evolution of Plume Fronts in the Rhine Region of Freshwater Influence

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    The Rhine region of freshwater influence (ROFI) is strongly stratified, rotational, relatively shallow and has large tides, resulting in a dynamic field of fronts that are formed by multiple processes. We use a 3D numerical model to obtain a conceptual picture of the frontal structure and the processes responsible for generating this multiple front structure in the Rhine ROFI. The horizontal salinity gradient and numerical tracers are used to identify three different types of fronts: outer, inner, tidal plume and relic tidal plume fronts. Tidal plume front (TPF) trajectories together with the tracers demonstrate that TPFs exist for longer than one tidal cycle. A Lagrangian frontogenesis analysis shows that the fronts are strengthened mainly as a result of increased convergence, which is observed to occur at times when tidal straining is large. Additionally the alongshore tidal excursion and the dominance of the tidal currents over the intrinsic frontal propagation speed, trap TPFs within 20 km from the river mouth. Trapping and re-strengthening maintain several fronts at a time in the mid-field region, resulting in a multi-frontal system. The observation of a complex river plume system is expected to be important for cross-shore exchange, transport and coastal ecology.Environmental Fluid Mechanic

    Cross-shore stratified tidal flow seaward of a mega-nourishment

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    The Sand Engine is a 21.5 million m3 experimental mega-nourishment project that was built in 2011 along the Dutch coast. This intervention created a discontinuity in the previous straight sandy coastline, altering the local hydrodynamics in a region that is influenced by the buoyant plume generated by the Rhine River. This work investigates the response of the cross-shore stratified tidal flow to the coastal protrusion created by the Sand Engine emplacement by using a 13 h velocity and density survey. Observations document the development of strong baroclinic-induced cross-shore exchange currents dictated by the intrusion of the river plume fronts as well as the classic tidal straining which are found to extend further into the nearshore (from 12 to 6m depth), otherwise believed to be a mixed zone. Estimates of the centrifugal acceleration directly after construction of the Sand Engine showed that the curvature effects were approximately 2 times stronger, suggesting that the Sand Engine might have played a role in controlling the cross-shore exchange currents during the first three years after the completion of the nourishment. Presently, the curvature effects are minute.Coastal EngineeringEnvironmental Fluid Mechanic

    Observations of Multiple Internal Wave Packets in a Tidal River Plume

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    Remotely sensed images document the occurrence of multiple packets of internal solitary waves (ISWs) in the Rhine River plume at the same time. We use a combination of field observations, and non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic modeling to understand the processes that lead to the generation and retention of multiple ISW packets within the Rhine plume. Previous numerical modeling shows that the tidal plume front is trapped in the mid-field plume for more than one tidal cycle due to tidal straining and recirculation within the plume, resulting in the presence of multiple fronts in the near-and mid-field plume regions. In this work, we show how variations in the strength of these fronts can lead to the release of ISW packets. We conclude that the retention of the fronts in the mid-field region of the plume and modulation in the strength of the fronts can explain the presence of multiple ISW packets. A frontal Froude number analysis shows that fronts generated during the previous ebb tide can release ISWs in addition to the newly released tidal plume front.Environmental Fluid Mechanic