1 research outputs found

    The Comparison of efficacy of lornoxicam and paracetamol for preemptive analgesia in mice

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    Objectives: Preemptive analgesia means that block the peripheral and central nociception as an analgesic regime apply before the painful stimulus. We aimed compared preemptive analgesic properties of lornoxicam with paracetamol on mice in this experimental study.Materials and methods: Experimental mice were divided into three groups. Before the formalin injection in the right front foot of mice, saline administered in first group, lornoxicam administered in second group and paracetamol in third group intraperitoneally. Responses to pain of mice were recorded after the procedure during the 60 min.Results: While appears to be lornoxicam more effective than the control group in the first 10 minutes, paracetamol provided more effective analgesia lornoxicam and control group within 11-60th min. and 0-60th min.Conclusion: Although lornoxicam provided significant benefit in acute phase, paracetamol was found more effective in tonic phase and total time in this study