2 research outputs found

    Evaluating the probability of avoiding disease-related extinctions of Panamanian amphibians through captive breeding programs

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    Amphibians around the world are declining from threats that cannot currently be mitigated, making it impossible to safeguard some species in their natural habitats. Amphibians in the mountainous neotropics are one example where severe diseaserelated declines prompted calls for the establishment of captive assurance colonies to avoid extinctions. We surveyed experts in Panamanian amphibians to determine the probability of avoiding chytridiomycosis-related extinctions using captive breeding programs. We ranked Panamanian amphibian species by perceived susceptibility to chytridiomycosis, then calculated the likelihood of avoiding extinction as the product of three probabilities, which include (1) finding sufficient founder animals, (2) successfully breeding these species in captivity and (3) becoming extinct in the wild. The likelihood of finding enough animals to create a captive founding population was low for many rare species, especially for salamanders and caecilians. It was also low for frogs which were once regularly encountered, but have already disappeared including Atelopus chiriquiensis, Craugastor emcelae, C. obesus, C. punctariolus, C. rhyacobatrachus, Ecnomiohyla rabborum, Isthmohyla calypsa and Oophaga speciosa. Our results indicate that captive breeding could improve the odds of avoiding extinction for species that have severely declined or are likely to decline due to chytridiomycosis including Atelopus certus, A. glyphus, A. limosus, A. varius, A. zeteki, Anotheca spinosa, Gastrotheca cornuta, Agalychnis lemur and Hemiphractus fasciatus. Priority species that experts predicted were highly susceptible to chytridiomycosis that might also benefit from ex situ management include Craugastor tabasarae, C. azueroensis, C. evanesco, Strabomantis bufoniformis and Colostethus panamansis. In spite of high levels of uncertainty, this expert assessment approach allowed us to refine our priorities for captive amphibian programs in Panama and identify priority conservation actions with a clearer understanding of the probability of success.Amphibians around the world are declining from threats that cannot currently be mitigated, making it impossible to safeguard some species in their natural habitats. Amphibians in the mountainous neotropics are one example where severe diseaserelated declines prompted calls for the establishment of captive assurance colonies to avoid extinctions. We surveyed experts in Panamanian amphibians to determine the probability of avoiding chytridiomycosis-related extinctions using captive breeding programs. We ranked Panamanian amphibian species by perceived susceptibility to chytridiomycosis, then calculated the likelihood of avoiding extinction as the product of three probabilities, which include (1) finding sufficient founder animals, (2) successfully breeding these species in captivity and (3) becoming extinct in the wild. The likelihood of finding enough animals to create a captive founding population was low for many rare species, especially for salamanders and caecilians. It was also low for frogs which were once regularly encountered, but have already disappeared including Atelopus chiriquiensis, Craugastor emcelae, C. obesus, C. punctariolus, C. rhyacobatrachus, Ecnomiohyla rabborum, Isthmohyla calypsa and Oophaga speciosa. Our results indicate that captive breeding could improve the odds of avoiding extinction for species that have severely declined or are likely to decline due to chytridiomycosis including Atelopus certus, A. glyphus, A. limosus, A. varius, A. zeteki, Anotheca spinosa, Gastrotheca cornuta, Agalychnis lemur and Hemiphractus fasciatus. Priority species that experts predicted were highly susceptible to chytridiomycosis that might also benefit from ex situ management include Craugastor tabasarae, C. azueroensis, C. evanesco, Strabomantis bufoniformis and Colostethus panamansis. In spite of high levels of uncertainty, this expert assessment approach allowed us to refine our priorities for captive amphibian programs in Panama and identify priority conservation actions with a clearer understanding of the probability of success

    Congreso científico 2016

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    La Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), continuando con el fortalecimiento de las políticas institucionales, correspondientes al Factor 2: Investigación e innovación, presenta a la consideración de los estamentos universitarios y a la sociedad panameña, el presente volumen, Avances en Investigación 2016, en el cual se recogen los resultados preliminares y los productos de las investigaciones, impulsadas desde las unidades académicas y la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Posgrado (VIP), durante el período 2015-2016. Cumpliendo con el compromiso de responsabilidad social, el equipo de gestión administrativa de la Rectora Magnífica, Etelvina Medianero de Bonagas, rinde cuentas de los principales logros, los impactos sociales y las proyecciones generadas desde el quehacer investigativo institucional. La realización del II Congreso Científico comprende el desarrollo de conferencias magistrales, conferencias cortas, ponencias, un panel y la exposición de murales. En su conjunto, es un evento académico, a través del cual se procura ofrecer una visión holística de la investigación, desde las perspectivas de las diversas disciplinas, con el propósito de contribuir a un mejor entendimiento del saber humano, a que se realicen aportaciones a las teorías del conocimiento y se propongan soluciones a los grandes temas de interés nacional. Es a partir de esta visión, que en el congreso se abordan temáticas pertinentes con la gestión de la investigación; las estrategias para la colaboración internacional; las tendencias de la investigación científica; los indicadores de ciencia, tecnología e innovación; la energía y el desarrollo sustentable; el emprendimiento y la innovación; los desafíos de la agricultura, ante la soberanía alimentaria; el plan estratégico del agro panameño; la educación y las pruebas PISA; los estudios del virus del Zika y las investigaciones virológicas; los retos en la salud y el bienestar humano; la seguridad y desarrollo humano y el rol del periodismo en tiempos actuales, entre otros temas. Algunas de las instituciones nacionales e internacionales que comparten sus experiencias en el Congreso, son la Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENACYT); la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP); el Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud (ICGES); el Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA); la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS); la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED); el Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA) y el Programa LASPAU, afiliado a la Universidad de Harvard. Por la UNACHI, se cuenta con decidida participación de sus investigadores, institutos y centros de investigación. Los países de los cuales proceden los conferencistas son, los Estados Unidos, Guatemala, Colombia, Bolivia y Perú; además, del país sede, Panamá