72 research outputs found

    Beyond cAMP: The Regulation of Akt and GSK3 by Dopamine Receptors

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    Brain dopamine receptors have been preferred targets for numerous pharmacological compounds developed for the treatment of various neuropsychiatric disorders. Recent discovery that D2 dopamine receptors, in addition to cAMP pathways, can engage also in Akt/GSK3 signaling cascade provided a new framework to understand intracellular signaling mechanisms involved in dopamine-related behaviors and pathologies. Here we review a recent progress in understanding the role of Akt, GSK3, and related signaling molecules in dopamine receptor signaling and functions. Particularly, we focus on the molecular mechanisms involved, interacting partners, role of these signaling events in the action of antipsychotics, psychostimulants, and antidepressants as well as involvement in pathophysiology of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and Parkinson’s disease. Further understanding of the role of Akt/GSK3 signaling in dopamine receptor functions could provide novel targets for pharmacological interventions in dopamine-related disorders

    Enhanced Rewarding Properties of Morphine, but not Cocaine, in βarrestin-2 Knock-Out Mice

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    The reinforcing and psychomotor effects of morphine involve opiate stimulation of the dopaminergic system via activation of mu-opioid receptors (muOR). Both mu-opioid and dopamine receptors are members of the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family of proteins. GPCRs are known to undergo desensitization involving phosphorylation of the receptor and the subsequent binding of beta(arrestins), which prevents further receptor-G-protein coupling. Mice lacking beta(arrestin)-2 (beta(arr2)) display enhanced sensitivity to morphine in tests of pain perception attributable to impaired desensitization of muOR. However, whether abrogating muOR desensitization affects the reinforcing and psychomotor properties of morphine has remained unexplored. In the present study, we examined this question by assessing the effects of morphine and cocaine on locomotor activity, behavioral sensitization, conditioned place preference, and striatal dopamine release in beta(arr2) knock-out (beta(arr2)-KO) mice and their wild-type (WT) controls. Cocaine treatment resulted in very similar neurochemical and behavioral responses between the genotypes. However, in the beta(arr2)-KO mice, morphine induced more pronounced increases in striatal extracellular dopamine than in WT mice. Moreover, the rewarding properties of morphine in the conditioned place preference test were greater in the beta(arr2)-KO mice when compared with the WT mice. Thus, beta(arr2) appears to play a more important role in the dopaminergic effects mediated by morphine than those induced by cocaine

    Genetic NMDA Receptor Deficiency Disrupts Acute and Chronic Effects of Cocaine but not Amphetamine

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    NMDA receptor-mediated glutamate transmission is required for several forms of neuronal plasticity. Its role in the neuronal responses to addictive drugs is an ongoing subject of investigation. We report here that the acute locomotor-stimulating effect of cocaine is absent in NMDA-receptor deficient mice (NR1-KD). In contrast, their acute responses to amphetamine and to direct dopamine receptor agonists are not significantly altered. The striking attenuation of cocaine's acute effects is not likely explained by alterations in the dopaminergic system of NR1-KD mice, since most parameters of pre-and post-synaptic dopamine function are unchanged. Consistent with the behavioral findings, cocaine induces less c-Fos expression in the striatum of these mice, while amphetamine-induced c-Fos expression is intact. NR1-KD mice can become sensitized and display conditioned place preference to cocaine; however, these behaviors are attenuated and develop more slowly in mutant animals. Our results highlight the importance of NMDA receptor-mediated glutamatergic transmission specifically in cocaine actions, and support a hypothesis that cocaine and amphetamine elicit their effects through differential actions on signaling pathways

    Exogenous alpha-Synuclein decreases raft partitioning of Cav2.2 channels inducing dopamine release

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    alpha-Synuclein is thought to regulate neurotransmitter release through multiple interactions with presynaptic proteins, cytoskeletal elements, ion channels, and synaptic vesicles membrane. alpha-Synuclein is abundant in the presynaptic compartment, and its release from neurons and glia has been described as responsible for spreading of alpha-synuclein-derived pathology. alpha-Synuclein-dependent dysregulation of neurotransmitter release might occur via its action on surface-exposed calcium channels. Here, we provide electrophysiological and biochemical evidence to show that alpha-synuclein, applied to rat neurons in culture or striatal slices, selectively activates Cav2.2 channels, and said activation correlates with increased neurotransmitter release. Furthermore, in vivo perfusion of alpha-synuclein into the striatum also leads to acute dopamine release. We further demonstrate that alpha-synuclein reduces the amount of plasma membrane cholesterol and alters the partitioning of Cav2.2 channels, which move from raft to cholesterol-poor areas of the plasma membrane. We provide evidence for a novel mechanism through which alpha-synuclein acts from the extracellular milieu to modulate neurotransmitter release and propose a unifying hypothesis for the mechanism of alpha-synuclein action on multiple targets: the reorganization of plasma membrane microdomains

