15 research outputs found

    Scatter Factor/Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Its Receptor, the c-met Tyrosine Kinase, Can Mediate a Signal Exchange between Mesenchyme and Epithelia during Mouse Development

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    Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor (SF/HGF) has potent motogenic, mitogenic, and morphogenetic activities on epithelial cells in vitro. The cell surface receptor for this factor was recently identified: it is the product of the c - m e t protooncogene, a receptor-type tyrosine kinase. We report here the novel and distinct expression patterns of SF/HGF and its receptor during mouse development, which was determined by a combination of in situ hybridization and RNase protection experiments. Predominantly, we detect transcripts of c - m e t in epithelial cells of various developing organs, whereas the ligand is expressed in distinct mesenchymal cells in close vicinity. In addition, transient SF/HGF and c - m e t expression is found at certain sites of muscle formation; transient expression of the c - m e t gene is also detected in developing motoneurons. SF/HGF and the c-met receptor might thus play multiple developmental roles, most notably, mediate a signal given by mesenchyme and received by epithelial. Mesenchymal signals are known to govern differentiation and morphogenesis of many epithelia, but the molecular nature of the signals has remained poorly understood. Therefore, the known biological activities of SF/HGF in vitro and the embryonal expression pattern reported here indicate that this mesenchymal factor can transmit morphogenetic signals in epithelial development and suggest a molecular mechanism for mesenchymal epithelial interactions

    Placental Failure in Mice Lacking the Mammalian Homolog of Glial Cells Missing, GCMa

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    The GCM family of transcription factors consists of Drosophila melanogaster GCM, an important regulator of gliogenesis in the fly, and its two mammalian homologs, GCMa and GCMb. To clarify the function of these mammalian homologs, we deleted GCMa in mice. Genetic ablation of murine GCMa (mGCMa) is embryonic lethal, with mice dying between 9.5 and 10 days postcoitum. At the time of death, no abnormalities were apparent in the embryo proper. Nervous system development, in particular, was not impaired, as might have been expected in analogy to Drosophila GCM. Instead, placental failure was the cause of death. In agreement with the selective expression of mGCMa in labyrinthine trophoblasts, mutant placentas did not develop a functional labyrinth layer, which is necessary for nutrient and gas exchange between maternal and fetal blood. Only a few fetal blood vessels entered the placenta, and these failed to thrive and branch normally. Labyrinthine trophoblasts did not differentiate. All other layers of the placenta, including spongiotrophoblast and giant cell layer, formed normally. Our results indicate that mGCMa plays a critical role in trophoblast differentiation and the signal transduction processes required for normal vascularization of the placent

    Placental Failure in Mice Lacking the Mammalian Homolog of Glial Cells Missing, GCMa

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    The GCM family of transcription factors consists of Drosophila melanogaster GCM, an important regulator of gliogenesis in the fly, and its two mammalian homologs, GCMa and GCMb. To clarify the function of these mammalian homologs, we deleted GCMa in mice. Genetic ablation of murine GCMa (mGCMa) is embryonic lethal, with mice dying between 9.5 and 10 days postcoitum. At the time of death, no abnormalities were apparent in the embryo proper. Nervous system development, in particular, was not impaired, as might have been expected in analogy to Drosophila GCM. Instead, placental failure was the cause of death. In agreement with the selective expression of mGCMa in labyrinthine trophoblasts, mutant placentas did not develop a functional labyrinth layer, which is necessary for nutrient and gas exchange between maternal and fetal blood. Only a few fetal blood vessels entered the placenta, and these failed to thrive and branch normally. Labyrinthine trophoblasts did not differentiate. All other layers of the placenta, including spongiotrophoblast and giant cell layer, formed normally. Our results indicate that mGCMa plays a critical role in trophoblast differentiation and the signal transduction processes required for normal vascularization of the placent

    Scatter Factor/Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Its Receptor, the c-met Tyrosine Kinase, Can Mediate a Signal Exchange between Mesenchyme and Epithelia during Mouse Development

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    Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor (SF/HGF) has potent motogenic, mitogenic, and morphogenetic activities on epithelial cells in vitro. The cell surface receptor for this factor was recently identified: it is the product of the c - m e t protooncogene, a receptor-type tyrosine kinase. We report here the novel and distinct expression patterns of SF/HGF and its receptor during mouse development, which was determined by a combination of in situ hybridization and RNase protection experiments. Predominantly, we detect transcripts of c - m e t in epithelial cells of various developing organs, whereas the ligand is expressed in distinct mesenchymal cells in close vicinity. In addition, transient SF/HGF and c - m e t expression is found at certain sites of muscle formation; transient expression of the c - m e t gene is also detected in developing motoneurons. SF/HGF and the c-met receptor might thus play multiple developmental roles, most notably, mediate a signal given by mesenchyme and received by epithelial. Mesenchymal signals are known to govern differentiation and morphogenesis of many epithelia, but the molecular nature of the signals has remained poorly understood. Therefore, the known biological activities of SF/HGF in vitro and the embryonal expression pattern reported here indicate that this mesenchymal factor can transmit morphogenetic signals in epithelial development and suggest a molecular mechanism for mesenchymal epithelial interactions

    The c-ros tvrosine kinase receptor I controls regionalization and differehiation of epithelial cells in the epididymis

