3 research outputs found
Stomatin is mis-trafficked in the erythrocytes of overhydrated hereditary stomatocytosis, and is absent from normal primitive yolk sac-derived erythrocytes
- Author
- Anstee D.J.
- Avent N.
- Bertrand C.A.
- Bindon C.I.
- Britta Fricke
- Chabanne L.
- Daniels G.L.
- Dong J.T.
- Durand C.
- Fambrough D.M.
- Feuk-Lagerstedt E.
- Gisela Knopfle
- Gordon W. Stewart
- Lande W.M.
- Leder A.
- Lock S.P.
- Mallinson G.
- Mawby W.J.
- Meadow S.R.
- Monika During
- Parsons S.F.
- Parsons S.F.
- Peault B.
- Rotin D.
- Shimoyama Y.
- Smythe J.S.
- Snyers L.
- Southcott M.J.
- Spring F.A.
- Stephen F. Parsons
- Stewart G.W.
- Tavian M.
- Tavian M.
- Theil E.C.
- Vallet V.
- Wojda U.
- Yauch R.L.
- Zhu L.
- Zhu Y.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A new specimen ofWeinbergina opitzi (Chelicerata: Xiphosura) from the Lower Devonian Hunsriick Slate, Germany
- Author
- A. Glass
- B. Stürtz
- C. Bartels
- C. Bartels
- C. Bartels
- C. Bartels
- Christoph Bartels
- D.E.G. Briggs
- D.G. Mikulic
- Derek E. G. Briggs
- E. Eichwald
- G. Scholl
- G.O. Evans
- H.B. Whittington
- J.A. Dunlop
- J.W. Shultz
- J.W. Shultz
- K. Vilpoux
- L. Størmer
- L. Størmer
- L.I. Anderson
- L.I. Anderson
- M.J. Roberts
- N. Eldredge
- O.E. Sutcliffe
- O.E. Sutcliffe
- P.A. Selden
- P.R. Racheboeuf
- R. Richter
- R.A. Moore
- R.V. Southcott
- Rachel A. Moore
- T. Schindler
- T. Yamasaki
- U. Dittmar
- W. Stürmer
- W. Stürmer
- W. Stürmer
- W.M. Lehmann
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Plant and Animal Toxins
- Author
- Aitchison J.M
- Almallah Z.
- Anderluh G.
- Andrews R.K.
- Arocha-Pinango C.L.
- Arthur C.K.
- Auerbach P.S.
- Babcock J.L.
- Baden H.P.
- Baskova I.P.
- Beazley R.N
- Bee M
- Biberoglu S.
- Bjarnason J.B.
- Bornmann J
- Breton P.
- Bronstein A.C.
- Brown S.G.A.
- Burnett J.W.
- Caldwell J.P
- Campbell J.A.
- Carmichael W.W.
- Chajek T.
- Chippaux J.P.
- Christensen P.A.
- Constanza D.J.
- Covacevich J.
- Currie B.J.
- Daly J.W.
- Davies N.W.
- Degado Q.A.
- Dos-Santos M.C.
- El
- Exton D.R
- Fautin D.G
- Feitsosa L.
- Fenner P.J.
- FitzSimons D.C.
- Flowers A.L.
- Fry B.G.
- Garnier P.
- Ginsburg C.M
- Gomes A.
- Gomes A.
- Greene H.W.
- Haddad
- Haight K.L.
- Halstead B.W.
- Halstead B.W.
- Harvey A.L.
- Harvey A.L.
- Heatwole H.
- Hill R.E.
- Hillyard P.
- Hoffman D.R
- Hooser S.B.
- Hudson M.J
- Jentsch T.J.
- Jones E.C
- Juzans P.
- Kalmanzon E.
- Kawamoto F.
- Kazuhiro O.
- Kem W.R.
- King G.
- Kitchens C.S.
- Kizer K.W.
- Koruk S.T.
- Kreger A.S.
- Kunkel D.B.
- Kwan T.
- Lamdin J.M.
- Lampe K.F.
- Lent C
- Logan J.L.
- Long-Rowe K.O.
- Lopes-Ferreira M.
- Lumley J.
- Lyttle T.
- Mann J.W.
- Maretic Z.
- Maretic Z.
- Marques A.C.
- McKinstry D.M
- Mebs D.
- Mebs D.
- Minton S.A
- Minton S.A.
- Monastyrnaya M.M.
- Mortari M.R
- Muir A.D.
- O'Shea M.
- Oehme F.W.
- Ogawa H.
- Panter K.E.
- Perriere C.
- Platnick N.I.
- Radwan F.F.Y.
- Ramon M.F.
- Reid H.A
- Rodrigues R.J.
- Russell F.E.
- Russell F.E.
- Russell F.E.
- Russell F.E.
- Shiomi K.
- Smith J.L.B.
- Smith M.M.
- Smith S.V.
- Sosa-Rosales J.I.
- Southcott R.V
- Southern D.A.
- Stein M.R.
- Stille' A.
- Stocker K.F.
- Sutherland S.K
- Tu A.T
- Tu A.T.
- United States Department of Agriculture. Plants poisonous 31. Kini R.M. Excitement ahead
- Usmanov P.B.
- Warrell D.A.
- Watson G.M.
- Watson J.T.
- Williamson J.A.
- Wu M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study