249 research outputs found

    A II1_1 factor approach to the Kadison-Singer problem

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    We show that the Kadison-Singer problem, asking whether the pure states of the diagonal subalgebra \ell^\infty\Bbb N\subset \Cal B(\ell^2\Bbb N) have unique state extensions to \Cal B(\ell^2\Bbb N), is equivalent to a similar statement in II1_1 factor framework, concerning the ultrapower inclusion DΟ‰βŠ‚RΟ‰D^\omega \subset R^\omega, where DD is the Cartan subalgebra of the hyperfinite II1_1 factor RR, and Ο‰\omega is a free ultraflter. While we do not settle the problem in this latter form, we prove that if AA is any singular maximal abelian subalgebra of RR, then the inclusion AΟ‰βŠ‚RΟ‰A^\omega \subset R^\omega does satisfy the Kadison-Singer property.Comment: Final version, to appear in Comm Math Phys: "Added in the Proof" at end of the Introd., on the recent solution to the classic Kadison-Singer by Marcus-Spielman-Strivastava (arXiv:1306.3969); one more characterization of singular MASAs in Thm. 0.2 (resp. Thm. 5.2); more details + complements in proof of 4.1; two sub-sections in Sec. 5 removed (to appear elsewhere

    On the classification of inductive limits of II1_1 factors with spectral gap

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    We consider II1_1 factors MM which can be realized as inductive limits of subfactors, Nnβ†—MN_n \nearrow M, having spectral gap in MM and satisfying the bi-commutant condition (Nnβ€²βˆ©M)β€²βˆ©M=Nn(N_n'\cap M)'\cap M=N_n. Examples are the enveloping algebras associated to non-Gamma subfactors of finite depth, as well as certain crossed products of McDuff factors by amenable groups. We use deformation/rigidity techniques to obtain classification results for such factors.Comment: 14 page

    On Ozawa's Property for Free Group Factors

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    We give a new proof of a result of Ozawa showing that if a von Neumann subalgebra QQ of a free group factor LFn,2≀nβ‰€βˆžL\Bbb F_n, 2\leq n\leq \infty has relative commutant diffuse (i.e. without atoms), then QQ is amenable.Comment: Final form; paper appeared in Int. Math. Res. Notices, 200

    Asymptotic orthogonalization of subalgebras in II1_1 factors

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    Let MM be a II1_1 factor with a von Neumann subalgebra QβŠ‚MQ\subset M that has infinite index under any projection in Qβ€²βˆ©MQ'\cap M (e.g., QQ abelian; or QQ an irreducible subfactor with infinite Jones index). We prove that given any separable subalgebra BB of the ultrapower II1_1 factor MΟ‰M^\omega, for a non-principal ultrafilter Ο‰\omega on N\Bbb N, there exists a unitary element u∈MΟ‰u\in M^\omega such that uBuβˆ—uBu^* is orthogonal to QΟ‰Q^\omega.Comment: Final version. To appear in Publ RIM

    Cocycle and Orbit Equivalence Superrigidity for Malleable Actions of w-Rigid Groups

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    We prove that if a countable discrete group Ξ“\Gamma is {\it w-rigid}, i.e. it contains an infinite normal subgroup HH with the relative property (T) (e.g. Ξ“=SL(2,Z)⋉Z2\Gamma= SL(2,\Bbb Z) \ltimes \Bbb Z^2, or Ξ“=HΓ—Hβ€²\Gamma = H \times H' with HH an infinite Kazhdan group and Hβ€²H' arbitrary), and \Cal V is a closed subgroup of the group of unitaries of a finite von Neumann algebra (e.g. \Cal V countable discrete, or separable compact), then any \Cal V-valued measurable cocycle for a measure preserving action Ξ“β†·X\Gamma \curvearrowright X of Ξ“\Gamma on a probability space (X,ΞΌ)(X,\mu) which is weak mixing on HH and {\it s-malleable} (e.g. the Bernoulli action Ξ“β†·[0,1]Ξ“\Gamma \curvearrowright [0,1]^\Gamma) is cohomologous to a group morphism of Ξ“\Gamma into \Cal V. We use the case \Cal V discrete of this result to prove that if in addition Ξ“\Gamma has no non-trivial finite normal subgroups then any orbit equivalence between Ξ“β†·X\Gamma \curvearrowright X and a free ergodic measure preserving action of a countable group Ξ›\Lambda is implemented by a conjugacy of the actions, with respect to some group isomorphism Γ≃Λ\Gamma \simeq \Lambda.Comment: Final version; paper appeared in Invent Math Vol 170 (2007), 243-29

