12 research outputs found

    Strong gravitational lensing across dilaton anti-de Sitter black hole

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    In this work we investigate gravitational lensing effect in strong field region around a dilaton black holes in an anti de Sitter (ADS) space. We also analyse the dependence of the radius of the photon sphere and deflection angle on dilaton coupling and cosmological constant in this black hole space time. Finally the values of minimum impact parameter, the separation between the first and the other images as well as the ratio between the flux of the first image and the flux coming from all the other images are determined to characterize some possible distinct signatures of such black holes.Comment: 8 pages and 3 figures. Accepted in Physical Review

    Matter-gravity interaction in a multiply warped braneworld,

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    The role of a bulk graviton in predicting the signature of extra dimensions through collider-based experiments is explored in the context of a multiply warped spacetime. In particular it is shown that in a doubly warped braneworld model, the presence of the sixth dimension, results in enhanced concentration of graviton Kaluza Klein (KK) modes compared to that obtained in the usual 5-dimensional Randall-Sundrum model. Also, the couplings of these massive graviton KK modes with the matter fields on the visible brane turn out to be appreciably larger than that in the corresponding 5- dimensional model. The significance of these results are discussed in the context of KK graviton search at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Comment: 13 pages, 2 table

    The Raychaudhuri equations: a brief review

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    We present a brief review on the Raychaudhuri equations. Beginning with a summary of the essential features of the original article by Raychaudhuri and subsequent work of numerous authors, we move on to a discussion of the equations in the context of alternate non--Riemannian spacetimes as well as other theories of gravity, with a special mention on the equations in spacetimes with torsion (Einstein--Cartan--Sciama--Kibble theory). Finally, we give an overview of some recent applications of these equations in General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory and the theory of relativisitic membranes. We conclude with a summary and provide our own perspectives on directions of future research.Comment: 35 pages, two figures, to appear in the special issue of Pramana dedicated to the memory of A. K. Raychaudhur