58 research outputs found

    Els peixos de la Tordera

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    La fauna ictiologica autoctona de la conca de la Tordera, actualment es troba en regressió tant pel que fa a l'abundancia com al nombre d'especies. Les principals causes d'aquesta degradació cal referir-les a la introducció d'especies, principalment d'origen europeu, a la contaminació dels cursos mitjans i baixos, i als aprofitaments hídrics. [...]

    New approaches to Mediterranean fluvial communities

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    The organization of fluvial benthic communities in the Iberian Mediterranean system shows a series of factors which differ in part from present models suggested in the current literature. The effects of disturbances can be observed in models including the gradient of organization (WARD & STANFORD, 1 983; VANNOTE et al. , 1 980; SABATER et al, . in press) in the major and permanent northwest basins, but not in temporary systems. Temporality does usual1y not represent a handicap as far as the organization of the algae communities and the macroinvertebrates communities is concemed,: equivalent diversities have been observed in temporary and permanent systems. But a latitudinal gradient is observed among the temporary systems, with an increment to the south of the diversity. Mediterranean fluvial systems have integrated floods as periodical perturbations in the dynamics of benthic communities, which have a high resistance to flood-related disturbance and a high subsequent resilience.The organization of fluvial benthic communities in the Iberian Mediterranean system shows a series of factors which differ in part from present models suggested in the current literature. The effects of disturbances can be observed in models including the gradient of organization (WARD & STANFORD, 1 983; VANNOTE et al. , 1 980; SABATER et al, . in press) in the major and permanent northwest basins, but not in temporary systems. Temporality does usual1y not represent a handicap as far as the organization of the algae communities and the macroinvertebrates communities is concemed,: equivalent diversities have been observed in temporary and permanent systems. But a latitudinal gradient is observed among the temporary systems, with an increment to the south of the diversity. Mediterranean fluvial systems have integrated floods as periodical perturbations in the dynamics of benthic communities, which have a high resistance to flood-related disturbance and a high subsequent resilience

    Movements and dispersal of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mediterranean streams: influence of habitat and biotic factors

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    Dispersal is a critical determinant of animal distribution and population dynamics, and is essential information for management planning. We studied the movement patterns and the influence of habitat and biotic factors on Mediterranean brown trout (Salmo trutta) by mark-recapture methods in three headwater streams of the Ebro Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). Fish were sampled by electrofishing on five occasions over 18–24 months and movements of over 3,000 individually tagged trout (age 1+ onwards) were recorded. Most of the tagged fish exhibited limited movement and were recaptured within 100 m from the initial capture section. Small seasonal differences in the movement pattern were observed, but in two of the streams, displacement distances increased prior the spawning period in autumn. The frequency distributions of dispersal distances were highly leptokurtic and skewed to the right and fitted well to a two-group exponential model, thus trout populations were composed of mobile and stationary individuals, the latter being the predominant component in the populations (71.1–87.5% of individuals). The mean dispersal distances, for fish captured at least in three sampling events, ranged 20.7–45.4 m for the stationary group and 229.4–540.5 m for the mobile group. Moving brown trout were larger than non-moving individuals and exhibited higher growth rates in two of the streams. Habitat features were not consistently linked to movement rates, but there were some interaction effects between stream and habitat characteristics such as depth, cover and water velocity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Movements and dispersal of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mediterranean streams: influence of habitat and biotic factors

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    Dispersal is a critical determinant of animal distribution and population dynamics, and is essential information for management planning. We studied the movement patterns and the influence of habitat and biotic factors on Mediterranean brown trout (Salmo trutta) by mark-recapture methods in three headwater streams of the Ebro Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). Fish were sampled by electrofishing on five occasions over 18–24 months and movements of over 3,000 individually tagged trout (age 1+ onwards) were recorded. Most of the tagged fish exhibited limited movement and were recaptured within 100 m from the initial capture section. Small seasonal differences in the movement pattern were observed, but in two of the streams, displacement distances increased prior the spawning period in autumn. The frequency distributions of dispersal distances were highly leptokurtic and skewed to the right and fitted well to a two-group exponential model, thus trout populations were composed of mobile and stationary individuals, the latter being the predominant component in the populations (71.1–87.5% of individuals). The mean dispersal distances, for fish captured at least in three sampling events, ranged 20.7–45.4 m for the stationary group and 229.4–540.5 m for the mobile group. Moving brown trout were larger than non-moving individuals and exhibited higher growth rates in two of the streams. Habitat features were not consistently linked to movement rates, but there were some interaction effects between stream and habitat characteristics such as depth, cover and water velocity

    A trait-based approach reveals the feeding selectivity of a small endangered Mediterranean fish

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    Functional traits are growing in popularity in modern ecology, but feeding studies remain primarily rooted in a taxonomic-based perspective. However, consumers do not have any reason to select their prey using a taxonomic criterion, and prey assemblages are variable in space and time, which makes taxon-based studies assemblage-specific. To illustrate the benefits of the trait-based approach to assessing food choice, we studied the feeding ecology of the endangered freshwater fish Barbus meridionalis. We hypothesized that B. meridionalis is a selective predator which food choice depends on several prey morphological and behavioral traits, and thus, its top-down pressure may lead to changes in the functional composition of in-stream macroinvertebrate communities. Feeding selectivity was inferred by comparing taxonomic and functional composition (13 traits) between ingested and free-living potential prey using the Jacob's electivity index. Our results showed that the fish diet was influenced by 10 of the 13 traits tested. Barbus meridionalis preferred prey with a potential size of 5-10 mm, with a medium-high drift tendency, and that drift during daylight. Potential prey with no body flexibility, conical shape, concealment traits (presence of nets and/or cases, or patterned coloration), and high aggregation tendency had a low predation risk. Similarly, surface swimmers and interstitial taxa were low vulnerable to predation. Feeding selectivity altered the functional composition of the macroinvertebrate communities. Fish absence favored taxa with weak aggregation tendency, weak flexibility, and a relatively large size (10-20 mm of potential size). Besides, predatory invertebrates may increase in fish absence. In conclusion, our study shows that the incorporation of the trait-based approach in diet studies is a promising avenue to improve our mechanistic understanding of predator-prey interactions and to help predict the ecological outcomes of predator invasions and extinctions

