356 research outputs found

    Testing pALPIDE sensors for particle detection and Characterization of a Laser beam using a webcam CMOS sensor

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    The upgrade program of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was implemented during the second Long Shutdown program (2019/2020). For this program, the ALICE Collaboration (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) proposed, among others, a new detector called Muon Forward Tracker (MFT). The primary goal of the MFT detector, installed on December 2021 and located between the Inner Tracker System (ITS) and the Muon Spectrometer, is to improve the capability of vertex reconstruction. The MFT is equipped with the same pixel sensors used for the ITS upgrade. These sensors are the ALICE Pixel Detectors (ALPIDE), a kind of monolithic active pixel sensor. The MFT is composed of five arrays of pixel sensors which are configured as parallel discs covering −3.6 < η < −2.45. Some prototypes were designed in order to achieve the final version of the ALPIDE, such as the pALPIDE family, which was divided into three versions (i.e., pALPIDE-1,2,3). The ALICE upgrade also included a new system for the data taking and simulation called Online-offline (O2) to replace AliRoot. We designed the geometry of two non-active parts of the MFT and included them in the O2 system. The first goal of this thesis is focused on the characterization of the pALPIDE-2. This sensor is segmented into four groups corresponding to four types of pixels. This characterization includes the test of analogue and digital. According to these tests, we identified a group of pixels that do not work correctly. The threshold scan tests showed the threshold level in each pixel is influenced by the input capacitance according to its n-well size and the surrounding area. Also, we studied the response of the pALPIDE-2 when it was exposed to a soft x-ray source, varying the distance between them. This test showed that the hit count changed according to the inverse square of the distance. iv The second goal of this thesis was to implement a low-cost tool based on a CMOS sensor to characterize laser beams. This tool comprises a Raspberry, a Pi Camera with a pitch size of 1.4 µm, and an optical system. To test the accuracy of the results of this tool, we made similar measurements with other sensors. A photodiode and a light-dependent resistor performed these measurements, which showed the spot radius size compatibility. However, the CMOS sensor expressed the highest precision and is a more affordable tool than commercial devices

    Una comparación de distribuciones de las direcciones de llegada de rayos cósmicos de ultra-alta energía detectados en los hemisferios sur y norte

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    Los rayos cósmicos de energía ultra alta son detectados por el Pierre Auger Observatorio en el hemisferio sur y por el Telescope Array Experiment en el uno del norte. La distribución de las direcciones de llegada de estas partículas en la esfera celeste proporciona información relevante para investigar el origen, la composición química y los mecanismos de producción de estas partículas. La comparación de la direcciones de llegada son realizadas por métodos estadísticos.Raios cósmicos de ultra-alta energia são detetados tanto no Observatório Pierre Auger, situado no hemisfério sul, quanto no Experimento Telescópio Array, no hemisfério norte. As direções de chegada dos raios cósmicos e sua distribuição na esfera celeste fornecem informações relevantes para se estabelecer a origem, a composição química, os mecanismos de produção nas fontes destas partículas. O Observatório Pierre Auger não observa nenhum desvio significativo da isotropia no céu do sul acima de 40 EeV, enquanto no céu do norte o Telescópio Array observa um excesso acima de 57 EeV com uma significância estatística de 3.4 sigma. Devido às diferentes análises elaboradas nos dois experimentos os resultados obtidos não são simples de serem comparados. Nesta tese são estudadas as distribuições das direções de chegada dos raios cósmicos detetadas por cada experimento por meio dos mesmos métodos estatísticos. A amostra utilizada é composta dos dados de mais alta energia publicados pelas duas colaborações sem que nenhuma correção para as escalas de energia seja aplicada. Mostramos neste trabalho que a probabilidade de que a distribuição das direções de chegada medida pelo Telescope Array seja originada de uma distribuição isotrópica é significativamente menor do que para o céu do sul. No entanto, com os métodos estatísticos utilizados aqui, os dados não indicam um desvio estatisticamente significativo da isotropia no hemisfério norte. Como os dois experimentos observam uma região comum no céu, estudamos também a correlação entre as duas distribuições. Não observamos nenhuma correlação significativa entre elas.Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes

    Multiplicity dependence of light (anti-)nuclei production in p–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV

