6 research outputs found

    May Measurement Month 2017: An analysis of blood pressure screening results in Nepal - South Asia

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    Hypertension is the leading risk factor of mortality in Nepal accounting for ∼33 000 deaths in 2016. However, more than 50% of the hypertensive patients are unaware of their status. We participated in the May Measurement Month 2017 (MMM17) project initiated worldwide by the International Society of Hypertension to raise the awareness on the importance of blood pressure (BP) screening. In this paper, we discuss the screening results of MMM17 in Nepal. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 years was carried out in May 2017 following the standard MMM protocol. Data were collected from 18 screening sites in 7 districts covering 5 provinces. Screenings were conducted either in health facilities, public places, or participants' homes. Trained volunteers with health science background and female community health volunteers were mobilized to take part in the screening. A total of 5972 individuals were screened and of 5968 participants, for whom a mean of the 2nd and 3rd readings was available, 1456 (24.4%) participants had hypertension; 908 (16.8%) of those not receiving treatment were hypertensive; and 248 (45.2%) of those being treated had uncontrolled BP. MMM17 is the first nationwide BP screening campaign undertaken in Nepal. Given the suboptimal treatment and control rates identified in the study, there is a strong imperative to scale up hypertension prevention, screening, and management programmes. These results suggest that opportunistic screening can identify significant numbers with hypertension. Mobilization of existing volunteer networks and support of community stakeholders, would be necessary to improve the overall impact and sustainability of future screening programmes

    LPS-induced delayed preconditioning is mediated by hsp90 and involves the heat shock response in mouse kidney.

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    INTRODUCTION: We and others demonstrated previously that preconditioning with endotoxin (LPS) protected from a subsequent lethal LPS challenge or from renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). LPS is effective in evoking the heat shock response, an ancient and essential cellular defense mechanism, which plays a role in resistance to, and recovery from diseases. Here, by using the pharmacological Hsp90 inhibitor novobiocin (NB), we investigated the role of Hsp90 and the heat shock response in LPS-induced delayed renal preconditioning. METHODS: Male C57BL/6 mice were treated with preconditioning (P: 2 mg/kg, ip.) and subsequent lethal (L: 10 mg/kg, ip.) doses of LPS alone or in combination with NB (100 mg/kg, ip.). Controls received saline (C) or NB. RESULTS: Preconditioning LPS conferred protection from a subsequent lethal LPS treatment. Importantly, the protective effect of LPS preconditioning was completely abolished by a concomitant treatment with NB. LPS induced a marked heat shock protein increase as demonstrated by Western blots of Hsp70 and Hsp90. NB alone also stimulated Hsp70 and Hsp90 mRNA but not protein expression. However, Hsp70 and Hsp90 protein induction in LPS-treated mice was abolished by a concomitant NB treatment, demonstrating a NB-induced impairment of the heat shock response to LPS preconditioning. CONCLUSION: LPS-induced heat shock protein induction and tolerance to a subsequent lethal LPS treatment was prevented by the Hsp90 inhibitor, novobiocin. Our findings demonstrate a critical role of Hsp90 in LPS signaling, and a potential involvement of the heat shock response in LPS-induced preconditioning

    May measurement month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Nepal.

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    Raised blood pressure (BP) is a leading risk factor for mortality globally and in Nepal. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative aimed at screening for hypertension and raising awareness on high BP worldwide. This study provides the results of the 2018 MMM (MMM18) in Nepal. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 years was carried out in May 2018 nationwide. The standard MMM protocol was followed for BP measurement, the definition of hypertension, and statistical analysis. The campaign was publicized through various social media for recruiting volunteers and inviting participation. A total of 15 561 (58.7% male) from 35 districts of Nepal were screened in MMM18, of which 4 321 (27.8%) had hypertension. A total of 2 633 (19.0%) of 13 873 individuals who were not on antihypertensive treatment were found to be hypertensive. Of those on medication, 799 (47.4%) had uncontrolled BP. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were significantly higher in people on antihypertensive treatment, smokers, and alcohol drinkers compared with those who were not on antihypertensive treatment, smokers, and alcohol drinkers, respectively. Likewise, SBP and DBP steadily increased across increasing body mass index categories. MMM18 was the largest BP screening campaign undertaken in Nepal. MMM has highlighted the importance of a periodic public health program at the national level to increase awareness on hypertension detection and control rate, and thus, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

    Spatial and temporal coordination of expression of immune response genes during Pseudomonas infection of horseshoe crab, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda

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    Knowledge on how genes are turned on/off during infection and immunity is lacking. Here, we report the coregulation of diverse clusters of functionally related immune response genes in a horseshoe crab, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda. Expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters for frontline immune defense, cell signalling, apoptosis and stress response genes were expressed or repressed spatio-temporally during the acute phase of Pseudomonas infection. An infection time course monitored by virtual Northern evaluation indicates upregulation of genes in blood cells (amebocytes) at 3-h postinfection, whereas most of the hepatopancreas genes remained downregulated over 72h of infection. Thus, the two tissues orchestrate a coordinated and timely response to infection. The hepatopancreas probably immunomodulates the expression of other genes and serves as a reservoir for later response, if/when chronic infection ensues. On the other hand, being the first to encounter pathogens, we reasoned that amebocytes would respond acutely to infection. Besides acute transactivation of the immune genes, the amebocytes maintained morphological integrity, indicating their ability to synthesise and store/secrete the immune proteins and effectors to sustain the frontline innate immune defense, while simultaneously elicit complement-mediated phagocytosis of the invading pathogen. Our results show that the immune response against Pseudomonas infection is spatially and temporally coordinated

    Wetland plant species improve performance when inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: a meta-analysis of experimental pot studies

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    Zinc–gene interaction related to inflammatory/immune response in ageing

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    The pivotal role played by zinc–gene interaction in affecting some relevant cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-α) and heat shock proteins (HSP70-2) in ageing, successful ageing (nonagenarians) and the most common age-related diseases, such as atherosclerosis and infections, is now recognized. The polymorphisms of genes codifying proteins related to the inflammation are predictive on one hand in longevity, on the other hand they are associated with atherosclerosis or severe infections. Since the health life-span has a strong genetic component, which in turn also affected by nutritional factors like zinc, the association of these polymorphisms with innate immune response, zinc ion bioavailability and Metallothioneins (MT) homeostasis is an useful tool to unravel the role played by zinc–gene interactions in longevity, especially due to the inability of MT in zinc release in ageing and chronic inflammation. In ageing, this last fact leads to depressed innate immune response for host defence. In contrast, in very old age the inflammation is lower with subsequent more zinc ion bioavailability, less MT gene expression and satisfactory innate immunity. Therefore, the zinc–gene (IL-6, TNF-α, Hsp70-2) interactions, via MT homeostasis, are crucial to achieve successful ageing