539 research outputs found

    Heavily and Fully Modified RNAs Guide Efficient SpyCas9-Mediated Genome Editing [preprint]

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    RNA-based drugs depend on chemical modifications to increase potency and nuclease stability, and to decrease immunogenicity in vivo. Chemical modification will likely improve the guide RNAs involved in CRISPR-Cas9-based therapeutics as well. Cas9 orthologs are RNA-guided microbial effectors that cleave DNA. No studies have yet explored chemical modification at all positions of the crRNA guide and tracrRNA cofactor. Here, we have identified several heavily-modified versions of crRNA and tracrRNA that are more potent than their unmodified counterparts. In addition, we describe fully chemically modified crRNAs and tracrRNAs (containing no 2\u27-OH groups) that are functional in human cells. These designs demonstrate a significant breakthrough for Cas9-based therapeutics since heavily modified RNAs tend to be more stable in vivo (thus increasing potency). We anticipate that our designs will improve the use of Cas9 via RNP and mRNA delivery for in vivo and ex vivo purposes

    Heavily and fully modified RNAs guide efficient SpyCas9-mediated genome editing

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    RNA-based drugs depend on chemical modifications to increase potency and to decrease immunogenicity in vivo. Chemical modification will likely improve the guide RNAs involved in CRISPR-Cas9-based therapeutics as well. Cas9 orthologs are RNA-guided microbial effectors that cleave DNA. Here, we explore chemical modifications at all positions of the crRNA guide and tracrRNA cofactor. We identify several heavily modified versions of crRNA and tracrRNA that are more potent than their unmodified counterparts. In addition, we describe fully chemically modified crRNAs and tracrRNAs (containing no 2\u27-OH groups) that are functional in human cells. These designs will contribute to Cas9-based therapeutics since heavily modified RNAs tend to be more stable in vivo (thus increasing potency). We anticipate that our designs will improve the use of Cas9 via RNP and mRNA delivery for in vivo and ex vivo purposes

    Water soluble nickel and iron salts for hydroxymethylfurfural HMF and water oxidation the simplest precatalysts?

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    Electrochemical production of large scale chemicals and fuels is critical to reaching carbon neutrality. However, the required anodic oxidation reactions, namely the oxygen evolution reaction OER or the oxidation of organics into value added products, suffer from large overpotentials. To address this challenge, researchers have been widely investigating non water soluble pre catalysts to operate in the aqueous electrolyte. On the contrary, in this work, we approach a rapid, easy, and green carbon cloth electrode preparation using merely water soluble nitrate precursors and ethanol as chemicals and no heating steps. The drop coated, water soluble transition metal salts reconstruct rapidly into the respective oxyhydroxides under OER conditions, with the oxyanion acting as a beneficial sacrificial reagent. This approach is shown herein for nickel iron catalysts and their successful application for the OER 220 mV overpotential at 10 mA cm amp; 8722;2, long term stability of 40 h at 100 mA cm amp; 8722;2 and the oxidation of 5 hydroxymethylfurfural HMF, quantitative faradaic efficiency . We compare both reactions with both electrodes closely and find that the iron free sample is more active for the HMF oxidation in regimes where mass transport is not the main limiting factor. We anticipate that this simple electrode preparation approach can find wide application in electrocatalysis and beyon

    Lokale politische Kultur

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    Sofern die schwache Datenbasis überhaupt Verallgemeinerungen zuläßt, entspricht die lokale Politische Kultur der Bundesrepublik weitgehend den Anforderungen an eine demokratische Staatsbürgerkultur: Die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung vertraut der Exekutive, und sie hält sich selbst für fähig, das Handeln der lokalen politischen Führung zu beeinflussen. Den politischen Parteien bringt sie mehr positive als negative Gefühle entgegen. Mit zunehmender Gemeindegröße schwächt sich das Vertrauen zur Exekutive graduell ab, die Einschätzung der politischen Parteien wird positiver und das Kompetenzbewußtsein der Bürgerinnen und Bürger steigt. Die Balance verschiebt sich also von einer traditionellen Untertanenorientierung zu einer partizipativen, konfliktorientierten Politischen Kultur