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    The measurement of the deuteron and anti-deuteron production in the rapidity range −1 < y < 0 as a function of transverse momentum and event multiplicity in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV is presented. (Anti-)deuterons are identified via their specific energy loss dE/dx and via their time-of- flight. Their production in p–Pb collisions is compared to pp and Pb–Pb collisions and is discussed within the context of thermal and coalescence models. The ratio of integrated yields of deuterons to protons (d/p) shows a significant increase as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity of the event starting from values similar to those observed in pp collisions at low multiplicities and approaching those observed in Pb–Pb collisions at high multiplicities. The mean transverse particle momenta are extracted from the deuteron spectra and the values are similar to those obtained for p and particles. Thus, deuteron spectra do not follow mass ordering. This behaviour is in contrast to the trend observed for non-composite particles in p–Pb collisions. In addition, the production of the rare 3He and 3He nuclei has been studied. The spectrum corresponding to all non-single diffractive p-Pb collisions is obtained in the rapidity window −1 < y < 0 and the pT-integrated yield dN/dy is extracted. It is found that the yields of protons, deuterons, and 3He, normalised by the spin degeneracy factor, follow an exponential decrease with mass number

    Higher harmonic non-linear flow modes of charged hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}} = 5.02 TeV

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    International audienceAnisotropic flow coefficients, vn_{n}, non-linear flow mode coefficients, χn,mk_{n,mk}, and correlations among different symmetry planes, ρn,mk_{n,mk} are measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02 TeV. Results obtained with multi-particle correlations are reported for the transverse momentum interval 0.2 < pT_{T}< 5.0 GeV/c within the pseudorapidity interval 0.4 < |η| < 0.8 as a function of collision centrality. The vn_{n} coefficients and χn,mk_{n,mk} and ρn,mk_{n,mk} are presented up to the ninth and seventh harmonic order, respectively. Calculations suggest that the correlations measured in different symmetry planes and the non-linear flow mode coefficients are dependent on the shear and bulk viscosity to entropy ratios of the medium created in heavy-ion collisions. The comparison between these measurements and those at lower energies and calculations from hydrodynamic models places strong constraints on the initial conditions and transport properties of the system.[graphic not available: see fulltext

    Analysis of the apparent nuclear modification in peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV

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    International audienceCharged-particle spectra at midrapidity are measured in Pb–Pb collisions at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon pair sNN=5.02 TeV and presented in centrality classes ranging from most central (0–5%) to most peripheral (95–100%) collisions. Possible medium effects are quantified using the nuclear modification factor ( RAA ) by comparing the measured spectra with those from proton–proton collisions, scaled by the number of independent nucleon–nucleon collisions obtained from a Glauber model. At large transverse momenta ( 8<pT<20GeV/c ), the average RAA is found to increase from about 0.15 in 0–5% central to a maximum value of about 0.8 in 75–85% peripheral collisions, beyond which it falls off strongly to below 0.2 for the most peripheral collisions. Furthermore, RAA initially exhibits a positive slope as a function of pT in the 8–20 GeV/c interval, while for collisions beyond the 80% class the slope is negative. To reduce uncertainties related to event selection and normalization, we also provide the ratio of RAA in adjacent centrality intervals. Our results in peripheral collisions are consistent with a PYTHIA-based model without nuclear modification, demonstrating that biases caused by the event selection and collision geometry can lead to the apparent suppression in peripheral collisions. This explains the unintuitive observation that RAA is below unity in peripheral Pb–Pb, but equal to unity in minimum-bias p–Pb collisions despite similar charged-particle multiplicities

    Anisotropic flow of identified particles in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 {\sqrt{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}=5.02 TeV

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    The elliptic (v2_{2}), triangular (v3_{3}), and quadrangular (v4_{4}) flow coefficients of π±^{±}, K±^{±}, p+p,Λ+Λ,KS0 \mathrm{p}+\overline{\mathrm{p}},\kern0.5em \Lambda +\overline{\Lambda},\kern0.5em {\mathrm{K}}_{\mathrm{S}}^0 , and the ϕ-meson are measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 {\sqrt{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}=5.02 TeV. Results obtained with the scalar product method are reported for the rapidity range |y| < 0.5 as a function of transverse momentum, pT_{T}, at different collision centrality intervals between 0–70%, including ultra-central (0–1%) collisions for π±^{±}, K±^{±}, and p+p \mathrm{p}+\overline{\mathrm{p}} . For pT_{T} < 3 GeV/c, the flow coefficients exhibit a particle mass dependence. At intermediate transverse momenta (3 < pT_{T} < 8–10 GeV/c), particles show an approximate grouping according to their type (i.e., mesons and baryons). The ϕ-meson v2_{2}, which tests both particle mass dependence and type scaling, follows p+p \mathrm{p}+\overline{\mathrm{p}} v2_{2} at low pT_{T} and π±^{±} v2_{2} at intermediate pT_{T}. The evolution of the shape of vn_{n}(pT_{T}) as a function of centrality and harmonic number n is studied for the various particle species. Flow coefficients of π±^{±}, K±^{±}, and p+p \mathrm{p}+\overline{\mathrm{p}} for pT_{T} < 3 GeV/c are compared to iEBE-VISHNU and MUSIC hydrodynamical calculations coupled to a hadronic cascade model (UrQMD). The iEBE-VISHNU calculations describe the results fairly well for pT_{T} < 2.5 GeV/c, while MUSIC calculations reproduce the measurements for pT_{T} < 1 GeV/c. A comparison to vn_{n} coefficients measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76 TeV is also provided