    Spread of the alien bleak Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: the role of reservoirs

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    Desde su aparición en un afluente de la cuenca del Ebro en 1992, el alburno Alburnus alburnus se ha expandido en gran parte de la península Ibérica. El presente trabajo aporta nueva información sobre su expansión (basada en el muestreo de 598 localidades mediante pesca eléctrica). Se facilita información detallada sobre su actual distribución en la cuenca del Ebro y en cuencas al este de los Pirineos, así como nuevas citas de tres grandes cuencas hidrográficas. De acuerdo a su actual distribución en la península Ibérica, el alburno habita en simpatría con 15 especies endémicas (el 58% del total de endemismos ibéricos). Se analiza la posible amenaza que el alburno representa para la ictiofauna ibérica, examinando los factores causantes de su rápida expansión, en especial el papel de los embalses

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    The Osteology of Barbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1866) (Pisces: Cyprinidae).El crecimiento del Cacho (Leuciscus cephalus pyraenaicus Günther, 1862) en el rio Jarama (cuenca del Tajo)Contribución al estudio de la bermejuela, Rutilus arcasi, Steindachner 1866 de la cuenca del Júcar (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae) 1. MorfometríaDimensiones, estructura, forma y disposición en la cavidad de los nidos de Corvus monedula.Variaciones altitudinales en la composición de las comunidades nidificantes de aves de Sierra Nevada (Sur de España)Ecomorfología de una comunidadde Passeriformes en la Sierra de Cazorla, SE de EspañaLa Distribución del pez-sol (Lepolllis gibbostlS L.) en la Península IbéricaSobre la distribución de Barbus haasi (OSTARIOPHYSI: CYPRINIDAE)La Distribución de Barbus bocagei STEINDACHNER, 1865 (OSTARIOPHYSI: CYPRINIDAE) en la Península IbéricaLighy effects on circadian locomotor activity of Lacerta lepida under constant temperatureEvaluación de diferentes métodos para estimar el área de campeo de dos especies de iguánidos.Un Casal de Cartaxo-Nottenho (Saxicola rubetra) a criar em Portugal.Nidificación de Passer hispaniolensis en antiguos nidos de Dendrocopos major thanneri.Observación de un lince ibérico (Lynx pardina) en la provincia de Lugo. Norte de España.El Visón americano, Mustela vison SCHREBER, 1777 (MAMMALIA, MUSTELIDAE) en Cataluña, N.E. de la Península Ibérica.Peer reviewe

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Contribución al estudio de la bermejuela Rutilus arcasi, Steindachner, 1866 de la cuenca del Júcar (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae)II. Edad y crecimientoSobre la taxonomía de Barbus comiza Steindachner, 1865 (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae)Fenología de una comunidad de anfibios asociada a cursos fluviales temporales.Nueva especie para la ciencia de Anolis (Lacertilia: Iguanidae) de Cuba pertenecient eal complejo argillaceusSegregación ecológica en una comunidad de ofidios.El Aguila Imperial (Aquila adalberti): dispersión de los jóvenes, estructura de edades y mortalidaSobre diferencias individuales en la alimentación de Tyto albaInfluencia de las condiciones ambientales sobre la organización de la comunidad de aves invernantes en un bosque subalpino mediterráneoVariaciones en la agregación y distribución de la cabra montés (Capra pyrenaica Schinz,1838) detectadas con un muestreo de excrementosAlimentación del conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus L. 1758) en Doñana. SO, EspañaSobre la distribución de Barbus meridionales Risso, 1826 (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) en la Península IbéricaSobre la distribución de Barbus meridionales Risso, 1826 (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) en la Península IbéricaNueva cita de Barbus microcephalus Almaça (Pisces, Cyprinidae) en España.Revisión taxonómica y distribución de Cobitis maroccana Pellegrin, 1929 (Osteichthyes, Cobitidae)Datos sobre una población de Lacerta viviparaSobre la presencia de Emys orbicularis en la provincia de León.Algunas observaciones sobre la captura de quirópteros por Falco subbuteo y Falco tinunculusNyctalus leisleri (Kuhk, 1818) (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Una nueva especie para las islas CanariaNuevos datos acerca de la distribución del topillo campesino Microtus arvalis, PALLAS 1778, en la Península IbéricaPeer reviewe

    Individual body mass and length dataset for over 12,000 fish from Iberian streams

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    We provide a unique fish individual body size dataset collected from our own sampling and public sources in north-eastern Spain. The dataset includes individual body size measures (fork length and mass) of 12,288 individuals of 24 fish species within 10 families collected at 118 locations in large rivers and small streams. Fish were caught by one-pass electrofishing following European standard protocols. The fish dataset has information on the local instream conditions including climatic variables (i.e., temperature and precipitation), topography (i.e., altitude), nutrient concentration (i.e., total phosphorus and nitrates), and the IMPRESS values (a measure of cumulative human impacts in lotic ecosystems). The potential uses of this new fish dataset are manifold, including developing size-based indices to further estimate the ecological status of freshwater ecosystems, allometric models, and analysis of variation in body size structure along environmental gradients