199 research outputs found

    Watching Videos with Certain and Constant Quality: PID-based Quality Control Method

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    In video coding, compressed videos with certain and constant quality can ensure quality of experience (QoE). To this end, we propose in this paper a novel PID-based quality control (PQC) method for video coding. Specifically, a formulation is modelled to control quality of video coding with two objectives: minimizing control error and quality fluctuation. Then, we apply the Laplace domain analysis to model the relationship between quantization parameter (QP) and control error in this formulation. Given the relationship between QP and control error, we propose a solution to the PQC formulation, such that videos can be compressed at certain and constant quality. Finally, experimental results show that our PQC method is effective in both control accuracy and quality fluctuation

    Summable Reparameterizations of Wasserstein Critics in the One-Dimensional Setting

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are an exciting alternative to algorithms for solving density estimation problems---using data to assess how likely samples are to be drawn from the same distribution. Instead of explicitly computing these probabilities, GANs learn a generator that can match the given probabilistic source. This paper looks particularly at this matching capability in the context of problems with one-dimensional outputs. We identify a class of function decompositions with properties that make them well suited to the critic role in a leading approach to GANs known as Wasserstein GANs. We show that Taylor and Fourier series decompositions belong to our class, provide examples of these critics outperforming standard GAN approaches, and suggest how they can be scaled to higher dimensional problems in the future

    Generalization Tower Network: A Novel Deep Neural Network Architecture for Multi-Task Learning

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    Deep learning (DL) advances state-of-the-art reinforcement learning (RL), by incorporating deep neural networks in learning representations from the input to RL. However, the conventional deep neural network architecture is limited in learning representations for multi-task RL (MT-RL), as multiple tasks can refer to different kinds of representations. In this paper, we thus propose a novel deep neural network architecture, namely generalization tower network (GTN), which can achieve MT-RL within a single learned model. Specifically, the architecture of GTN is composed of both horizontal and vertical streams. In our GTN architecture, horizontal streams are used to learn representation shared in similar tasks. In contrast, the vertical streams are introduced to be more suitable for handling diverse tasks, which encodes hierarchical shared knowledge of these tasks. The effectiveness of the introduced vertical stream is validated by experimental results. Experimental results further verify that our GTN architecture is able to advance the state-of-the-art MT-RL, via being tested on 51 Atari games

    Learning Approximate Stochastic Transition Models

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    We examine the problem of learning mappings from state to state, suitable for use in a model-based reinforcement-learning setting, that simultaneously generalize to novel states and can capture stochastic transitions. We show that currently popular generative adversarial networks struggle to learn these stochastic transition models but a modification to their loss functions results in a powerful learning algorithm for this class of problems

    Numerical Modeling on Thermal Loading of Diamond Crystal in X-ray FEL Oscillator

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    Due to high reflectivity and high resolution of X-ray pulses, diamond is one of the most popular Bragg crystals serving as the reflecting mirror and mono−-chromator in the next generation of free electrons lasers (FELs). The energy deposition of X-rays will result in thermal heating, and thus lattice expansion of the diamond crystal, which may degrade the performance of X-ray FELs. In this paper, the thermal loading effect of diamond crystal for X-ray FEL oscillators has been systematically studied by combined simulation with Geant4 and ANSYS, and its dependence on the environmental temperature, crystal size, X-ray pulse repetition rate and pulse energy are presented. Our results show that taking the thermal loading effects into account, X-ray FEL oscillators are still robust and promising with an optimized design.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, 1 tables, To be published in Chinese Physics

    Does Haze Removal Help CNN-based Image Classification?

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    Hazy images are common in real scenarios and many dehazing methods have been developed to automatically remove the haze from images. Typically, the goal of image dehazing is to produce clearer images from which human vision can better identify the object and structural details present in the images. When the ground-truth haze-free image is available for a hazy image, quantitative evaluation of image dehazing is usually based on objective metrics, such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM). However, in many applications, large-scale images are collected not for visual examination by human. Instead, they are used for many high-level vision tasks, such as automatic classification, recognition and categorization. One fundamental problem here is whether various dehazing methods can produce clearer images that can help improve the performance of the high-level tasks. In this paper, we empirically study this problem in the important task of image classification by using both synthetic and real hazy image datasets. From the experimental results, we find that the existing image-dehazing methods cannot improve much the image-classification performance and sometimes even reduce the image-classification performance

