18 research outputs found

    Isolation of a Newcastle virus strain of a remarkable pathogenicity in Argentina. 1 I.P.I. and thermostability index

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    Una cepa de virus de Enfermedad de Newcastle seleccionada entre varios aislamientos realizados durante la epizootia de 1970 en Argentina, fue probada a 37º~46º y 56ºC y a diferentes tiempos de exposición. La dosis letal 50% y las pruebas de hemoaglutinación fueron realizadas con el objeto de conocer el efecto de ambas variables (temperatura y tiempo) y comparados con controles sin tratar. Para determinar el índice de patogenicidad intracerebral, pollos de dos días de edad, fueron Inoculados con la cepa de Newcastle aislada, la que previamente fue tratada con una suspensión de células nerviosas de pollo.A Newcastle virus strain, selected after several isolating experiments which produced a Epizootia in Argentina, was tested at 37, 46 and 56ºC, at different exposition times. Letal embryo 50% and hemagglutination tests were conducted in order to know the effect of both variables (temperature and time), and compared with controls without treatment. To determine the intracerebral pathogenicity index, chickens of 2 days of age were inoculated with the isolated Newcastle strain which was previously treated with a suspension of chicken nervous cells.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Isolation of a Newcastle virus strain of a remarkable pathogenicity in Argentina. 1 I.P.I. and thermostability index

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    Una cepa de virus de Enfermedad de Newcastle seleccionada entre varios aislamientos realizados durante la epizootia de 1970 en Argentina, fue probada a 37º~46º y 56ºC y a diferentes tiempos de exposición. La dosis letal 50% y las pruebas de hemoaglutinación fueron realizadas con el objeto de conocer el efecto de ambas variables (temperatura y tiempo) y comparados con controles sin tratar. Para determinar el índice de patogenicidad intracerebral, pollos de dos días de edad, fueron Inoculados con la cepa de Newcastle aislada, la que previamente fue tratada con una suspensión de células nerviosas de pollo.A Newcastle virus strain, selected after several isolating experiments which produced a Epizootia in Argentina, was tested at 37, 46 and 56ºC, at different exposition times. Letal embryo 50% and hemagglutination tests were conducted in order to know the effect of both variables (temperature and time), and compared with controls without treatment. To determine the intracerebral pathogenicity index, chickens of 2 days of age were inoculated with the isolated Newcastle strain which was previously treated with a suspension of chicken nervous cells.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Future Hydrological Regimes in the Upper Indus Basin: A Case Study from a High-Altitude Glacierized Catchment

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    The mountain regions of the Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and Himalayas (HKH) are considered Earth’s “third pole,” and water from there plays an essential role for downstream populations. The dynamics of glaciers in Karakoram are complex, and in recent decades the area has experienced unchanged ice cover, despite rapid decline elsewhere in the world (the Karakoram anomaly). Assessment of future water resources and hydrological variability under climate change in this area is greatly needed, but the hydrology of these high-altitude catchments is still poorly studied and little understood. This study focuses on a particular watershed, the Shigar River with the control section at Shigar (about 7000 km2), nested within the upper Indus basin and fed by seasonal melt from two major glaciers (Baltoro and Biafo). Hydrological, meteorological, and glaciological data gathered during 3 years of field campaigns (2011–13) are used to set up a hydrological model, providing a depiction of instream flows, snowmelt, and ice cover thickness. The model is used to assess changes of the hydrological cycle until 2100, via climate projections provided by three state-of-the-art global climate models used in the recent IPCC Fifth Assessment Report under the representative concentration pathway (RCP) emission scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5. Under all RCPs, future flows are predicted to increase until midcentury and then to decrease, but remaining mostly higher than control run values. Snowmelt is projected to occur earlier, while the ice melt component is expected to increase, with ice thinning considerably and even disappearing below 4000 m MSL until 2100

    Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP – Pakistan)

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    This study presents a map reporting valuable information on the cryosphere of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP, the largest protected area of Pakistan and the highest park in the world). All the information is provided considering the CKNP as a whole, and in detail by dividing it into five basins (i.e. Shigar, Hunza, Shyok, Upper Indus, and Gilgit). The glacier inventory reports 608 ice bodies covering 3680 km2 ( 3c35% of the CKNP area), with a total glacier volume of ca. 532 km3. In addition, we modeled the meltwater from glacier ice ablation over the period 23 July to 9 August 2011. The total melt amount is ca. 1.5 km3. Finally, we considered glacial lakes (202 water-bodies, covering 4 km2). For these latter glacier features, we also analyzed their potentially dangerous conditions and two lakes were found having such conditions

    Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes of the central Karakoram National Park (Pakistan) as a contribution to know and manage mountain freshwater resource.

