6 research outputs found

    Different Perforin Expression in Peripheral Blood and Prostate Tissue in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer

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    Perforin (P) is a prototypical cytotoxic molecule involved in cell-mediatedimmunity against various pathogens, alloantigens and particularly differenttumours. The purpose of this study was to determine P expression in differentlymphocyte subpopulations isolated from peripheral blood and prostate tissueof patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer (PCa)and compare it with the P expression found in the control group. Twenty sub-jects were recruited in each of the groups. Prostate mononuclear cells of theBPH and PCa tissues were isolated by enzymatic digestion and gradient den-sity centrifugation, whereas peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolatedby gradient density centrifugation alone. Cells and tissue samples were labelledusing monoclonal antibodies against P and different surface antigens (CD3,CD4, CD8 and CD56) and analysed by immunofluorescence and flow cytome-try. Total P expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes did not differ signifi-cantly between BPH⁄PCa patients and control group, although the BPH andPCa tissue showed lower P expression level. A negative correlation betweenprostate-specific antigen levels and the overall percentage of P+, CD3+CD56)P+, and CD3)CD56+P+cells in the prostate tissue was observed onlyin patients with PCa. Our findings indicate that the low frequency of P+lym-phocytes, including T, NKT and NK cells, in the prostate tissue of patientswith BPH and, particularly, PCa could be the consequence of local tissuemicroenvironment and one of the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis ofprostate hyperplasia following malignant alteration

    A restrictive dose of crystalloids in patients during laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and cost-effective: prospective, two-arm parallel, randomized controlled trial [Corrigendum]

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    Belavic´ M, Sotošek Tokmadžić V, Brozović Krijan A, et al.Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018;14:741–751.In this article, the author Josip Žunic´ did not meet the criteria for authorship and was erroneously included in the authors list. The authors wish to apologize for this error.Read the original article