248 research outputs found

    Fixed-complexity quantum-assisted multi-user detection for CDMA and SDMA

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    In a system supporting numerous users the complexity of the optimal Maximum Likelihood Multi-User Detector (ML MUD) becomes excessive. Based on the superimposed constellations of K users, the ML MUD outputs the specific multilevel K-user symbol that minimizes the Euclidean distance with respect to the faded and noise-contaminated received multi-level symbol. Explicitly, the Euclidean distance is considered as the Cost Function (CF). In a system supporting K users employing M-ary modulation, the ML MUD uses MK CF evaluations (CFE) per time slot. In this contribution we propose an Early Stopping-aided Durr-Høyer algorithm-based Quantum-assisted MUD (ES-DHA QMUD) based on two techniques for achieving optimal ML detection at a low complexity. Our solution is also capable of flexibly adjusting the QMUD's performance and complexity trade-off, depending on the computing power available at the base station. We conclude by proposing a general design methodology for the ES-DHA QMUD in the context of both CDMA and SDMA systems

    EXIT-chart aided near-capacity quantum turbo code design

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    High detection complexity is the main impediment in future Gigabit-wireless systems. However, a quantum-based detector is capable of simultaneously detecting hundreds of user signals by virtue of its inherent parallel nature. This in turn requires near-capacity quantum error correction codes for protecting the constituent qubits of the quantum detector against the undesirable environmental decoherence. In this quest, we appropriately adapt the conventional non-binary EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts for quantum turbo codes by exploiting the intrinsic quantum-to-classical isomorphism. The EXIT chart analysis not only allows us to dispense with the time-consuming Monte-Carlo simulations, but also facilitates the design of near-capacity codes without resorting to the analysis of their distance spectra. We have demonstrated that our EXIT chart predictions are in line with the Monte-Carlo simulations results. We have also optimized the entanglement-assisted QTC using EXIT charts, which outperforms the existing distance spectra based QTCs. More explicitly, the performance of our optimized QTC is as close as 0.3 dB to the corresponding hashing bound

    Quantum search algorithms, quantum wireless, and a low-complexity maximum likelihood iterative quantum multi-user detector design

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    The high complexity of numerous optimal classic communication schemes, such as the maximum likelihood (ML) multiuser detector (MUD), often prevents their practical implementation. In this paper, we present an extensive review and tutorial on quantum search algorithms (QSA) and their potential applications, and we employ a QSA that finds the minimum of a function in order to perform optimal hard MUD with a quadratic reduction in the computational complexity when compared to that of the ML MUD. Furthermore, we follow a quantum approach to achieve the same performance as the optimal soft-input soft-output classic detectors by replacing them with a quantum algorithm, which estimates the weighted sum of a function’s evaluations. We propose a soft-input soft-output quantum-assisted MUD (QMUD) scheme, which is the quantum-domain equivalent of the ML MUD. We then demonstrate its application using the design example of a direct-sequence code division multiple access system employing bit-interleaved coded modulation relying on iterative decoding, and compare it with the optimal ML MUD in terms of its performance and complexity. Both our extrinsic information transfer charts and bit error ratio curves show that the performance of the proposed QMUD and that of the optimal classic MUD are equivalent, but the QMUD’s computational complexity is significantly lower

    Near-Capacity Turbo Coded Soft-decision Aided DAPSK/Star-QAM for Amplify-and-Forward based Cooperative Communications

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    Multilevel Differential Amplitude and Phase-Shift Keying (DAPSK) schemes do not require any channel estimation, which results in low complexity. In this treatise we derive the soft-output probability formulas required for a soft-decision based demodulation of high-order DAPSK, in order to facilitate iterative detection by exchanging extrinsic information with an outer Turbo Code (TC). Furthermore, when the TC block size is increased, the system operates closer to the channel capacity. Compared to the identical-throughput TC assisted 64-ary Differential Phase-Shift Keying (64-DPSK) scheme, the 4-ring based TC assisted 64-ary DAPSK arrangement has a power-efficiency improvement of 2.3 dB at a bit error rate (BER) of 10-5 . Furthermore, when the TC block size is increased, the system operates closer to the channel capacity. More specifically, when using a TC block length of 400 modulated symbols, the 64 DAPSK (4, 16) scheme is 7.56 dB away from its capacity curve, while it had a reduced gap as low as 2.25 dB, when using a longer TC block length of 40 000 modulated symbols. Finally, as a novel application example, the soft-decision M-DAPSK scheme was incorporated into an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) based cooperative communication system, which attains another 4.5 dB SNR improvement for a TC block length of 40 000 modulated symbols

    Turbo trellis-coded hierarchical modulation assisted decode-and-forward cooperation

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    Hierarchical modulation, which is also known as layered modulation, has been widely adopted across the telecommunication industry. Its strict backward compatibility with single-layer modems and its low complexity facilitate the seamless upgrading of wireless communication services. The potential employment of hierarchical modulation in cooperative communications has the promise of increasing the achievable throughput at a low power consumption. In this paper, we propose a single-relay aided hierarchical modulation based cooperative communication system. The source employs a pair of Turbo Trellis-Coded Modulation schemes relying on specially designed hierarchical modulation, while the relay invokes the Decode-and-Forward protocol. We have analysed the system’s achievable rate as well as its bit error ratio using Monte-Carlo simulations. The results demonstrate that the power consumption of the entire system is reduced to 3.62 dB per time slot by our scheme

    Cooperative medium access control based on spectrum leasing

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    Based on cooperative spectrum leasing, a distributed “win–win” (WW) cooperative framework is designed to encourage the licensed source node (SN) to lease some part of its spectral resources to the unlicensed relay node (RN) for the sake of simultaneously improving the SN’s achievable rate and for reducing the energy consumption (EC). The potential candidate RNs carry out autonomous decisions concerning whether to contend for a cooperative transmission opportunity, which could dissipate some of their battery power, while conveying their traffic in light of their individual service requirements. Furthermore, a WW cooperative medium-access-control (MAC) protocol is designed to implement the proposed distributed WW cooperative framework. Simulation results demonstrate that our WW cooperative MAC protocol is capable of providing both substantial rate improvements and considerable energy savings for the cooperative spectrum leasing system

    Reduced-complexity non-coherent soft-decision-aided DAPSK dispensing with channel estimation

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    Differential Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (DAPSK), which is also known as star-shaped QAM has implementational advantages not only due to dispensing with channel estimation, but also as a benefit of its low signal detection complexity. It is widely recognized that separately detecting the amplitude and the phase of a received DAPSK symbol exhibits a lower complexity than jointly detecting the two terms. However, since the amplitude and the phase of a DAPSK symbol are affected by the correlated magnitude fading and phase-rotations, detecting the two terms completely independently results in a performance loss, which is especially significant for soft-decision-aided DAPSK detectors relying on multiple receive antennas. Therefore, in this contribution, we propose a new soft-decision-aided DAPSK detection method, which achieves the optimum DAPSK detection capability at a substantially reduced detection complexity. More specifically, we link each a priori soft input bit to a specific part of the channel's output, so that only a reduced subset of the DAPSK constellation points has to be evaluated by the soft DAPSK detector. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed soft DAPSK detector exhibits a lower detection complexity than that of independently detecting the amplitude and the phase, while the optimal performance of DAPSK detection is retained