24 research outputs found

    Molecular autopsy in sudden cardiac death and genetic screen in arrhythmogenic cardiac syndromes.

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is one of the most important mode of death in Western Countries and remains a major public health problems; is responsible for half of all deaths due to cardiovascular disease. New methods of preventing potentially fatal arrhythmias have been developed, and the accurate diagnosis of the causes of Sudden Cardiac Death is now of particular importance. In recent years researchers have identified the genetic background of many diseases involving the myocardium, and many Cardiomyopathies are considered to have a genetic origin. Specialized myocytes of the cardiac conduction system are essential to coordinate sequential contraction of cardiac atria and ventricles. Anomalies of the cardiac conduction system can result in lethal cardiac arrhythmias, including sick sinus syndrome and atrial or ventricular fibrillation. In particular, we studied the HCN4-gene, have been associated with sinus node dysfunction. Tetramers of HCN subunits constitute the ion channels that conduct the hyperpolarization-activated “funny” current (If), which plays an important modulating role in sinus atrial node-pacemaker activity. In our contribution, we examined the HCN4-gene in cases of sudden cardiac death. The adequate assessment of Sudden Cardiac Death, including not only a protocol for the Autopsy, heart examination and histological sampling, but also for molecular genetic investigation


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    In the past few years, contributions of molecular biology assays to the investigation of sudden juvenile death have permitted to clarify some of the pathogenetic aspects of sud-den arrhythmic death, opening the way to preventive action on victims’ relatives. We reviewed literature on the genetics of sudden juvenile death, and on molecular biol-ogy assays performed on autoptic samples. Biological investigation permits the detection of genetic mutations underlying the suscep-tibility to sudden cardiac death of individuals with rare inherited forms of arrhythmia (Long QT Syndrome, Brugada Syndrome, Lev’s disease etc.) through the analysis of criti-cal sequences codifying for ion channel subunits (HERG, KvLQT1, MinK, Mirp1, SCN5A, KCNQ1, KCNH2, KCNE1, KCNE2).The main objective of post-mortem investigation in sudden juvenile death is the detection of treatable monogenic inherited disorders, in order to prevent further deaths among the relatives of the deceased patient

    Death of a 23-year-old man from cardiac conduction system injury through a blunt chest impact after a car accident.

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    Cardiac contusion, usually caused by blunt chest trauma, has been recognized with increased frequency over the past decades. Traffic accidents are the most frequent causes of cardiac contusion resulting from a direct blow to the chest. Myocardial contusion is difficult to diagnose; the clinical presentation varies greatly, ranging from a lack of symptoms to cardiogenic shock and arrhythmia. Although death is rare, cardiac contusion can be fatal. The Authors report a case of death due to a cardiac conduction system injury from a blunt chest impact following a car accident. The autopsy showed no external signs of thoracic trauma, no evident rib or sternum fractures. A small subendocardial hemorrhage was found in the region of the atrioventricular node. Histological examination revealed an injury of the atrioventricular node and His' bundle. The cause of the death was attributed to the arrhythmia induced by contusion of the cardiac conduction system

    Una riflessione Medico-Legale sulle linee guida di cui alla c.d, "Balduzzì": la metodologia nell’accertamento del nesso causale in penale Ruolo della perizia nel processo penale

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    Gli autori effettuano una analisi delle caratteristiche che deve possedere il perito/consulente tecnico del Giudice nell'ambito dell'attivitĂ  espletata nei casi di responsabilitĂ  professionale medica alla luce della Legge Balduzzi e di quanto dettato dal vigente Codice deontologico. Viene infine effettuato un escursus sul valore delle linee guid