    Making up meanings in a capital city: power, memory and monuments in Berlin

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    Much contemporary writing on cities focuses on their position within wider global networks, so there is a risk of underplaying the significance of other aspects of the urban experience.This paper explores the particular role of Berlin as capital city in the making of the (new) Berliner Republic and the ways in which it is defined (and defines itself) within that Republic. Berlin is the (and often literally the building) site on which a new Germany is being constructed. The making up of the new Berlin is dominated by attempts to reinterpret and reimagine its history: it is a city of memorials and of deliberate absences; of remembering and forgetting, or trying to forget; of reshaping the past as well as trying to build a new future. The juxtapositions of urban experience, the layering of memories and the attempt to imagine a different future come together to define Berlin as a contemporary capital city

    Selection of hyperfunctional siRNAs with improved potency and specificity

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    One critical step in RNA interference (RNAi) experiments is to design small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that can greatly reduce the expression of the target transcripts, but not of other unintended targets. Although various statistical and computational approaches have been attempted, this remains a challenge facing RNAi researchers. Here, we present a new experimentally validated method for siRNA design. By analyzing public siRNA data and focusing on hyperfunctional siRNAs, we identified a set of sequence features as potency selection criteria to build an siRNA design algorithm with support vector machines. Additional bioinformatics filters were also included in the algorithm to increase RNAi specificity by reducing potential sequence cross-hybridization or microRNA-like effects. Independent validation experiments were performed, which indicated that the newly designed siRNAs have significantly improved performance, and worked effectively even at low concentrations. Furthermore, our cell-based studies demonstrated that the siRNA off-target effects were significantly reduced when the siRNAs were delivered into cells at the 3 nM concentration compared to 30 nM. Thus, the capability of our new design program to select highly potent siRNAs also renders increased RNAi specificity because these siRNAs can be used at a much lower concentration. The siRNA design web server is available at http://www5.appliedbiosystems.com/tools/siDesign/

    CRISPR-enhanced human adipocyte \u27browning\u27 as cell therapy for metabolic disease [preprint]

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    Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are associated with poor tissue responses to insulin [1,2], disturbances in glucose and lipid fluxes [3-5] and comorbidities including steatohepatitis [6] and cardiovascular disease [7,8]. Despite extensive efforts at prevention and treatment [9,10], diabetes afflicts over 400 million people worldwide [11]. Whole body metabolism is regulated by adipose tissue depots [12-14], which include both lipid-storing white adipocytes and less abundant \u27brown\u27 and \u27brite/beige\u27 adipocytes that express thermogenic uncoupling protein UCP1 and secrete factors favorable to metabolic health [15-18]. Application of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) gene editing [19,20] to enhance \u27browning\u27 of white adipose tissue is an attractive therapeutic approach to T2D. However, the problems of cell-selective delivery, immunogenicity of CRISPR reagents and long term stability of the modified adipocytes are formidable. To overcome these issues, we developed methods that deliver complexes of SpyCas9 protein and sgRNA ex vivo to disrupt the thermogenesis suppressor gene NRIP1 [21,22] with near 100% efficiency in human or mouse adipocytes. NRIP1 gene disruption at discrete loci strongly ablated NRIP1 protein and upregulated expression of UCP1 and beneficial secreted factors, while residual Cas9 protein and sgRNA were rapidly degraded. Implantation of the CRISPR-enhanced human or mouse brown-like adipocytes into high fat diet fed mice decreased adiposity and liver triglycerides while enhancing glucose tolerance compared to mice implanted with unmodified adipocytes. These findings advance a therapeutic strategy to improve metabolic homeostasis through CRISPR-based genetic modification of human adipocytes without exposure of the recipient to immunogenic Cas9 or delivery vectors