    Independence properties in subalgebras of ultraproduct II1_1 factors

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    Let MnM_n be a sequence of finite factors with dim⁑(Mn)β†’βˆž\dim(M_n)\rightarrow \infty and denote M=Ξ Ο‰Mn\text{\bf M}=\Pi_\omega M_n their ultraproduct over a free ultrafilter Ο‰\omega. We prove that if QβŠ‚M\text{\bf Q}\subset \text{\bf M} is either an ultraproduct Q=Ξ Ο‰Qn\text{\bf Q}=\Pi_\omega Q_n of subalgebras QnβŠ‚MnQ_n\subset M_n, with QnΜΈβ‰ΊMnQnβ€²βˆ©MnQ_n \not\prec_{M_n} Q_n'\cap M_n, βˆ€n\forall n, or the centralizer Q=Bβ€²βˆ©M\text{\bf Q}=B'\cap \text{\bf M} of a separable amenable *-subalgebra BβŠ‚MB\subset \text{\bf M}, then for any separable subspace XβŠ‚MβŠ–(Qβ€²βˆ©M)X\subset \text{\bf M}\ominus (\text{\bf Q}'\cap \text{\bf M}), there exists a diffuse abelian von Neumann subalgebra in Q\text{\bf Q} which is {\it free independent} to XX, relative to Qβ€²βˆ©M\text{\bf Q}'\cap \text{\bf M}. Some related independence properties for subalgebras in ultraproduct II1_1 factors are also discussed.Comment: Some minor corrections and additions; final version (33 pages), with corrections and 2.2.3 added; to appear in JF

    On the Fundamental Group of Type II1_1 Factors

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    We present here a shorter version of the proof of a result from our paper ``On a class of type II1_1 factors with Betti numbers invariants'', showing that the von Neumann factor associated with the group Z2β‹ŠSL(2,Z)\Bbb Z^2 \rtimes SL(2, \Bbb Z) has trivial fundamental group

    On spectral gap rigidity and Connes invariant Ο‡(M)\chi(M)

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    We calculate Connes' invariant Ο‡(M)\chi(M) for certain II1_1 factors MM that can be obtained as inductive limits of subfactors with spectral gap, then use this to answer a question he posed in 1975, on the structure of McDuff factors MM with Ο‡(M)=1\chi(M)=1.Comment: 8 page

    A Unique Decomposition Result for HT Factors with Torsion Free Core

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    We prove that II1_1 factors MM have a unique (up to unitary conjugacy) cross-product type decomposition around ``core subfactors'' NβŠ‚MN \subset M satisfying the property HT and a certain ``torsion freeness'' condition. In particular, this shows that isomorphism of factors of the form LΞ±(Z2)β‹ŠΞ“L_\alpha(\Bbb Z^2) \rtimes \Gamma, for torsion free, non-amenable subgroups Ξ“βŠ‚SL(2,Z)\Gamma\subset SL(2, \Bbb Z) and Ξ±=e2Ο€it\alpha = e^{2\pi i t}, t∉Qt \not\in \Bbb Q, implies isomorphism of the corresponding groups Ξ“\Gamma.Comment: 8 pages; minor corrections 02/17/04, 03/17/0

    Some computations of 1-cohomology groups and construction of non orbit equivalent actions

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    For each group GG having an infinite normal subgroup with the relative property (T) (for instance G=HΓ—KG = H \times K where HH is infinite with property (T) and KK is arbitrary), and any countable abelian group Ξ›\Lambda we construct free ergodic measure preserving actions σΛ\sigma_\Lambda of GG on the probability space such that the 1'st cohomology group of σΛ\sigma_\Lambda, H1(σΛ)H^1(\sigma_\Lambda), is equal to Char(G)Γ—Ξ›(G) \times \Lambda. We deduce that GG has uncountably many non stably orbit equivalent actions. We also calculate 1-cohomology groups and show existence of ``many'' non stably orbit equivalent actions for free products of groups as above.Comment: 24 pages (final version, with slight additions and change of title on 09/20/04
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