    Image Inpainting using Block-wise Procedural Training with Annealed Adversarial Counterpart

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    Recent advances in deep generative models have shown promising potential in image inpanting, which refers to the task of predicting missing pixel values of an incomplete image using the known context. However, existing methods can be slow or generate unsatisfying results with easily detectable flaws. In addition, there is often perceivable discontinuity near the holes and require further post-processing to blend the results. We present a new approach to address the difficulty of training a very deep generative model to synthesize high-quality photo-realistic inpainting. Our model uses conditional generative adversarial networks (conditional GANs) as the backbone, and we introduce a novel block-wise procedural training scheme to stabilize the training while we increase the network depth. We also propose a new strategy called adversarial loss annealing to reduce the artifacts. We further describe several losses specifically designed for inpainting and show their effectiveness. Extensive experiments and user-study show that our approach outperforms existing methods in several tasks such as inpainting, face completion and image harmonization. Finally, we show our framework can be easily used as a tool for interactive guided inpainting, demonstrating its practical value to solve common real-world challenges

    PortraitGAN for Flexible Portrait Manipulation

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    Previous methods have dealt with discrete manipulation of facial attributes such as smile, sad, angry, surprise etc, out of canonical expressions and they are not scalable, operating in single modality. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that supports continuous edits and multi-modality portrait manipulation using adversarial learning. Specifically, we adapt cycle-consistency into the conditional setting by leveraging additional facial landmarks information. This has two effects: first cycle mapping induces bidirectional manipulation and identity preserving; second pairing samples from different modalities can thus be utilized. To ensure high-quality synthesis, we adopt texture-loss that enforces texture consistency and multi-level adversarial supervision that facilitates gradient flow. Quantitative and qualitative experiments show the effectiveness of our framework in performing flexible and multi-modality portrait manipulation with photo-realistic effects

    Predicting Head Movement in Panoramic Video: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    Panoramic video provides immersive and interactive experience by enabling humans to control the field of view (FoV) through head movement (HM). Thus, HM plays a key role in modeling human attention on panoramic video. This paper establishes a database collecting subjects' HM in panoramic video sequences. From this database, we find that the HM data are highly consistent across subjects. Furthermore, we find that deep reinforcement learning (DRL) can be applied to predict HM positions, via maximizing the reward of imitating human HM scanpaths through the agent's actions. Based on our findings, we propose a DRL-based HM prediction (DHP) approach with offline and online versions, called offline-DHP and online-DHP. In offline-DHP, multiple DRL workflows are run to determine potential HM positions at each panoramic frame. Then, a heat map of the potential HM positions, named the HM map, is generated as the output of offline-DHP. In online-DHP, the next HM position of one subject is estimated given the currently observed HM position, which is achieved by developing a DRL algorithm upon the learned offline-DHP model. Finally, the experiments validate that our approach is effective in both offline and online prediction of HM positions for panoramic video, and that the learned offline-DHP model can improve the performance of online-DHP.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, published on TPAMI 201

    Design Identification of Curve Patterns on Cultural Heritage Objects: Combining Template Matching and CNN-based Re-Ranking

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    The surfaces of many cultural heritage objects were embellished with various patterns, especially curve patterns. In practice, most of the unearthed cultural heritage objects are highly fragmented, e.g., sherds of potteries or vessels, and each of them only shows a very small portion of the underlying full design, with noise and deformations. The goal of this paper is to address the challenging problem of automatically identifying the underlying full design of curve patterns from such a sherd. Specifically, we formulate this problem as template matching: curve structure segmented from the sherd is matched to each location with each possible orientation of each known full design. In this paper, we propose a new two-stage matching algorithm, with a different matching cost in each stage. In Stage 1, we use a traditional template matching, which is highly computationally efficient, over the whole search space and identify a small set of candidate matchings. In Stage 2, we derive a new matching cost by training a dual-source Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and apply it to re-rank the candidate matchings identified in Stage 1. We collect 600 pottery sherds with 98 full designs from the Woodland Period in Southeastern North America for experiments and the performance of the proposed algorithm is very competitive.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure
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