3 research outputs found
Every year the number of people with allergic diseases significantly increases worldwide. It might be explained by many factors, e.g., environmental pollution, nutrition and food quality, uncontrollable use of medications, quality of home cleaning or use of excessive amount of chemicals. The main food allergens are cow\u27s milk, eggs, soybeans, peanuts, seafood and fish. Severe allergic reactions may be drug induced, most commonly by antibiotics, ACE inhibitors, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some substances, which until recently were considered hypoallergenic, are reported to cause hypersensitivity with increasing incidence. These include some metals, such as titanium, cobalt, chromium and others. Titanium is widely used in orthopaedics, traumatology, dentistry, and other branches of medicine because it is highly resistive to corrosion, hypoallergenic, inert, and non-toxic to the human body. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of metal allergy is not widely available today. Since not all allergic reactions mediated by IgE-dependent mechanism, serological diagnosis becomes impossible. The diagnostic option in such cases are patch tests with possible culprit allergens.Svake se godine u svijetu značajno povećava broj ljudi s alergijskim bolestima. To se može tumačiti mnogim faktorima kao što su onečišćenje okoline, kakvoća hrane i prehrane, nekontrolirana upotreba lijekova, kvaliteta kućnog čišćenja ili prekomjerno korištenje kemijskih tvari. Glavni alergeni hrane su kravlje mlijeko, jaja, soja, kikiriki, morski rakovi, školjke i ribe. Teške alergijske reakcije mogu uzrokovati lijekovi, pretežno antibiotici, inhibitori ACE i nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi. O nekim se tvarima za koje se donedavno smatralo da su hipoalergene izvještava da mogu uzrokovati preosjetljivost sve veće incidencije. To uključuje neke metale kao što su titan, kobalt, krom i ostali. Titan se naveliko upotrebljava u ortopediji, traumatologiji, zubarstvu i drugim granama medicine jer je jako otporan na koroziju, hipoalergičan, inertan i za čovjeka neotrovan. Nažalost, dijagnoza alergije na metale ne može se naširoko utvrditi. Kako nisu sve alergijske reakcije posredovane mehanizmom ovisnim o IgE, serološku dijagnostiku nije moguće utvrditi. U takvim su slučajevima dijagnostičke opcije testovi krpicom (patch tests) s mogućim uzročnim alergenima
Translation, adaptation, and initial validation of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire - Parent Form (0-12 years) in Ukrainian language
Aim of the study: The objective of this study was aimed at the translation, adaption, and initial validation of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire - Parent Form (FAQLQ-PF) (0-12 years) into Ukrainian language. Material and methods: Sixty patients with cow's milk allergy and their parents were involved in the study. The FAQLQ-PF translated into Ukrainian language and the Ukrainian version of the Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM) were used. Forward and backward translations were done. One independent Ukrainian translator produced forward translations, and 2 other bilingual translators worked on the backward translation according to the World Health Organization guidelines. Construct validity of the Ukrainian FAQLQ-PF (U-FAQLQ-PF) was checked by calculating correlation coefficients between FAIM and U-FAQLQ-PF. The internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and corrected item-total correlations. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the originally proposed 3-factor structure with our data. Results: Feasibility of the U-FAQLQ-PF was 100%, all questionnaires were fully completed by the parents. The total U-FAQLQ-PF scores correlated significantly with the total FAIM. The factor analysis resulted in 3 factors that confirmed the original ones. All the factors had strong loadings from 0.575 to 0.840. Cronbach alphas were 0.72 for the total U-FAQLQ-PF and 0.76-0.84 for its subscales. Corrected item-total correlation was between 0.27 and 0.67 for the total U-FAQLQ-PF, but for each subscale it was > 0.300. Cronbach's alpha was not increased for the scale and subscales after deletion of any item. Conclusions: The Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire - Parent Form (0-12 years) in Ukrainian language has satisfactory validity and reliability and can be used to improve the management of children with food allergies and in clinical trials
Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки
У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки