6 research outputs found

    Fractal Dimensions and Scaling Laws in the Interstellar Medium and Galaxy Distributions: a new Field Theory Approach

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    We develop a field theoretical approach to the cold interstellar medium (ISM) and large structure of the universe. We show that a non-relativistic self- gravitating gas in thermal equilibrium with variable number of atoms or fragments is exactly equivalent to a field theory of a scalar field phi(x) with exponential self-interaction. We analyze this field theory perturbatively and non-perturbatively through the renormalization group(RG).We show scaling behaviour (critical) for a continuous range of the physical parameters as the temperature. We derive in this framework the scaling relation M(R) \sim R^{d_H} for the mass on a region of size R, and Delta v \sim R^\frac12(d_H -1) for the velocity dispersion. For the density-density correlations we find a power-law behaviour for large distances \sim |r_1 - r_2|^{2D - 6}.The fractal dimension D turns to be related with the critical exponent \nu by D = 1/ \nu. Mean field theory yields \nu = 1/2, D = 2. Both the Ising and the mean field values are compatible with the present ISM observational data:1.4\leq D \leq 2. We develop a field theoretical approach to the galaxy distribution considering a gas of self-gravitating masses on the FRW background, in quasi-thermal equi- librium. We show that it exhibits scaling behaviour by RG methods. The galaxy correlations are computed without assuming homogeneity. We find \sim r^{D-3} .Thetheoryallowstocomputethethreeandhigherdensitycorrelatorswithoutanyassumption.WefindthattheconnectedN−pointsdensityscalesasr1N(D−3),when. The theory allows to compute the three and higher density correlators without any assumption.We find that the connected N-points density scales as r_1^{N(D-3)}, when r_1 >> r_i

    Structure of Neighboring Superclusters: A Quantitative Analysis

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    Liquid crystal display and organic light-emitting diode display: present status and future perspectives

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    Recently, ‘Liquid crystal display (LCD) vs. organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display: who wins?’ has become a topic of heated debate. In this review, we perform a systematic and comparative study of these two flat panel display technologies. First, we review recent advances in LCDs and OLEDs, including material development, device configuration and system integration. Next we analyze and compare their performances by six key display metrics: response time, contrast ratio, color gamut, lifetime, power efficiency, and panel flexibility. In this section, we focus on two key parameters: motion picture response time (MPRT) and ambient contrast ratio (ACR), which dramatically affect image quality in practical application scenarios. MPRT determines the image blur of a moving picture, and ACR governs the perceived image contrast under ambient lighting conditions. It is intriguing that LCD can achieve comparable or even slightly better MPRT and ACR than OLED, although its response time and contrast ratio are generally perceived to be much inferior to those of OLED. Finally, three future trends are highlighted, including high dynamic range, virtual reality/augmented reality and smart displays with versatile functions