149 research outputs found
QGP viscosity at RHIC and the LHC - a 2012 status report
In this article, we briefly review the recent progress related to extracting
the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) specific shear viscosity from the flow data
measured at Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of Quark Matter 2012, August 13-18,
Washington D.C., US
Chemical and thermal freeze-out of identified hadrons at the LHC
This proceeding briefly summarizes our recent VISHNU hybrid model
investigations on the chemical and thermal freeze-out of various hadrons
species in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions. Detailed analysis on the evolution of
particle yields and the last elastic collisions distributions during the
hadronic evolution reveals that the two multi-strange hadrons, and
, experience early chemical and thermal freeze-out when compared with
other hadron species.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, SQM2015 proceedin
Universal scaling of non-equilibrium critical fluctuations from Langevin dynamics of model A
Within the framework of the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism, we investigate the
universal behavior of the non-equilibrium critical fluctuations, using the
Langevin dynamics of model A. With properly located typical time, length and
angle scales, \tau_{\mbox{KZ}}, l_{\mbox{KZ}}, and \theta_{\mbox{KZ}},
the constructed functions
\bar{f}_n((\tau-\tau_c)/\tau_{\mbox{KZ}},\theta_{\mbox{KZ}}) (n=1...4) for
the cumulants of the sigma field show universal behavior near the critical
point, which are independent from some non-universal factors, such as the
relaxation time or the evolution trajectory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, CPOD 2017 proceeding
Dynamical fluctuations in critical regime and across the 1st order phase transition
In this proceeding, we study the dynamical evolution of the sigma field
within the framework of Langevin dynamics. We find that, as the system evolves
in the critical regime, the magnitudes and signs of the cumulants of sigma
field, and , can be dramatically different from the equilibrated
ones due to the memory effects near . For the dynamical evolution across
the 1st order phase transition boundary, the supercooling effect leads the
sigma field to be widely distributed in the thermodynamical potential, which
largely enhances the cumulants , correspondingly.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings for Quark Matter 201
Causal Viscous Hydrodynamics for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
The viscosity of the QGP is a presently hotly debated subject. Since its
computation from first principles is difficult, it is desirable to try to
extract it from experimental data. Viscous hydrodynamics provides a tool that
can attack this problem and which may work in regions where ideal hydrodynamics
begins to fail.
This thesis focuses on viscous hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy ion
collisions. We first review the 2nd order viscous equations obtained from
different approaches, and then report on the work of the Ohio State University
group on setting up the equations for causal viscous hydrodynamics in 2+1
dimensions and solving them numerically for central and noncentral Cu+Cu and
Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies and above. We discuss shear and bulk viscous
effects on the hydrodynamic evolution of entropy density, temperature,
collective flow, and flow anisotropies, and on the hadron multiplicity, single
particle spectra and elliptic flow. Viscous entropy production and its
influence on the centrality dependence of hadron multiplicities and the
multiplicity scaling of eccentricity-scaled elliptic flow are studied in
viscous hydrodynamics and compared with experimental data. The dynamical
effects of using different versions of the Israel-Stewart second order
formalism for causal viscous fluid dynamics are discussed, resolving some of
the apparent discrepancies between early results reported by different groups.
Finally, we assess the present status of constraining the shear viscosity to
entropy ratio of the hot and dense matter created at RHIC.Comment: Ph.D thesis (The Ohio State University, 2009; Advisor: U. Heinz), a
printer friendly version with tight lines (110 pages
Enhancements of high order cumulants across the 1st order phase transition boundary
In this proceeding, we investigate the dynamical evolution of the
field with a trajectory across the 1st order phase transition boundary, using
Langevin dynamics from the linear sigma model. We find the high order cumulants
of the field are largely enhanced during the dynamical evolution,
compared with the equilibrium values, due to the supercooling effect of the
first order phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, SQM proceeding, with minor change
Collective flow and hydrodynamics in large and small systems at the LHC
In this article, we briefly review the recent progress on collective flow and
hydrodynamics in large and small systems at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
which includes the following topics: extracting the QGP viscosity from the flow
data, initial state fluctuations and final state correlations in 2.76 A TeV
Pb--Pb collisions, correlations and collective flow in high energy p--Pb and
p--p collisions.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, Invited Review for Nuclear Science and
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