635 research outputs found

    Relativistic two-body calculation of bbˉb\bar{b}-mesons radiative decays

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    This paper is a prosecution of a previous work where we presented a unified two-fermion covariant scheme which produced very precise results for the masses of light and heavy mesons. We extend the analysis to some radiative decays of mesons Υ, χb2 ,hb ,χb1 ,χb0 ,ηb \Upsilon,\,\chi_{b2}\,,h_b\,,\chi_{b1}\,,\chi_{b0}\,,\eta_b\, and we calculate their branching ratios and their widths. For most of them we can make a comparison with experimental data finding a good agreement.For the decays for which data are not available we compare ours with other recent theoretical previsions.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Patterning molecular scale paramagnets at Au Surface: A root to Magneto-Molecular-Electronics

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    Few examples of the exploitation of molecular magnetic properties in molecular electronics are known to date. Here we propose the realization of Self assembled monolayers (SAM) of a particular stable organic radical. This radical is meant to be used as a standard molecule on which to prove the validity of a single spin reading procedure known as ESR-STM. We also discuss a range of possible applications, further than ESR-STM, of magnetic monolayers of simple purely organic magnetic molecule.Comment: This preprint is currently partially under revisio

    Origin and spectroscopic determination of trigonal anisotropy in a heteronuclear single-molecule magnet

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    W-band ({\nu} ca. 94 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used for a single-crystal study of a star-shaped Fe3Cr single-molecule magnet (SMM) with crystallographically imposed trigonal symmetry. The high resolution and sensitivity accessible with W-band EPR allowed us to determine accurately the axial zero-field splitting terms for the ground (S =6) and first two excited states (S =5 and S =4). Furthermore, spectra recorded by applying the magnetic field perpendicular to the trigonal axis showed a pi/6 angular modulation. This behavior is a signature of the presence of trigonal transverse magnetic anisotropy terms whose values had not been spectroscopically determined in any SMM prior to this work. Such in-plane anisotropy could only be justified by dropping the so-called 'giant spin approach' and by considering a complete multispin approach. From a detailed analysis of experimental data with the two models, it emerged that the observed trigonal anisotropy directly reflects the structural features of the cluster, i.e., the relative orientation of single-ion anisotropy tensors and the angular modulation of single-ion anisotropy components in the hard plane of the cluster. Finally, since high-order transverse anisotropy is pivotal in determining the spin dynamics in the quantum tunneling regime, we have compared the angular dependence of the tunnel splitting predicted by the two models upon application of a transverse field (Berry-phase interference).Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    States of the Dirac equation in confining potentials

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    We study the Dirac equation in confining potentials with pure vector coupling, proving the existence of metastable states with longer and longer lifetimes as the non-relativistic limit is approached and eventually merging with continuity into the Schr\"odinger bound states. We believe that the existence of these states could be relevant in high energy model construction and in understanding possible resonant scattering effects in systems like Graphene. We present numerical results for the linear and the harmonic cases and we show that the the density of the states of the continuous spectrum is well described by a sum of Breit-Wigner lines. The width of the line with lowest positive energy, as expected, reproduces very well the Schwinger pair production rate for a linear potential: we thus suggest a different way of obtaining informations on the pair production in unbounded, non uniform electric fields, where very little is known.Comment: 4 page

    Census of the Sicilian rock partridge Alectoris graeca whitakeri population in ZPS ITA010029 Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito and Monte Sparagio

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    During the project "LIFE09 NAT/IT/000099-SICALECONS-Urgent actions for the conservation of Alectoris graeca whitakeri", this species was censused in the ZPS ITA010029 Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito and Monte Sparagio (Trapani province, Sicily) with playback technique between March and April 2011. Superimposing a UTM grid of 1 km mesh on the study area produced cells of 100 hectares. Using a GPS satellite receiver we reached, where possible, the centre of each cell from where the cospecific call was broadcasted. A total of 163 listening stations were implemented. Using software GIS ARCMAP 10.0 (ESRI) presence data were interpolated with vegetational and phytosociological maps (CORINE) to establish rock partridge's suitable area. The range of the rock partridge in the ZPS was calculated to be 9,893 hectares, corresponding to approximately 65% of the ZPS. A total of 29 individuals were counted, corresponding to 5 pairs and 19 calling males.The Sicilian rock partridge population in the ZPS was estimated to be 66 pairs. Density values in the ZPS were lower than those reported for other areas. In the ZPS highest density was observed in Zingaro Reserve, where poaching seems to be less frequent compared to other areas of ZPS and where burning has not been recorded for years. \ua9 2013 CISO - Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici

    Multiple grammars: Old wine in old bottles

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