    Use of divalent metal ions in the DNA cleavage reaction of topoisomerase IV

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    It has long been known that type II topoisomerases require divalent metal ions in order to cleave DNA. Kinetic, mutagenesis and structural studies indicate that the eukaryotic enzymes utilize a novel variant of the canonical two-metal-ion mechanism to promote DNA scission. However, the role of metal ions in the cleavage reaction mediated by bacterial type II enzymes has been controversial. Therefore, to resolve this critical issue, this study characterized the DNA cleavage reaction of Escherichia coli topoisomerase IV. We utilized a series of divalent metal ions with varying thiophilicities in conjunction with oligonucleotides that replaced bridging and non-bridging oxygen atoms at (and near) the scissile bond with sulfur atoms. DNA scission was enhanced when thiophilic metal ions were used with substrates that contained bridging sulfur atoms. In addition, the metal-ion dependence of DNA cleavage was sigmoidal in nature, and rates and levels of DNA cleavage increased when metal ion mixtures were used in reactions. Based on these findings, we propose that topoisomerase IV cleaves DNA using a two-metal-ion mechanism in which one of the metal ions makes a critical interaction with the 3′-bridging atom of the scissile phosphate and facilitates DNA scission by the bacterial type II enzyme

    Elevated Serum Levels of Interferon-Regulated Chemokines Are Biomarkers for Active Human Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    BACKGROUND: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a serious systemic autoimmune disorder that affects multiple organ systems and is characterized by unpredictable flares of disease. Recent evidence indicates a role for type I interferon (IFN) in SLE pathogenesis; however, the downstream effects of IFN pathway activation are not well understood. Here we test the hypothesis that type I IFN-regulated proteins are present in the serum of SLE patients and correlate with disease activity. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We performed a comprehensive survey of the serologic proteome in human SLE and identified dysregulated levels of 30 cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, and soluble receptors. Particularly striking was the highly coordinated up-regulation of 12 inflammatory and/or homeostatic chemokines, molecules that direct the movement of leukocytes in the body. Most of the identified chemokines were inducible by type I IFN, and their levels correlated strongly with clinical and laboratory measures of disease activity. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that severely disrupted chemokine gradients may contribute to the systemic autoimmunity observed in human SLE. Furthermore, the levels of serum chemokines may serve as convenient biomarkers for disease activity in lupus

    Interferon and Biologic Signatures in Dermatomyositis Skin: Specificity and Heterogeneity across Diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Dermatomyositis (DM) is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects the skin, muscle, and lung. The pathogenesis of skin inflammation in DM is not well understood. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: We analyzed genome-wide expression data in DM skin and compared them to those from healthy controls. We observed a robust upregulation of interferon (IFN)-inducible genes in DM skin, as well as several other gene modules pertaining to inflammation, complement activation, and epidermal activation and differentiation. The interferon (IFN)-inducible genes within the DM signature were present not only in DM and lupus, but also cutaneous herpes simplex-2 infection and to a lesser degree, psoriasis. This IFN signature was absent or weakly present in atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, acne vulgaris, systemic sclerosis, and localized scleroderma/morphea. We observed that the IFN signature in DM skin appears to be more closely related to type I than type II IFN based on in vitro IFN stimulation expression signatures. However, quantitation of IFN mRNAs in DM skin shows that the majority of known type I IFNs, as well as IFN g, are overexpressed in DM skin. In addition, both IFN-beta and IFN-gamma (but not other type I IFN) transcript levels were highly correlated with the degree of the in vivo IFN transcriptional response in DM skin. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: As in the blood and muscle, DM skin is characterized by an overwhelming presence of an IFN signature, although it is difficult to conclusively define this response as type I or type II. Understanding the significance of the IFN signature in this wide array of inflammatory diseases will be furthered by identification of the nature of the cells that both produce and respond to IFN, as well as which IFN subtype is biologically active in each diseased tissue