3,626 research outputs found

    From homeland to home: Widening Participation through the LEAP Macquarie Mentoring (Refugee Mentoring) Program

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    Mentoring is often conceptualised as a one-to-one interaction between peers, or as an academic to student interaction, with the aim of developing self-esteem, connectedness, identity, and academic attitudes within one party. While various researchers have provided support for effectiveness of mentoring in fostering the aforementioned qualities, limited studies have looked at the impacts of outreach mentoring programs. This article examines the impact of the LEAP-Macquarie Mentoring (Refugee Mentoring) program on high school students from refugee backgrounds who are mentees on the program and on the university students who are mentors on the program. A qualitative study was completed involving five focus groups, individual and semi structured interviews with 54 mentees and diary analysis of 45 mentors. Transcripts of interview and focus groups were analysed using a grounded approach. Key findings highlighted that the LEAP-Macquarie Mentoring (Refugee Mentoring) program supported both mentors and mentees in making a smooth personal, social, and academic transition from high school to university, helped them develop leadership potential, and provided them with a connection to community

    Production of N2 Vegard-Kaplan and Lyman-Birge-Hopfield emissions on Pluto

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    We have developed a model to calculate the emission intensities of various vibrational transitions of N2_2 triplet band and Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) band emissions in the dayglow of Pluto for solar minimum, moderate, and maximum conditions. The calculated overhead intensities of Vegard-Kaplan (A3Σu+X1Σg+ A^3\Sigma_u^+ - X^1\Sigma^+_g ), First Positive (B3ΠgA3Σu+ B^3\Pi_g - A^3\Sigma^+_u ), Second Positive (C3ΠuB3Πg C^3\Pi_u - B^3\Pi_g ), Wu-Benesch (W3ΔuB3ΠgW^3\Delta_u - B^3\Pi_g), Reverse First Positive, and LBH (a1Πga^1\Pi_g-- X1Σg+X^1\Sigma^+_g) bands of N2_2 are 17 (74), 14.8 (64), 2.4 (10.8), 2.9 (12.7), 2.9 (12.5), and 2.3 (10) R, respectively, for solar minimum (maximum) condition. We have predicted the overhead and limb intensities of VK (150-190 nm) and LBH (120-190 nm) bands of N2_2 on Pluto for the New Horizons (NH) flyby condition that can be observed by Alice: the ultraviolet imaging spectrograph also know as P-Alice. The predicted limb intensities of VK and LBH bands peak at radial distance of \sim2000 km with the value of about 5 (13) and 9.5 (22) R for solar zenith angle 60 ^\circ (0 ^\circ ), respectively. We have also calculated overhead and limp intensities of few prominent transition of CO Fourth Positive bands for NH flyby condition.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Production of N2 Vegard-Kaplan and other triplet band emissions in the dayglow of Titan

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    Recently the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph has revealed the presence of N2 Vegard-Kaplan band emissions in Titan's dayglow limb observation. We present model calculations for the production of various N2 triplet states in the upper atmosphere of Titan. The Analytical Yield Spectra technique is used to calculate steady state photoelectron fluxes in Titan's atmosphere, which are in agreement with those observed by the Cassini's CAPS instrument. Considering direct electron impact excitation, inter-state cascading, and quenching effects, the population of different levels of N2 triplet states are calculated under statistical equilibrium. Densities of all vibrational levels of each triplet state and volume production rates for various triplet states are calculated in the model. Vertically integrated overhead intensities for the same date and lighting conditions as the reported by UVIS observations for N2 VK, 1P, 2P, Wu-Benesch, and Reverse First Positive bands of N2 are found to be 132, 114, 19, 22, and 22 R, respectively. Overhead intensities are calculated for each vibrational transition of all the triplet band emissions of N2, which span a wider spectrum of wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared. The calculated limb intensities of total and prominent transitions of VK band are presented. The model limb intensity of VK emission within the 150-190 nm wavelength region is in good agreement with the Cassini UVIS observed limb profile. An assessment of the impact of solar EUV flux on the N2 triplet band emission intensity has been made by using three different solar flux models, viz., Solar EUV Experiment, SOLAR2000 model of Tobiska (2004), and HEUVAC model of Richards et al, (2006). The calculated N2 VK band intensity at the peak of limb intensity due to S2K and HEUVAC solar flux models is a factor of 1.2 and 0.9, respectively, of that obtained using SEE solar EUV flux.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures; Icarus, 201

    Joint Sales Promotion: Prospects & Issues

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    This study is an attempt to understand current consumer joint sales promotion in India and thereby identify related prospects and problems. For a conceptual overview, relevant literature in this area was studied. To gain an insight into current practices, announcements of the offers through secondary sources were compiled. A content analysis revealed that "Target market commonality" relationship was the prime reason for companies offering joint sales promotion. It was found that the usage of joint sales promotion was most prevalent in consumer durable category. There exists a prospect for using joint sales promotion in non-durable category. Identifying a suitable partner , planning and co-ordination are the main issues for a manager wanting to use this tool. A guideline regarding the above issues has been suggested.

    The Macro-Micro Nexus in Scaling-Up Aid: The Case of HIV and AIDS Control in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia

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    About 33 million people currently live with HIV. The disease has reduced life expectancy by about 20 years. Nearly 12 million children are orphaned. It is now well established that the epidemic demands an immediate increase in resources. The main questions that arise are where the resources will come from, and whether they can be fully spent and absorbed. One major source of financing for HIV and AIDS control is external aid. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) computed the macroeconomic implications of scaling-up aid as promised by the G-8 at Gleneagles. The assessments for Benin, Niger and Togo indicate that scaling-up aid will put moderate to sizable pressure on inflation and exchange rates (IMF, 2008).The Macro-Micro Nexus in Scaling-Up Aid: The Case of HIV and AIDS Control in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia

    An Exploratory Study of Sales Promotion Activities in Toilet Soap Category: An Insight into Consumer and Retailer Perceptions

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    Understanding perceptions of channel members and consumers regarding sales promotion activities enhances the effectiveness of these activities. Widespread usage of sales promotion activities in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector makes it imperative that manufacturers take into account channel member and consumer perceptions before planning such programmes. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the nature of sales promotion activities in toilet soap category in India, study retailer perceptions with respect to these activities and also get an insight into consumer perceptions of these activities. Our findings indicate that with respect to the nature of the schemes, premiums (free gifts) were found to be the most frequently used in both premium and popular toilet soap category, followed by price offs. Retailers perceived price offs to have relatively greater impact compared to any other forms of sales promotion. In line with the retailers perceptions, the findings of consumer perceptions indicated that price offs was the most preferred type of sales promotion. Retailers stated that role of word of mouth and television advertising was very important in providing information inputs to the consumers regarding sales promotion activities. This perception of retailers was supported by the consumer unaided recall of sales promotion schemes which were widely advertised. As the retailer interacts and observes consumers more frequently and closely than the manufacturer, it would be useful for the companies to incorporate perceptions while planning sales promotion strategies.