23 research outputs found


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    Henkilön perusoikeuksiin kuuluvat oikeus yksityisyyden suojaan ja oikeus elÀmÀÀn sekÀ henkilökohtaiseen vapauteen ja koskemattomuuteen. NÀmÀ perusoikeudet mÀÀrittÀvÀt suuresti terveydenhuollon toimintaa. Pohdintaa mainittujen kahden perusoikeuden vÀlisestÀ ensisijaisuudesta on kÀyty hyvin vÀhÀn. Terveydenhuoltoa ja yksityisyyttÀ sÀÀtelevien lakien lukumÀÀrÀ on kasvanut viime vuosina huomattavasti. Terveydenhuollon palvelujen parantamiseen tÀhtÀÀvÀn lainsÀÀdÀnnön vuoksi on syytÀ tarkastella, onko taloudellinen panostus ollut oikeassa suhteessa saavutettuihin etuihin.Viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana lainsÀÀdÀnnön kehitys on yksityisyyden suojan toteuttamisessa vaatinut terveydenhuollossa merkittÀviÀ taloudellisia panostuksia. LainsÀÀdÀnnön asettamat vaatimukset tietojÀrjestelmille ja lainsÀÀdÀnnön jatkuvat muutokset ovat vaatineet mittavia jÀrjestelmÀhankintoja sekÀ terveydenhuollon henkilökunnan runsasta kouluttamista. Samaan aikaan kuitenkin tietosuojan toteuttamisesta on tehty vaikeaa sekÀ kansalaisille ettÀ viranomaisille.Yksityisyyden suoja on ja on ollut merkittÀvÀ osa hyvÀÀ ammattitapaa, koska tietosuoja on aina ollut perusta terveydenhuollon toiminnalle. LainsÀÀdÀntömuutokset eivÀt ole tuoneet merkittÀvÀÀ lisÀarvoa yksityisyyden suojan toteutumiseen. KÀyntimÀÀrÀt terveydenhuollossa ovat viime vuosina lisÀÀntyneet. Samalla kÀynnit potilasasiakirjoissa potilaan hoidon jÀrjestÀmiseksi ja hoitamiseksi lisÀÀntyvÀt. Samaan aikaan vÀÀrinkÀytökset eivÀt ole kuitenkaan lisÀÀntyneet. EtelÀ-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirissÀ kymmenen vuoden aikana lainvastaisia kÀyttöjÀ on ollut yksi tai ei yhtÀÀn vuodessa. Riski on siis tÀysin olematon. JohtopÀÀtöksenÀ voidaan todeta, ettei lainsÀÀdÀntömuutoksilla eikÀ niistÀ johtuvilla taloudellisilla panostuksilla ole voitu enÀÀ parantaa yksityisen suojan toteutumista.HenkilöllÀ on oikeus kieltÀÀ potilastietojensa kÀyttÀminen hÀntÀ hoidettaessa julkisessa terveydenhuollossa. Kielto-oikeus voi johtaa tilanteisiin, joissa potilasta hoidetaan hÀtÀtilanteessa tiedolla, josta puuttuu merkittÀvÀ ja olennainen osa. Tilanne saattaa johtaa potilaan terveyden olennaiseen heikkenemiseen, lopulliseen terveyshaittaan tai jopa kuolemaan. Henkilön asema julkisen terveydenhuollon palvelujen kohteena tulisi pohtia uudelleen. TÀssÀ pohdinnassa tulisi ottaa huomioon perusoikeuksien keskinÀinen jÀrjestys. Potilastietojen kÀyttÀmistÀ koskeva kielto-oikeus tulisi poistaa ja korvata laajalla informaatiovelvollisuudella. RiittÀvÀ potilastietojen kÀyttÀmistÀ ja luovuttamista koskeva lainsÀÀdÀntö on jo olemassa. LisÀksi Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon lainsÀÀdÀntö tulisi yhtenÀistÀÀ

    Retrospective evaluation of a nursing research and development programme in Finland

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    Adopting agile software development in a small company – a case study