    Enhanced Dopamine Transmission and Hyperactivity in the Dopamine Transporter Heterozygous Mice Lacking the D3 Dopamine Receptor

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    Dopamine transporter knockout (DATk) mice are known to demonstrate profound hyperactivity concurrent with elevated (5-fold) extracellular dopamine in the basal ganglia. At the same time, heterozygous DAT mice (DATh) demonstrate a 2-fold increase in dopamine levels yet only a marginal elevation in locomotor activity level. Another model of dopaminergic hyperactivity is the D3 dopamine receptor knockout (D3k) mice, which present only a modest hyperactivity phenotype, predominately manifested as stereotypical behaviors. In the D3k mice, the hyperactivity is also correlated with elevated extracellular dopamine levels (2-fold) in the basal ganglia. Cross-breeding was used to evaluate the functional consequences of the deletion of both genes. In the heterozygous DAT mice, inactivation of the D3R gene (DATh/D3k) resulted in significant hyperactivity and further elevation of striatal extracellular dopamine above levels observed in respective single mutant mice. The decreased weight of DATk mice was evident regardless of the D3 dopamine receptor genotype. In contrast, measures of thermoregulation revealed that the marked hypothermia of DATk mice (−2 °C) was reversed in double knockout mice. Thus, the extracellular dopamine levels elevated by prolonging uptake could be elevated even further by eliminating the D3 receptor. These data also suggest that the hypothermia observed in DATk mice may be mediated through D3 receptors

    Trace Amine-Associated Receptors as Emerging Therapeutic Targets

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    Endogenous trace amines (TAs) of unknown biological function are structurally related to classic monoaminergic neurotransmitters and found at low concentrations in the mammalian brain. Their recently discovered group of G protein-coupled receptors, trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs), may represent putative targets not only for trace and other amines but also for a variety of monoaminergic compounds, including amphetamines and monoamine metabolites. The trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1), which is in part associated with the monoaminergic neuronal circuitry controlling various functions, including movement, is the best characterized of the class, although little is known about its regulation and function. Here we review the pharmacology and biochemical properties of the TAAR1 and its physiological functions as revealed in studies involving knockout mice lacking this receptor. Potential therapeutic applications of future selective TAAR1 agonists and antagonists are also discussed. Although understanding of biology and functions mediated by other TAARs is still in its infancy, it is expected that further characterization of the functional roles and biochemical properties of TAARs and identification of endogenous and exogenous ligands will eventually promote these receptors as an attractive class of targets to correct monoaminergic processes that could be dysfunctional in a host of disorders of brain and periphery

    The Electroretinogram as a Biomarker of Central Dopamine and Serotonin: Potential Relevance to Psychiatric Disorders

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    Dysfunctions in brain dopamine and serotonin neurotransmission are believed to be involved in the etiology of psychiatric disorders, and electroretinogram (ERG) anomalies have been reported in psychiatric patients. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether ERG anomalies could result from central dopamine or serotonin dysfunctions or from changes in the retinal bioavailability of these neurotransmitters. Photopic and scotopic ERGs were recorded in R439H tryptophan hydroxylase 2 knockin (Tph2-KI) mice that have an approximately 80% decrease in brain serotonin and dopamine transporter knockout (DAT-KO) mice showing a fivefold increase in brain extracellular dopamine. Dopamine and serotonin retinal and striatal tissue content were also measured. The role of dopamine D1 receptors (D1R) and D2 receptors (D2R) in the ERG responses was evaluated in D1R-KO and D2R-KO mice. An increase in photopic b-wave implicit time was observed in Tph2-KI mice (wildtype = 24.25 msec, KI = 25.22 msec; p = .011). The DAT-KO mice showed a decrease in rod sensitivity (wildtype =−1.97 log units, KO =−1.81 log units; p = .014). In contrast to remarkable alterations in brain levels, no changes in dopamine and serotonin retinal content were found in DAT-KO and Tph2-KI mice, respectively. The D1R-KO mice showed anomalies in photopic and scotopic maximal amplitude, whereas D2R-KO mice showed higher oscillatory potentials relative contribution to the b-wave amplitude. Alterations in central dopamine and serotonin neurotransmission can affect the ERG responses. The ERG anomalies reported in psychiatric disorders might serve as biomarkers of central monoaminergic dysfunction, thus promoting ERG measurements as a useful tool in psychiatric research