62 research outputs found

    Making recommendations bandwidth aware

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    This paper asks how much we can gain in terms of bandwidth and user satisfaction, if recommender systems became bandwidth aware and took into account not only the user preferences, but also the fact that they may need to serve these users under bandwidth constraints, as is the case over wireless networks. We formulate this as a new problem in the context of index coding: we relax the index coding requirements to capture scenarios where each client has preferences associated with messages. The client is satisfied to receive any message she does not already have, with a satisfaction proportional to her preference for that message. We consistently find, over a number of scenarios we sample, that although the optimization problems are in general NP-hard, significant bandwidth savings are possible even when restricted to polynomial time algorithms

    Dynamic Edge Caching with Popularity Drifting

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    Caching at the network edge devices such as wireless caching stations (WCS) is a key technology in the 5G network. The spatial-temporal diversity of content popularity requires different content to be cached in different WCSs and periodically updated to adapt to temporal changes. In this paper, we study how the popularity drifting speed affects the number of required broadcast transmissions by the MBS and then design coded transmission schemes by leveraging the broadcast advantage under the index coding framework. The key idea is that files already cached in WCSs, which although may be currently unpopular, can serve as side information to facilitate coded broadcast transmission for cache updating. Our algorithm extends existing index coding-based schemes from a single-request scenario to a multiple-request scenario via a "dynamic coloring" approach. Simulation results indicate that a significant bandwidth saving can be achieved by adopting our scheme

    Privacy in Index Coding: Improved Bounds and Coding Schemes

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    It was recently observed in [1], that in index coding, learning the coding matrix used by the server can pose privacy concerns: curious clients can extract information about the requests and side information of other clients. One approach to mitigate such concerns is the use of kk-limited-access schemes [1], that restrict each client to learn only part of the index coding matrix, and in particular, at most kk rows. These schemes transform a linear index coding matrix of rank TT to an alternate one, such that each client needs to learn at most kk of the coding matrix rows to decode its requested message. This paper analyzes kk-limited-access schemes. First, a worst-case scenario, where the total number of clients nn is 2T−12^T-1 is studied. For this case, a novel construction of the coding matrix is provided and shown to be order-optimal in the number of transmissions. Then, the case of a general nn is considered and two different schemes are designed and analytically and numerically assessed in their performance. It is shown that these schemes perform better than the one designed for the case n=2T−1n=2^T-1
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