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    The c-ros gene was originally identified in mutant form as an oncogene. The proto-oncogene encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor that is expressed in a small number of epithelial cell types, including those of the epididymis. Targeted mutations of c-ros in the mouse reveal an essential role of the gene in male fertility. Male c-ros -1- animals do not reproduce, whereas the fertility of female animals is not affected. We demonstrate that c-ros is not required in a cell autonomous manner for male germ cell development or function. The gene, therefore, does not affect sperm generation or function in a direct manner. The primary defect in the mutant animals was located in the epididymis, showing that c-ros controls appropriate development of the epithelia, particularly regionalization and terminal differentiation. The epididymal defect does not interfere with production or storage of sperm but, rather, with sperm maturation and the ability of sperm to fertilize in vivo. Interestingly, sperm isolated from c-ros - / - animals can fertilize in vitro. Our results highlight the essential role of the epididymis in male fertility and demonstrate a highly specific function of the c-ros receptor tyrosine kinase during development of distinct epithelial cell

    The extracellular-matrix protein matrilin 2 participates in peripheral nerve regeneration

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    Matrilins are adaptor proteins of the extracellular matrix involved in the formation of both collagen-dependent and collagen-independent filamentous networks. Although their molecular structure and binding partners have been characterized, the functional roles of the four matrilin family members in vivo are still largely unknown. Here, we show that matrilin 2, expressed in pre-myelinating Schwann cells during normal development, profoundly influences the behaviour of glial cells and neurons in vitro. When offered as a uniform substrate, matrilin 2 increased neurite outgrowth of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons and enhanced the migration of both cell line- and embryonic DRG-derived Schwann cells. Vice versa, axonal outgrowth and cell migration were decreased in DRG cultures prepared from matrilin-2-deficient mice compared with wild-type (wt) cultures. In stripe assays, matrilin 2 alone was sufficient to guide axonal growth and, interestingly, axons favoured the combination of matrilin 2 and laminin over laminin alone. In vivo, matrilin 2 was strongly upregulated in injured peripheral nerves of adult wild-type mice and failure of protein upregulation in knockout mice resulted in delayed regrowth of regenerating axons and delayed time-course of functional recovery. Strikingly, the functional recovery 2 months after nerve injury was inferior in matrilin-2-deficient mice compared with wild-type littermates, although motoneuron survival, quality of axonal regeneration, estimated by analyses of axonal diameters and degrees of myelination, and Schwann cell proliferation were not influenced by the mutation. These results show that matrilin 2 is a permissive substrate for axonal growth and cell migration, and that it is required for successful nerve regeneratio

    Peripheral nervous system defects in erbB2 mutants following genetic rescue of heart development

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    The ErbB2 tyrosine kinase functions as coreceptor for the neuregulin receptors ErbB3 and ErbB4 and can participate in signaling of EGF receptor (ErbB1), interleukin receptor gp130, and G-protein coupled receptors. ErbB2−/− mice die at midgestation because of heart malformation. Here, we report a genetic rescue of their heart development by myocardial expression of erbB2 cDNA that allows survival of the mutants to birth. In rescued erbB2 mutants, Schwann cells are lacking. Motoneurons form and can project to muscle, but nerves are poorly fasciculated and disorganized. Neuromuscular junctions form, as reflected in clustering of AChR and postsynaptic expression of the genes encoding the a-AChR, AChE, e-AChR, and the RI subunit of the cAMP protein kinase. However, a severe loss of motoneurons on cervical and lumbar, but not on thoracic levels occurs. Our results define the roles of Schwann cells during motoneuron and synapse development, and reveal different survival requirements for distinct motoneuron population


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    Matricellular proteins are involved in the crosstalk between cells and their environment and thus play an important role in allergic and inflammatory reactions. Periostin, a matricellular protein, has several documented and multi-faceted roles in health and disease. It is differentially expressed, usually upregulated, in allergic conditions, a variety of inflammatory diseases as well as in cancer and contributes to the development and progression of these diseases. Periostin has also been shown to influence tissue remodelling, fibrosis, regeneration and repair. In allergic reactions periostin is involved in type 2 immunity and can be induced by IL-4 and IL-13 in bronchial cells. A variety of different allergic diseases, among them bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD), have been shown to be connected to periostin expression. Periostin is commonly expressed in fibroblasts and acts on epithelial cells as well as fibroblasts involving integrin and NF-κB signalling. Also direct signalling between periostin and immune cells has been reported. The deposition of periostin in inflamed, often fibrotic, tissues is further fuelling the inflammatory process. There is increasing evidence that periostin is also expressed by epithelial cells in several of the above-mentioned conditions as well as in cancer. Augmented periostin expression has also been associated with chronic inflammation such as in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Periostin can be expressed in a variety of different isoforms, whose functions have not been elucidated yet. This review will discuss potential functions of periostin and its different isoforms in allergy and inflammation

    Role of periostin in inflammatory bowel disease development and synergistic effects mediated by the CCL5-CCR5 axis

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), comprising mainly Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In recent years, a wealth of data has been accumulated demonstrating the complex interplay of many different factors in the pathogenesis of IBD. Among these are factors impacting the epithelial barrier function, including vessel and extracellular matrix (ECM) formation, the gut microbiome (e.g., bacterial antigens), and, most importantly, the production of cytokines (pro- and anti-inflammatory) directly shaping the immune response. Patients failing to resolve the acute intestinal inflammation develop chronic inflammation. It has been shown that the expression of the matricellular protein periostin is enhanced during IBD and is one of the drivers of this disease. The C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is engaged by the chemotactic mediators CCL3/MIP-1 alpha, CCL4/MIP-1 beta, and CCL5/RANTES. CCR5 blockade has been reported to ameliorate inflammation in a murine IBD model. Thus, both periostin and CCR5 are involved in the development of IBD. In this study, we investigated the potential crosstalk between the two signaling systems and tested a highly potent CCL5 derivative acting as a CCR5 antagonist in a murine model of IBD. We observed that the absence of periostin influences the CCR5-expressing cell population of the gut. Our data further support the notion that targeted modulation of the periostin and CCR5 signaling systems bears therapeutic potential for IBD