    Measurement of charged jet cross section in pppp collisions at s=5.02{\sqrt{s}=5.02} TeV

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    International audienceThe cross section of jets reconstructed from charged particles is measured in the transverse momentum range of 5<pT<100  GeV/c in pp collisions at the center-of-mass energy of s=5.02  TeV with the ALICE detector. The jets are reconstructed using the anti-kT algorithm with resolution parameters R=0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6 in the pseudorapidity range |η|<0.9-R. The charged jet cross sections are compared with the leading-order (LO) and to next-to-leading-order (NLO) perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) calculations. It is found that the NLO calculations agree better with the measurements. The cross section ratios for different resolution parameters are also measured. These ratios increase from low pT to high pT and saturate at high pT, indicating that jet collimation is larger at high pT than at low pT. These results provide a precision test of pQCD predictions and serve as a baseline for the measurement in Pb-Pb collisions at the same energy to quantify the effects of the hot and dense medium created in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC

    Direct photon elliptic flow in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

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    The elliptic flow of inclusive and direct photons was measured at mid-rapidity in two centrality classes 0-20% and 20-40% in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ =2.76 TeV by ALICE. Photons were detected with the highly segmented electromagnetic calorimeter PHOS and via conversions in the detector material with the e+e− pairs reconstructed in the central tracking system. The results of the two methods were combined and the direct photon elliptic flow was extracted in the transverse momentum range 0.9<pT<6.2 GeV/c. We test the hypothesis vγ,dir2≡0 for 0.9<pT<2.1 GeV/c and obtain a significance of 1.4σ for the 0-20% class and 1.0σ for the 20-40% class. A comparison to RHIC data shows a similar magnitude of the measured elliptic flow, while hydrodynamic and transport model calculations predict a smaller flow than observed

    Azimuthal Anisotropy of Heavy-Flavor Decay Electrons in pp-Pb Collisions at sNN \sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV

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    International audienceAngular correlations between heavy-flavor decay electrons and charged particles at midrapidity (|η|<0.8) are measured in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02  TeV. The analysis is carried out for the 0%–20% (high) and 60%–100% (low) multiplicity ranges. The jet contribution in the correlation distribution from high-multiplicity events is removed by subtracting the distribution from low-multiplicity events. An azimuthal modulation remains after removing the jet contribution, similar to previous observations in two-particle angular correlation measurements for light-flavor hadrons. A Fourier decomposition of the modulation results in a positive second-order coefficient (v2) for heavy-flavor decay electrons in the transverse momentum interval 1.5<pT<4  GeV/c in high-multiplicity events, with a significance larger than 5σ. The results are compared with those of charged particles at midrapidity and those of inclusive muons at forward rapidity. The v2 measurement of open heavy-flavor particles at midrapidity in small collision systems could provide crucial information to help interpret the anisotropies observed in such systems

    Medium modification of the shape of small-radius jets in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76TeV\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}} = 2.76\,\rm{TeV}

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    We present the measurement of a new set of jet shape observables for track-based jets in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76 TeV. The set of jet shapes includes the first radial moment or angularity, g, the momentum dispersion, pT_{T}D, and the difference between the leading and sub-leading constituent track transverse momentum, LeSub. These observables provide complementary information on the jet fragmentation and can constrain different aspects of the theoretical description of jet-medium interactions. The jet shapes were measured for a small resolution parameter R = 0.2 and were fully corrected to particle level. The observed jet shape modifications indicate that in-medium fragmentation is harder and more collimated than vacuum fragmentation as obtained by PYTHIA calculations, which were validated with the measurements of the jet shapes in proton-proton collisions at s=7 \sqrt{s}=7 TeV. The comparison of the measured distributions to templates for quark and gluon-initiated jets indicates that in-medium fragmentation resembles that of quark jets in vacuum. We further argue that the observed modifications are not consistent with a totally coherent energy loss picture where the jet loses energy as a single colour charge, suggesting that the medium resolves the jet structure at the angular scales probed by our measurements (R = 0.2). Furthermore, we observe that small-R jets can help to isolate purely energy loss effects from other effects that contribute to the modifications of the jet shower in medium such as the correlated background or medium response