4 research outputs found

    ViP-NeRF: Visibility Prior for Sparse Input Neural Radiance Fields

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    Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have achieved impressive performances in view synthesis by encoding neural representations of a scene. However, NeRFs require hundreds of images per scene to synthesize photo-realistic novel views. Training them on sparse input views leads to overfitting and incorrect scene depth estimation resulting in artifacts in the rendered novel views. Sparse input NeRFs were recently regularized by providing dense depth estimated from pre-trained networks as supervision, to achieve improved performance over sparse depth constraints. However, we find that such depth priors may be inaccurate due to generalization issues. Instead, we hypothesize that the visibility of pixels in different input views can be more reliably estimated to provide dense supervision. In this regard, we compute a visibility prior through the use of plane sweep volumes, which does not require any pre-training. By regularizing the NeRF training with the visibility prior, we successfully train the NeRF with few input views. We reformulate the NeRF to also directly output the visibility of a 3D point from a given viewpoint to reduce the training time with the visibility constraint. On multiple datasets, our model outperforms the competing sparse input NeRF models including those that use learned priors. The source code for our model can be found on our project page: https://nagabhushansn95.github.io/publications/2023/ViP-NeRF.html.Comment: SIGGRAPH 202

    SimpleNeRF: Regularizing Sparse Input Neural Radiance Fields with Simpler Solutions

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    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) show impressive performance for the photorealistic free-view rendering of scenes. However, NeRFs require dense sampling of images in the given scene, and their performance degrades significantly when only a sparse set of views are available. Researchers have found that supervising the depth estimated by the NeRF helps train it effectively with fewer views. The depth supervision is obtained either using classical approaches or neural networks pre-trained on a large dataset. While the former may provide only sparse supervision, the latter may suffer from generalization issues. As opposed to the earlier approaches, we seek to learn the depth supervision by designing augmented models and training them along with the NeRF. We design augmented models that encourage simpler solutions by exploring the role of positional encoding and view-dependent radiance in training the few-shot NeRF. The depth estimated by these simpler models is used to supervise the NeRF depth estimates. Since the augmented models can be inaccurate in certain regions, we design a mechanism to choose only reliable depth estimates for supervision. Finally, we add a consistency loss between the coarse and fine multi-layer perceptrons of the NeRF to ensure better utilization of hierarchical sampling. We achieve state-of-the-art view-synthesis performance on two popular datasets by employing the above regularizations. The source code for our model can be found on our project page: https://nagabhushansn95.github.io/publications/2023/SimpleNeRF.htmlComment: SIGGRAPH Asia 202

    Temporal View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes through 3D Object Motion Estimation with Multi-Plane Images

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    The challenge of graphically rendering high frame-rate videos on low compute devices can be addressed through periodic prediction of future frames to enhance the user experience in virtual reality applications. This is studied through the problem of temporal view synthesis (TVS), where the goal is to predict the next frames of a video given the previous frames and the head poses of the previous and the next frames. In this work, we consider the TVS of dynamic scenes in which both the user and objects are moving. We design a framework that decouples the motion into user and object motion to effectively use the available user motion while predicting the next frames. We predict the motion of objects by isolating and estimating the 3D object motion in the past frames and then extrapolating it. We employ multi-plane images (MPI) as a 3D representation of the scenes and model the object motion as the 3D displacement between the corresponding points in the MPI representation. In order to handle the sparsity in MPIs while estimating the motion, we incorporate partial convolutions and masked correlation layers to estimate corresponding points. The predicted object motion is then integrated with the given user or camera motion to generate the next frame. Using a disocclusion infilling module, we synthesize the regions uncovered due to the camera and object motion. We develop a new synthetic dataset for TVS of dynamic scenes consisting of 800 videos at full HD resolution. We show through experiments on our dataset and the MPI Sintel dataset that our model outperforms all the competing methods in the literature.Comment: To appear in ISMAR 2022; Project website: https://nagabhushansn95.github.io/publications/2022/DeCOMPnet.htm

    Understanding the Perceived Quality of Video Predictions

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    The study of video prediction models is believed to be a fundamental approach to representation learning for videos. While a plethora of generative models for predicting the future frame pixel values given the past few frames exist, the quantitative evaluation of the predicted frames has been found to be extremely challenging. In this context, we study the problem of quality assessment of predicted videos. We create the Indian Institute of Science Predicted Videos Quality Assessment (IISc PVQA) Database consisting of 300 videos, obtained by applying different prediction models on different datasets, and accompanying human opinion scores. We collected subjective ratings of quality from 50 human participants for these videos. Our subjective study reveals that human observers were highly consistent in their judgments of quality of predicted videos. We benchmark several popularly used measures for evaluating video prediction and show that they do not adequately correlate with these subjective scores. We introduce two new features to effectively capture the quality of predicted videos, motion-compensated cosine similarities of deep features of predicted frames with past frames, and deep features extracted from rescaled frame differences. We show that our feature design leads to state of the art quality prediction in accordance with human judgments on our IISc PVQA Database. The database and code are publicly available on our project website: https://nagabhushansn95.github.io/publications/2020/pvqaComment: Project website: https://nagabhushansn95.github.io/publications/2020/pvqa.htm