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    In this study, we reported valuable information on the cryosphere of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP, the largest protected area of Pakistan and the highest park all over the world). In fact, in addition to the glacier inventory, we also estimated the glacier volume and we modeled the amount of meltwater derived from glacier ice ablation during a 18-day summer period (23 July–9 August 2011, time window where also field melt measurements were performed thus enabling a crosscheck of the obtained results). Moreover, glacial lakes were considered as well; for these latter glacier features we also analyzed their potentially dangerous conditions. All these information are given considering the CKNP as a whole and in detail by dividing it into five basins (i.e. Shigar, Hunza, Shyok, Upper Indus and Gilgit). As regards the CKNP as a whole, 608 glaciers are found with a total area of 3682.1 ± 61.0 km2, ~35% of the CKNP area. Analyzing in detail the five basins included in the CKNP area, they reflect the overall conditions regarding glacier distribution per size class, terminus elevation, length, and thickness. The widest basin (for number of ice bodies, glacier extent and ice volume) is the Shigar basin, where the largest glaciers are present (among which Baltoro Glacier), and the smallest one is the Gilgit basin. Finally, the highest number of debris-covered glaciers is located in the Shyok basin (62 glaciers). During 18 days in summer 2011, we quantified a total water magnitude of 1.54 km3 derived from ice melting. Even if we considered a relatively short period, this water volume equals ~11% of the reservoir capacity of the Tarbela Dam. In addition to glacier information, we provided glacial lake occurrence, as these ephemeral water bodies can develop into actual glacial risk conditions, which makes it important to list them and to survey them over time. The information reported in this study would provide base for future monitoring of glacial lakes and GLOFs and for planning and prioritizing disaster mitigation efforts in the park. In fact, even if the Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes (PDGLs) identified in the park territory are only 2, they are located in a high vulnerable and fragile area and the recent history suggests us to survey over time these water bodies to avoid losses of human lives and destructions of villages and communities. Moreover, many other supraglacial lakes identified in the park area could develop into conditions of PDGLs thus suggesting to prosecute the lake monitoring and to develop early strategies for risk mitigations and disaster management

    Future hydrological regimes and glacier cover in the Everest region: The case study of the upper Dudh Koshi basin

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    Assessment of future water resources under climate change is required in the Himalayas, where hydrological cycle is poorly studied and little understood. This study focuses on the upper Dudh Koshi river of Nepal (151 km2, 4200–8848 m a.s.l.) at the toe of Mt. Everest, nesting the debris covered Khumbu, and Khangri Nup glaciers (62 km2). New data gathered during three years of field campaigns (2012–2014) were used to set up a glacio-hydrological model describing stream flows, snow and ice melt, ice cover thickness and glaciers' flow dynamics. The model was validated, and used to assess changes of the hydrological cycle until 2100. Climate projections are used from three Global Climate Models used in the recent IPCC AR5 under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Flow statistics are estimated for two reference decades 2045–2054, and 2090–2099, and compared against control run CR, 2012–2014. During CR we found a contribution of ice melt to stream flows of 55% yearly, with snow melt contributing for 19%. Future flows are predicted to increase in monsoon season, but to decrease yearly (− 4% vs CR on average) at 2045–2054. At the end of century large reduction would occur in all seasons, i.e. − 26% vs CR on average at 2090–2099. At half century yearly contribution of ice melt would be on average 45%, and snow melt 28%. At the end of century ice melt would be 31%, and snow contribution 39%. Glaciers in the area are projected to thin largely up to 6500 m a.s.l. until 2100, reducing their volume by − 50% or more, and their ice covered area by − 30% or more. According to our results, in the future water resources in the upper Dudh Koshi would decrease, and depend largely upon snow melt and rainfall, so that adaptation measures to modified water availability will be required

    Le tecniche basate sull'osservazione: l'etnografia della rete

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    the essay aims at critically presenting the online ethnography in its various methodological issues, comparing it with traditional ethnograph

