5,237 research outputs found

    N-flation: Non-Gaussianity in the horizon-crossing approximation

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    We analyze the cosmic non-gaussianity produced in inflation models with multiple uncoupled fields with monomial potentials, such as Nflation. Using the horizon-crossing approximation to compute the non-gaussianity, we show that when each field has the same form of potential, the prediction is independent the number of fields, their initial conditions, and the spectrum of masses/couplings. It depends only on the number of e-foldings after the horizon crossing of observable perturbations. We also provide a further generalization to the case where the fields can have monomial potentials with different powers. Unless the horizon-crossing approximation is substantially violated, the predicted non-gaussianity is too small to ever be observed

    Nflation: observable predictions from the random matrix mass spectrum

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    We carry out numerical investigations of the perturbations in Nflation models where the mass spectrum is generated by random matrix theory. The tensor-to-scalar ratio and non-gaussianity are already known to take the single-field values, and so the density perturbation spectral index is the main parameter of interest. We study several types of random field initial conditions, and compute the spectral index as a function of mass spectrum parameters. Comparison with microwave anisotropy data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe shows that the model is currently viable in the majority of its parameter space.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX with 4 figures. Minor corrections to match version to appear in Physical Review

    Nflation: multi-field inflationary dynamics and perturbations

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    We carry out numerical investigations of the dynamics and perturbations in the Nflation model of Dimopoulos et al. (2005). This model features large numbers of scalar fields with different masses, which can cooperate to drive inflation according to the assisted inflation mechanism. We extend previous work to include random initial conditions for the scalar fields, and explore the predictions for density perturbations and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. The tensor-to-scalar ratio depends only on the number of e-foldings and is independent of the number of fields, their masses, and their initial conditions. It therefore always has the same value as for a single massive field. By contrast, the scalar spectral index has significant dependence on model parameters. While normally multi-field inflation models make predictions for observable quantities which depend also on the unknown field initial conditions, we find evidence of a `thermodynamic' regime whereby the predicted spectral index becomes independent of initial conditions if there are enough fields. Only in parts of parameter space where the mass spectrum of the fields is extremely densely packed is the model capable of satisfying the tight observational constraints from WMAP3 observations.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX4, 4 figures included. Updated to match PRD accepted version. Analysis and conclusions unchanged. New references, especially astro-ph/0510441 which was first to give the general r=8/N resul

    Dynamics of assisted quintessence

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    We explore the dynamics of assisted quintessence, where more than one scalar field is present with the same potential. For potentials with tracking solutions, the fields naturally approach the same values—in the context of inflation this leads to the assisted inflation phenomenon where several fields can cooperate to drive a period of inflation though none is able to individually. For exponential potentials, we study the fixed points and their stability confirming results already in the literature, and then carry out a numerical analysis to show how assisted quintessence is realized. For inverse power-law potentials, we find by contrast that there is no assisted behavior—indeed those are the unique (monotonic) potentials where several fields together behave just as a single field in the same potential. More generally, we provide an algorithm for generating a single-field potential giving equivalent dynamics to multifield assisted quintessence

    Mass Spectrum Dependence of Higgs-mediated mu-e Transition in the MSSM

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    In this paper, we study non-decoupling ÎĽ\mu - ee transition effects by Higgs-mediated contribution in the MSSM, when some SUSY mass parameters are much greater than TeV. In order to treat CP-odd Higgs mass mA0m_{A^{0}} as a free parameter, we consider the non-universal Higgs mass model (NUHM), and assume the only left- or right-handed sleptons had flavor-mixing mass terms. If both Higgs-mediated and ordinary SUSY contribution are significant, the ratio of branching ratios \BR(\meg) / \BR(\maleal) becomes sensitive to SUSY mass parameters. We investigated these mass-sensitive regions and the behavior of the ratio \BR(\meg) / \BR(\maleal) in some mass spectrum of the NUHM, and found that this ratio drastically depends on the mass spectrum structure and chirality of flavor violation. Log factor from two split mass scale influences the way of interference between gaugino- and Higgs-mediated contributions significantly.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, it will appear in PR

    Non-Gaussianity in Axion N-flation Models

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    We study perturbations in the multifield axion N-flation model, taking account of the full cosine potential. We find significant differences from previous analyses which made a quadratic approximation to the potential. The tensor-to-scalar ratio and the scalar spectral index move to lower values, which nevertheless provide an acceptable fit to observation. Most significantly, we find that the bispectrum non-Gaussianity parameter fNL may be large, typically of order 10 for moderate values of the axion decay constant, increasing to of order 100 for decay constants slightly smaller than the Planck scale. Such a non-Gaussian fraction is detectable. We argue that this property is generic in multifield models of hilltop inflation

    Emergence of a new pair-coherent phase in many-body quenches of repulsive bosons

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    We investigate the dynamical mode population statistics and associated first- and second-order coherence of an interacting bosonic two-mode model when the pair-exchange coupling is quenched from negative to positive values. It is shown that for moderately rapid second-order transitions, a new pair-coherent phase emerges on the positive coupling side in an excited state, which is not fragmented as the ground-state single-particle density matrix would prescribe it to be.Comment: 4 pages of RevTex4-1, 4 figures; Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    Intrinsic time gravity and the Lichnerowicz-York equation

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    We investigate the effect on the Hamiltonian structure of general relativity of choosing an intrinsic time to fix the time slicing. 3-covariance with momentum constraint is maintained, but the Hamiltonian constraint is replaced by a dynamical equation for the trace of the momentum. This reveals a very simple structure with a local reduced Hamiltonian. The theory is easily generalised; in particular, the square of the Cotton-York tensor density can be added as an extra part of the potential while at the same time maintaining the classic 2 + 2 degrees of freedom. Initial data construction is simple in the extended theory; we get a generalised Lichnerowicz-York equation with nice existence and uniqueness properties. Adding standard matter fields is quite straightforward.Comment: 4 page

    Three-geometry and reformulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation

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    A reformulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation which highlights the role of gauge-invariant three-geometry elements is presented. It is noted that the classical super-Hamiltonian of four-dimensional gravity as simplified by Ashtekar through the use of gauge potential and densitized triad variables can furthermore be succinctly expressed as a vanishing Poisson bracket involving three-geometry elements. This is discussed in the general setting of the Barbero extension of the theory with arbitrary non-vanishing value of the Immirzi parameter, and when a cosmological constant is also present. A proposed quantum constraint of density weight two which is polynomial in the basic conjugate variables is also demonstrated to correspond to a precise simple ordering of the operators, and may thus help to resolve the factor ordering ambiguity in the extrapolation from classical to quantum gravity. Alternative expression of a density weight one quantum constraint which may be more useful in the spin network context is also discussed, but this constraint is non-polynomial and is not motivated by factor ordering. The article also highlights the fact that while the volume operator has become a preeminient object in the current manifestation of loop quantum gravity, the volume element and the Chern-Simons functional can be of equal significance, and need not be mutually exclusive. Both these fundamental objects appear explicitly in the reformulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt constraint.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX fil

    Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum Faraday Rotators

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    We propose a new quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol based on the fully quantum mechanical states of the Faraday rotators. The protocol is unconditionally secure against collective attacks for multi-photon source up to two photons on a noisy environment. It is also robust against impersonation attacks. The protocol may be implemented experimentally with the current spintronics technology on semiconductors.Comment: 7 pages, 7 EPS figure
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