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    Pienet ohjelmistoyritykset kohtaavat toiminnassaan usein haasteita, jotka liittyvät resursointiin ja priorisointiin. Etenkin ilman ulkopuolista rahoitusta toimivien yritysten tapauksessa riittävä kassavirta on turvattava asiakasprojektien avulla samalla, kun yrityksen olemassa olevia tuotteita on kehitettävä sekä uusia tuotava markkinoille. Tilanne näkyy usein kehittäjien työssä jatkuvina keskeytyksinä ja suunnitelmien muutoksina. Muun muassa näiden haasteiden ratkomiseen suunnitellut ketterät ohjelmistotuotannon menetelmät ovat saavuttaneet suurta suosiota ohjelmistoyritysten keskuudessa huolimatta siitä, että ketterää ohjelmistokehitystä koskeva tutkimustieto on usein puutteellista ja ristiriitaista. Ongelmien syyksi on esitetty myös puutteellista tekemissalkun hallintaa. Tässä työssä tutkittiin voidaanko tyypillisiä pienen ohjelmistoyrityksen ongelmia resursoinnissa ja tekemissalkun hallinnassa helpottaa ottamalla käyttöön ketterä ohjelmistotuotantomenetelmä. Työ toteutettiin tutkimalla 8-henkisen suomalaisen ohjelmistoyrityksen toimintaa yhdistetyn kysely- ja haastattelututkimuksen avulla. Tutkimus on toteutettu kahdesti: ensin ennen ketterän Scrum-prosessin käyttöönottoa ja toistamiseen yrityksen käytettyä Scrumia kolmen kuukauden ajan. Sekä kyselyn että haastattelun perusteella havaittiin selkeää positiivista kehitystä yrityksen ohjelmistotuotannossa ketterän ohjelmistotuotannon käyttöönoton myötä. Tulos oli saman tyyppinen sekä kehittäjien että heidän esimiehiensä osalta. Suurin vaikutus ketterän menetelmän käyttöönotolla oli päivittäisen työn hallintaan. Tekemissalkun hallintaan menetelmä antoi valmiuksia, muttei suoria ratkaisuja.Small software companies often face challenges in resource allocation and prioritization. Especially companies operating without external funding must ensure adequate cash flow while constantly improving current products and bringing new ones to market. This situation reflects to developers’ daily work as constant interruptions and changes in plans. Agile software development methods, which were created to help solving these and other challenges, have received wide popularity amongst software companies even though the empirical evidence concerning agile methods is somewhat inadequate and conflicting. Inadequate development portfolio management has also been reported to cause these problems. This thesis studies if typical small software company problems in resourcing and development portfolio managemen can be alleviated by adopting agile software development. The research data was collected by conducting a combined survey and interview in a Finnish sofware company with 8 employees. The study was repeated twice: first before adopting an agile process and second after using Scrum for three months. Sekä kyselyn että haastattelun perusteella havaittiin selkeää positiivista kehitystä yrityksen ohjelmistotuotannossa ketterän ohjelmistotuotannon käyttöönoton myötä. Tulos oli saman tyyppinen sekä kehittäjien että heidän esimiehiensä osalta. Suurin vaikutus ketterän menetelmän käyttöönotolla oli päivittäisen työn hallintaan. Tekemissalkun hallintaan menetelmä antoi valmiuksia, muttei suoria ratkaisuja. Both the survey and the interview indicated a clear positive trend in the case company’s software development after adopting the agile process. The result was similar both for developers and managers. The agile process had the largest impact in managing the day-to- day work. The agile process was found to give tools for development portfolio management but to lack direct solutions

    The effect of the pH of meat on the boiling test

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    Diagnostic performance of short noncontrast biparametric 3‑T MRI for tonsillar infections : comparison with a full protocol including contrast‑enhanced sequence

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    Background We investigated whether a short, 5-min magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol consisting of only axial T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) sequences can discriminate between tonsillar infections, peritonsillar abscesses and deeply extending abscesses in a retrospective, blinded, multireader setting. Methods We included patients sent by emergency physicians with suspected pharyngotonsillar infections who underwent emergency neck 3-T MRI from April 1 2013 to December 31 2018. Three radiologists (with 10−16 years of experience) reviewed the images for abscesses and their extension into deep neck spaces. Data were reviewed first using only axial T2-weighted Dixon images and DWI (short protocol) and second including other sequences and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted Dixon images (full protocol). Diagnostic accuracy, interobserver agreement, and reader confidence were measured. Surgical findings and clinical course served as standard of reference. Results The final sample consisted of 52 patients: 13 acute tonsillitis with no abscesses, 19 peritonsillar abscesses, and 20 deeply extending abscesses. Using the short protocol, diagnostic accuracy for abscesses across all readers was good-to-excellent: sensitivity 0.93 (95% confidence interval 0.87−0.97), specificity 0.85 (0.70−0.93), accuracy 0.91 (0.85−0.95). Using the full protocol, respective values were 0.98 (0.93−1.00), 0.85 (0.70−0.93), and 0.95 (0.90−0.97), not significantly different compared with the short protocol. Similar trends were seen with detecting deep extension. Interobserver agreement was similar between protocols. However, readers had higher confidence in diagnosing abscesses using the full protocol. Conclusions Short MRI protocol showed good-to-excellent accuracy for tonsillar abscesses. Contrast-enhanced images improved reader confidence but did not affect diagnostic accuracy or interobserver agreement. Relevance statement Short protocol consisting only of T2-weighted Dixon and DWI sequences can accurately image tonsillar abscesses, which may improve feasibility of emergency neck MRI. Key points ‱ The short 3-T MRI protocol (T2-weighted images and DWI) was faster (5 min) than the full protocol including T1-weighted contrast-enhanced images (24 min). ‱ The short 3-T MRI protocol showed good diagnostic accuracy for pharyngotonsillar abscesses. ‱ Contrast-enhanced sequences improved reader confidence but did not impact diagnostic accuracy or interobserver agreement.© The Author(s) 2023. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Factors associated with decision-making on prophylactic hysterectomy and attitudes towards gynecological surveillance among women with Lynch syndrome (LS) : a descriptive study

