3 research outputs found


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    As the volume and complexity of health information continue to increase, it is essential to develop devices in the context of science-based research that define more concise method steps and provide professionals with better access to elucidated evidence. The Integrative Literature method is basically an evidence-based practice (EBP) tool. The origin of EBP is related to the work of epidemiologist Archie Cochrane, and is characterized by an approach directed towards clinical care and teaching based on knowledge and the quality of evidence. The authors of this study collected data from secondary sources through a bibliographical survey, which was complemented by their own experiences acquired in carrying out an integrative review. Conducting a bibliographical research is considered one of the most effective ways to start a study, as it allows identifying similarities and differences. To perform a comprehensive literature survey, the following databases were examined: LILACS and Medline. The search for reference works was carried out using the following descriptors and their combinations in Portuguese and English: methodology, methods, literature review, integrative review, nursing research and evidence-based health. The inclusion and exclusion criteria, established to determine which scientific works would be studied, consisted of the following modes: the works should have been published in English, Spanish or Portuguese; they should be complete articles pertaining to the specific theme of the integrative review; and must have been published and indexed in the relevant databases within the last decade. The evaluation of the chosen studies, with regard to their design, was carried out using the references developed by Polit, Beck, Hungler, Lo Biondo-Wood and Haber. The data collected in these studies were analyzed and synthesized together. the purpose of this study is to illustrate the various steps involved in an integrative review and the pertinent factors that must be taken into account. Therefore, using this crucial resource for methodological purposes is imperative.À medida que o volume e a complexidade da informação na área da saúde continuam a aumentar, é fundamental desenvolver dispositivos no contexto da investigação baseada na ciência que definam etapas do método mais concisas e proporcionem aos profissionais melhor acesso a evidências elucidadas. O método da Literatura integrativa é basicamente uma ferramenta de prática baseada em evidências (PBE). A origem da PBE está relacionada ao trabalho do epidemiologista Archie Cochrane, e caracteriza-se por uma abordagem direcionada para o atendimento clínico e no ensino baseado no conhecimento e na qualidade das evidências. Os autores deste estudo coletaram dados de fontes secundárias por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, que foi complementado por experiências próprias adquiridas na realização de uma revisão integrativa. A realização de uma pesquisa bibliográfica é considerada uma das formas mais eficazes de iniciar um estudo, pois permite identificar semelhanças e diferenças. Para realizar um levantamento abrangente da literatura, foram examinadas as seguintes bases de dados: LILACS e Medline. A busca de trabalhos de referência foi realizada utilizando os seguintes descritores e suas combinações em português e inglês: metodologia, métodos, revisão de literatura, revisão integrativa, pesquisa em enfermagem e saúde baseada em evidências. Os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, estabelecidos para determinar quais trabalhos científicos seriam estudados consistiram nos seguintes modos: os trabalhos deveriam ter sido publicados em inglês, espanhol ou português; deveriam ser artigos completos pertencentes ao tema específico da revisão integrativa; e devem ter sido publicados e indexados nas bases de dados relevantes na última década. A avaliação das pesquisas escolhidas, no que diz respeito ao seu desenho, foi realizada utilizando os referenciais desenvolvidos por Polit, Beck, Hungler, Lo Biondo-Wood e Haber. Os dados coletados nesses estudos foram analisados ​​e sintetizados em conjunto. o objetivo deste estudo é ilustrar as diversas etapas envolvidas em uma revisão integrativa e os fatores pertinentes que devem ser levados em consideração. Pois, utilizar este recurso crucial para fins metodológicos é imperativo

    Anthracnose Controlled by Essential Oils: Are Nanoemulsion-Based Films and Coatings a Viable and Efficient Technology for Tropical Fruit Preservation?

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    Post-harvest diseases can be a huge problem for the tropical fruit sector. These fruits are generally consumed in natura; thus, their integrity and appearance directly affect commercialization and consumer desire. Anthracnose is caused by fungi of the genus Colletotrichum and affects tropical fruits, resulting in lesions that impair their appearance and consumption. Antifungals generally used to treat anthracnose can be harmful to human health, as well as to the environment. Therefore, essential oils (EO) have been investigated as natural biofungicides, successfully controlling anthracnose symptoms. The hydrophobicity, high volatility, and oxidative instability of essential oils limit their direct application; hence, these oils must be stabilized before food application. Distinct delivery systems have already been proposed to protect/stabilize EOs, and nanotechnology has recently reshaped the food application limits of EOs. This review presents robust data regarding nanotechnology application and EO antifungal properties, providing new perspectives to further improve the results already achieved in the treatment of anthracnose. Additionally, it evaluates the current scenario involving the application of EO directly or incorporated in films and coatings for anthracnose treatment in tropical fruits, which is of great importance, especially for those fruits intended for exportation that may have a prolonged shelf life