1,196 research outputs found

    Effect of PEG on rheology and stability of nanocrystalline titania hydrosols

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    Very stable titania hydrosols were prepared by fast hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide in a large excess of water. XRD patterns show that these sols contain nanocrystals (5–6 nm) of anatase (70%) and brookite (30%). TEM images indicate that these primary particles form aggregates whose mean hydrodynamic diameter, determined by photon correlation spectroscopy, is in the range of 80–90 nm. The flow curves of these colloids, recorded for several volume fractions of nanoparticles, can be perfectly fitted, in the range 0–100 s1, with a power-law model. In this range the behavior is Newtonian but for larger shear rates a shear thinning is observed. The viscosity dependence on particle concentration can be predicted by a Batchelor-type model were the volume fraction of particles is replaced by an effective volume fraction of aggregates, taking into account their fractal dimension. Addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG 2000) induced a marked decrease (more than 50%) of the sol viscosity down to a minimum. This is explained by assuming that PEG adsorbs on the surface of TiO2 particles producing stabilization by steric effects and leading to formation of more compact aggregates. Without PEG the sol viscosity strongly decreases on aging. This effect is not caused by the growth of primary particles. It is rather interpreted as a progressive reorganization of the aggregates toward a more compact packing

    The Imperative for Religious Literacy Evaluation: Context, Key Insights, and Recommendations

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    Religious literacy education is a nascent field. Its proponents make substantial claims about its ability to lead to social change, both in countering negative forces that threaten social cohesion and in producing positive, pro-social changes in attitudes and behaviors. Yet at present, religious literacy educators have little empirical evidence to demonstrate the proposed relationships between religious literacy education and positive social changes in civil society. This report seeks to ameliorate this issue by providing an overview of current research and practices related to the evaluation of religious literacy. There is no one-size-fits all version or approach to religious literacy education—it is a context specific endeavor. Accordingly, there is also no one way to approach its evaluation. In response, this report highlights the challenges and advantages of evaluation, as well as current barriers to the practice. The recommendations, along with the companion guidebook, encourage scholars and practitioners across the field of religious literacy education to begin incorporating more research and evaluation across programs and initiatives

    Revitalization of Female History: An Analysis of Adrienne Rich\u27s Diving into the Wreck and The Dream of a Common Language

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    Of the many important female American poets of the twentieth century, Adrienne Rich is one of the most significant. In her many journals and essays, Rich exposes an ongoing journey of self-discovery, a journey also revealed in her poetry. Her books of poetry Diving into the Wreck and The Dream of a Common Language in particular display a progression of thought about womanhood. This progression begins with a desire for androgyny achieved through a revival of the feminine portion of history in Diving into the Wreck. To achieve androgyny would mean an achievement of balance between male and female, which would mean the notion of male supremacy could be successfully discarded. Rich abandons this androgynous approach, however, and moves forward to express a need for and attempt at a rewritten history of women in The Dream of a Common Language. An advocate for the Women\u27s Liberation Movement and radical feminism, Rich\u27s work reflects her philosophical and political leanings that stem from the 1970s.This is a comparative study that draws not only from the writings of Rich herself but also from contemporary scholarship and literary critics

    A Guidebook for Religious Literacy Evaluation: Resources for Planning and Design

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    At present, many scholars and programs make large claims about the impacts of religious literacy education, but do not have empirical evidence or clear models to demonstrate those impacts to funders, school administrators, educators, students, or other practitioners in this field. This guidebook is intended to support religious literacy educational initiatives. It is not a complete primer on evaluation and does not dictate a particular methodology or approach to evaluation. Rather, with guiding questions at each step, it provides an introductory evaluation framework to help educators and researchers engaged in religious literacy educational initiatives.The companion report, The Imperative for Religious Literacy Evaluation: Context, Key Insights, and Recommendations, provides more detail and background about the need for evaluation in religious literacy education and a review of current practices and literature

    An Evaluation of the Terms and Conditions of Appointed County School Superintendents Contracts in the State of Florida and the Correlation between District Size and Superintendent Salary

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    The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth examination of the terms and conditions found in the employment contracts of Florida Appointed School District Superintendents, with a secondary focus on salary and termination without cause. Employment contracts were obtained from each of the 26 school districts with appointed school superintendents, and then carefully analyzed for similarities and differences. The results of this study will provide Florida school districts with information to construct the best possible employment contracts to both attract top talent and protect the interests of the school district

    “Playing Like a Man”: The Struggle of Black Women in Jazz and the Feminist Movement

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    Ella Fitzgerald and Mary Lou Williams are two names that are firmly associated with the jazz idiom. This paper details the lives of these two women and their struggles with both race and gender throughout their careers. As the women moved through the jazz scene, they experienced prejudice not just for their race, but for their gender as well. In this paper I show the way the women addressed these issues and how they subverted the tensions, most likely subconsciously without their knowledge. When I first began the research project I expected to find an inextricable link between the jazz idiom and feminism. However, as I delved further into the topic I found that there was not one completely construed, and so had to begin from scratch to elevate the feminist conversation in terms of jazz and music. After my research I have firmly established that Ella Fitzgerald and Mary Lou Williams serve as exemplary role models for any woman in a jazz or music career. Ella Fitzgerald and Mary Lou Williams accomplished on their own what the women’s movements of their time sought to accomplish

    Blockchain Technology as a Disruptive Innovator in Human Resource Management

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    Disruptive innovations have the ability to change any aspect of the world. The following paper explores the ways in which Blockchain is classified as a disruptive form of technology, focusing on its impact within Human Resource Management. Blockchain has the capability to revolutionize the way Human Resource professionals recruit, track payroll, and train employees. It also includes “smart contracts” which streamline everyday routine tasks. Although the implementation of this new software technology into HR has many benefits, there are skeptics that do not believe it can be fully functional. Research has shown that the benefits of the implementation of this technology outweighs the concerns and risks. With the close alignment of the General Data Protection Regulations, Blockchain technology has the ability to fully revolutionize the way Human Resource Management is operated

    Marshall University Music Department Presents a Graduate Recital, Kate Soules, clarinet

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