    Ocula 5 - Spazio e spazialit\ue0

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    Il numero 5 di Ocula \ue8 interamente dedicato al tema dello spazio. Cercando di restare fedeli al progetto che ci eravamo preposti qualche tempo fa, abbiamo raccolto nel numero attuale interventi differenti, nei quali \ue8 possibile scorgere prospettive disciplinari talvolta anche lontane, ma tutti ancorati al tema dello spazio e della spazialit\ue0. La prospettiva che i diversi autori hanno adottato, in accordo con la redazione, \ue8 stata quella di non soffermarsi su macro questioni teoriche, quanto di proporre esempi di analisi su oggetti di tipo molto diverso. D\u2019altronde parlare di spazio significa parlare di problematiche legate alla percezione, all\u2019essere collocati in un posto riconoscendo come centrale la questione dello sguardo, del punto di vista, delle dinamiche enunciazionali nonch\ue9 enunciative. Ma significa anche occuparsi dello spazio inscritto negli oggetti, o dello spazio rappresentato nei testi, questioni attuali e sempre centrali nel dibattito semiotico. Il tema dello spazio/spazialit\ue0 accoglie uno spettro piuttosto ampio di fenomeni; ha a che fare certamente con la geografia, o con la geo-estetica che tratta Mario Neve nel suo articolo, in cui viene rivendicata la necessit\ue0 di osservare lo spazio attraverso una prospettiva multidisciplinare. Occuparsi di spazio significa dunque adottare uno sguardo disancorato da una unica disciplina: questa \ue8 la prospettiva che emerge anche da altri articoli compresi nella raccolta. Di luoghi si occupano, con prospettive diverse, Daria Sitkareva, Alexandra Volegova, Ruggero Ragonese, Elisa Soncini, Anna Milena Vinci, e Luca Marchetti. Nell\u2019articolo della prima si affronta il tema delle migrazioni e delle soglie geopolitiche dal punto di vista del migrante e del paese d\u2019origine. Lo spazio architettonico e il modo in cui si ammanta di significati simbolici viene indagato dalla Volegova, da Ragonese e dalla Soncini, la prima per sottolineare delle costanti urbanistiche in una prospettiva lotmaniana, il secondo a caccia di variazioni diacroniche in rapporto con i mutamenti culturali e la terza per evidenziare l\u2019ampio spettro di significati concentrati in un\u2019opera di alta architettura collocata in uno spazio cittadino: La Pedrera di Gaud\uec. La Vinci analizza invece lo spazio delle stazioni ferroviarie e la sua complessit\ue0, anch\u2019essa legata al doppio statuto di \u201cspazio funzionale\u201d e \u201cspazio simbolico\u201d. Marchetti, infine, si occupa dello spazio del punto vendita, luogo ricco di significati e di percorsi previsti a monte dall\u2019istanza di produzione-enunciazione. Gli spazi si ammantano di significati anche entro la rappresentazione che ne danno i mass-media. Se ne \ue8 occupata Maria Pia Pozzato in relazione ai luoghi della guerra, mentre Elena Giliberti si concentra sulla costruzione degli spazi entro uno spot pubblicitario e del loro contributo all\u2019effetto di senso complessivo. Altro ambito di particolare interesse, a cavallo fra arte e media, \ue8 l\u2019immagine in pixel, di cui Anne Beyaert analizza lo statuto concentrandosi sull\u2019immagine digitale stampata e osservando in essa tecnologia, arte e spazio rappresentato. Di arte e digitalizzazione dello spazio si occupa anche Maria Giulia Dondero, affrontando l\u2019analisi di alcuni \u201cpaesaggi digitali\u201d di due artisti austriaci, Kriesche e Hoffman, che trasducono in digitale opere pittoriche di Friedrich, Van Gogh e C\ue9zanne. Quattro saggi affrontano il tema del rapporto tra arte astratta e spazio. Andrea Catelani confronta diverse prospettive semiotiche rispetto all\u2019analisi di Rothko; il saggio di Valentina Manchia analizza con strumenti semiotici l\u2019idioletto in Kandinskij e i relativi effetti passionali; Claudio Barzaghi affronta i volti nascosti nello spazio e il loro contributo ad una semiotica del fantastico; Tiziana Migliore affronta la dimensione narrativa dei quadri di Hopper evidenziando come la semiotica possa essere d\u2019aiuto alla critica d\u2019arte liberandoci di alcuni luoghi comuni. Le mappature interpretative che emergono da questi articoli raccontan..

    Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP – Pakistan)

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    <p>This study presents a map reporting valuable information on the cryosphere of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP, the largest protected area of Pakistan and the highest park in the world). All the information is provided considering the CKNP as a whole, and in detail by dividing it into five basins (i.e. Shigar, Hunza, Shyok, Upper Indus, and Gilgit). The glacier inventory reports 608 ice bodies covering 3680 km<sup>2</sup> (∼35% of the CKNP area), with a total glacier volume of ca. 532 km<sup>3</sup>. In addition, we modeled the meltwater from glacier ice ablation over the period 23 July to 9 August 2011. The total melt amount is ca. 1.5 km<sup>3</sup>. Finally, we considered glacial lakes (202 water-bodies, covering 4 km<sup>2</sup>). For these latter glacier features, we also analyzed their potentially dangerous conditions and two lakes were found having such conditions.</p