903 research outputs found

    Quantum Erasure by Transverse Indistinguishability

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    We show that the first experiment with double-slits and twin photons detected in coincidence can be understood as a quantum eraser. The ``which path'' information is erased by transverse indistinguishability obtained by means of mode filtering in the twin conjugated beam. A delayed choice quantum eraser based on the same scheme is proposed.Comment: Submitted for publication in Optics Communication

    Image and Coherence Transfer in the Stimulated Down-conversion Process

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    The intensity transverse profile of the light produced in the process of stimulated down-conversion is derived. A quantum-mechanical treatment is used. We show that the angular spectrum of the pump laser can be transferred to the stimulated down-converted beam, so that images can also be transferred from the pump to the down-converted beam. We also show that the transfer can occur from the stimulating beam to the down-converted one. Finally, we study the process of diffraction through an arbitrarily shaped screen. For the special case of a double-slit, the interference pattern is explicitly obtained. The visibility for the spontaneous emitted light is in accordance with the van Cittert - Zernike theorem for incoherent light, while the visibility for the stimulated emitted light is unity. The overall visibility is in accordance with previous experimental results

    On The Biphoton Wavelength

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    We report on an experiment showing that the wavelength of a biphoton is clearly dependent on the measurement scheme and on the way it is defined. It is shown that it can take any value, depending on the control of the interferometer phase differences. It is possible to identify the interference of the single and two-photon wavepackets as particular cases of the most general interference process. The variable wavelength has no implication on the energy of the individual photons neither on the total energy of the biphoton

    Image formation by manipulation of the entangled angular spectrum

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    We demonstrate theoretical and experimentally how it is possible to manipulate an entangled angular spectrum of twin beams, in order to reconstruct correlated images with coincidence detection. The entangled angular spectrum comes from the pump and the image is obtained only if signal and idler are properly treated.Comment: Submitted for publication in Optics Communication

    Quantum Distillation Of Position Entanglement With The Polarization Degrees Of Freedom

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    Sources of entangled photon pairs using two parametric down-converters are capable of generating interchangeable entanglement in two different degrees of freedom. The connection between these two degrees of freedom allows the control of the entanglement properties of one, by acting on the other degree of freedom. We demonstrate experimentally, the quantum distillation of the position entanglement using polarization analyzers.Comment: Submitted for publication in Optics Communication

    Scaling Function, Universality and Analytical Solutions of Generalized One-Species Population Dynamics Models

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    We consider several one-species population dynamics model with finite and infinite carrying capacity, time dependent growth and effort rates and solve them analytically. We show that defining suitable scaling functions for a given time, one is able to demonstrate that their ratio with respect to its initial value is universal. This ratio is independent from the initial condition and from the model parameters. Although the effort rate does not break the model universality it produces a transition between the species extinction and survival. A general formula is furnished to obtain the scaling functions.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figure

    Control of conditional pattern with polarization entanglement

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    Conditional interference patterns can be obtained with twin photons from spontaneous parametric down-conversion and the phase of the pattern can be controlled by the relative transverse position of the signal and idler detectors. Using a configuration that produces entangled photons in both polarization and transverse momentum we report on the control of the conditional patterns by acting on the polarization degree of freedom.Comment: Submitted for publication in Optics Communication