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    To prevent endometrial carcinoma in Lynch syndrome (LS), regular gynecological surveillance visits and prophylactic surgery are recommended. Previous data have shown that prophylactic hysterectomy is an effective means of cancer prevention, while the advantages and disadvantages of surveillance are somewhat unclear. We aimed to evaluate female LS carriers' attitudes towards regular gynecological surveillance and factors influencing their decision-making on prophylactic surgery that have not been well documented. Pain experienced during endometrial biopsies was also evaluated. Postal questionnaires were sent to LS carriers undergoing regular gynecological surveillance. Questionnaires were sent to 112 women with LS, of whom 76 responded (68%). Forty-two (55%) had undergone prophylactic hysterectomy by the time of the study. The majority of responders (64/76; 84.2%) considered surveillance appointments beneficial. Pain level during endometrial biopsy was not associated with the decision to undergo prophylactic surgery. The level of satisfaction the women had with the information and advice provided during surveillance was significantly associated with the history of prophylactic hysterectomy (satisfaction rate of 73.2% versus 31.8% of nonoperated women, p = 0.003). The women who had undergone prophylactic surgery were older than the nonoperated women both at mutation testing (median of 42.3 years versus 31.6 years, p <0.001) and at the time of the study (median of 56.9 years versus 46.0 years, respectively, p <0.001). Women with LS pathogenic variants have positive experiences with gynecological surveillance visits, and their perception of the quality of the information and advice obtained plays an important role in their decision-making concerning prophylactic surgery.Peer reviewe

    Transmission patterns of Fasciola hepatica to ruminants in Sweden

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    Transmission patterns of Fasciola hepatica were investigated on beef cattle (n = 3) and sheep (n = 3) farms in Sweden between 2011 and 2012. The dynamics of fluke infection, particularly estimated time of infection, were screened each grazing season by ELISA detection of antibodies in lambs (n = 94) and first grazing season calves (n = 61). Colostral transfer of F. hepatica antibodies from seropositive ewes was detected in sheep up to 11 weeks of age. In sheep, the estimated time of infection differed significantly between herds and years. Typical 'winter infection' was observed on two sheep farms in 2012, but the most prevalent transmission pattern was found to be 'summer infection', characterised by infection of animals in late summer by F. hepatica originating from overwintered and/or spring-excreted eggs. In contrast, beef calves were infected mainly in September-October ('summer infection'). Furthermore, lymnaeid and succineid snails were collected on the pastures used by these animals both in spring and in the autumn each year. In total, 1726, 588, 138, 130, 93 and 42 specimens of Galba truncatula, Lymnaea palustris, Lymnaea glabra, Lymnaea fuscus, Radix peregra and Succinea putris, respectively, were collected and identified. These were subsequently examined for the presence of F. hepatica DNA by species-specific PCR and the findings compared against mean monthly rainfall and temperature data for each farm. The main intermediate host of the liver fluke was G. truncatula, with a prevalence range of F. hepatica infection from 0% to 82%. Only 1 out of 42 terrestrial S. putris tested positive for F. hepatica, casting doubt on the role of this species in transmission of F. hepatica in Sweden. In conclusion, two main peak periods of infection were observed: May-June (from overwintered infected snails = 'winter infection') and August-September (from metacercariae developed and produced by snails during summer = 'summer infection'). The occurrence and frequency of 'winter infection' were dependent on local environmental factors such as snail habitat availability or grazing behaviour of animals, rather than on climatic factors