30 research outputs found

    Influence of Rootstocks on Growth Yield and Fruit Composition of Thompson Seedless Grapes Grown in the Pune Region of India

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    The use of rootstocks is gaining importance in Indian viticulture due to problems associated with abiotic stresses,such as drought and salinity, and also to improve scion characteristics. Thompson Seedless is the only commercialcultivar grown for both fresh consumption and raisin making. Dog Ridge was the only popular rootstock usedby grape growers prior to late 1990s. But this rootstock was known to induce more vigour in scions, resulting inreduced bud fruitfulness and thereby fruit yield. To identify alternate rootstocks suitable for Thompson Seedless, astudy was initiated in the National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune, India during the year 2001. Five rootstockswith own rooted vines were evaluated in this study. During the initial years, Thompson Seedless grafted on DogRidge produced the highest yield, with good quality fruit. Over the years we could observe uneven bud sprouting,gaps on the cordon due to dead wood formation, and reduced yield in vines grafted on Dog Ridge rootstocks. Incontrast, Thompson Seedless grafted on 110R performed well in terms of moderate vigour, increased fruitfulnessand consistently higher yield. Dog Ridge and St. George produced a lower yield, owing to increased vigour measuredin terms of pruning weight, total shoot length and cane diameter. Rootstocks 110R, 1103P and 99R are also known toincrease water-use efficiency during critical growth stages of fruit bud differentiation and full bloom. No significantinfluence of rootstocks was observed for most of the fruit composition parameters. Larger and bolder berries wereproduced on Dog ridge and 110R rootstock, while they were the smallest on own rooted vines

    Biochemically Induced Variations During Some Phenological Stages in Thompson Seedless Grapevines Grafted on Different Rootstocks

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    Phenological variation in Thompson Seedless grapevines grafted on different rootstocks and own rootedvines was assessed for two consecutive years and the reasons for such variations were studied throughbiochemical analysis. Uniform and early bud sprouting was recorded in the vines grafted on 110Rrootstock and on own roots, which was attributed to increased peroxidase activity and protein content inthe buds before bud burst. Increased fruitfulness on 110R rootstock and own rooted vines was attributedto the increased phosphorus and protein content of those vines and reduced vegetative vigour measuredin terms of shoot length, cane diameter and pruned biomass. Thompson Seedless grafted on Dogridgerootstock recorded the highest nitrogen content, increased shoot length, cane diameter and increasedpruned biomass attributing to reduced fruitfulness. The highest concentration of phenolic compoundsand amino acids was recorded in the fruits produced on 110R rootstock, while it was least on St. Georgeand own roots. Significant variation in the accumulation pattern of amino acids (especially proline andarginine) was observed, with the least proline/arginine ratio recorded on 110R rootstocks at the time ofharvest, indicating the variation in the days taken for fruit ripening on different rootstocks

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    Not AvailableThe grape cultivation involves double pruning and single cropping in major areas. The two pruning seasons are foundation and fruit pruning seasons. The practices followed during foundation pruning contribute to fruit bud differentiation in the developed canes and also quality production during fruit pruning season. The production of quality grapes mainly depends upon the cultural practices followed during the foundation pruning. This bulletin discusses in detail the practices to be followed during foundation pruning season to achieve desired fruitfulness and cane maturity with sufcient food reserves in a cane for quality grape production in the fruiting season.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableRemoving leaves from cluster zone is one of the management practices followed to improve fruit composition in temperate wine grape growing countries. However, knowledge on canopy management practices to improve fruit and juice composition for quality wine making is still lacking in semiarid tropical regions of India. Due to ample sunlight availability during fruit growth in semiarid tropics, it is unclear whether the leaves have to be removed from cluster zone. In case the leaves have to be removed, the direction from which it has to be done is also important. Hence, this study was conducted to see the effect of leaf removal from two sides of canopy on fruit composition in two wine grape varieties. In Cabernet Sauvignon vines leaf removal from both east and west side of the canopyimproved fruit quality in terms of reduced pH, potassium, malic acid and increased phenolics. Nevertheless, removing leaves from eastern side was found to be better than western side, because clusters are exposed toexcess sunlight. However, in Sauvignon Blanc, leaf removal from east side improved most of the desirable fruit composition parameters, while leaf removal from west side reduced the fruit quality in terms of sugars, acids, pH, total phenols etc.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe shelf-life of Thompson Seedless grape with different harvesting stages (ripeness) was evaluated to know the correct stage of harvesting. The green berries with 20°Brix had more shelf-life by recording least PLW, lowest number of fallen berries and rotten berries up to 5 days in shelf. Hence, optimum stage of harvesting Thompson Seedless grape for export to the UK or European countries is at 20°Brix of green berries.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThere different polyliners viz., high density, low density and low density with absorbent tissue papers and non-absorbent tissue paper were used as package material in the present investigation to study the shelf-life of Thompson Seedless grapes. The packaging of polyliners with absorbent tissue papers increased the shelf-life by two days and the grapes were remain fresh for 7 days with respect to physiological loss in weight. Among the polyliners, high density polyliner was found very effective in increasing shelf-life and containing berry rot in Thompson Seedless grapes.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIndole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatments at different concentrations (750, 1000, 1500 and 2000 ppm) were given to the hardwood stem cuttings of six grape rootstocks before planting in rooting medium. The bud sprouting success of cuttings was not significantly influenced by the IBA treatments. However, the days taken for bud sprout were significantly reduced with 750 ppm concentration. Shoot length, root length, leaf area and number of root primordia exhibited varied response among rootstocks. Biochemical analysis showed significant changes in sugar and protein content of leaves. Higher protein content was recorded at 750 ppm IBA in 1613C, St. George and 140-Ru rootstocks and was superior over other concentrations. Total phenolics content increased significantly with increase in IBA concentration in St. George. Considering the days taken for bud sprout, sprouting success and root primordia, 2000 ppm IBA was better for Dog Ridge. It can be concluded that 1000 ppm IBA concentration was for rooting success and growth in 1613C and 140-Ru. In 41-B and Freedom, the sprouting success was higher at 1500 & 2000 ppm. The numbers of root primordia also varied significantly among the rootstocks. Maximum numbers of root primordia were recorded in 1613C and St. George rootstocks as compared to all other rootstocks indicating their distinct genotypic behaviour.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableVast areas of Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh fall under dry temperature high hills and are aptly suitable for grape cultivation. In these areas, farmers grow grapevine in their backyards, on bunds of fields and on road side. They do not apply fertilizers, agro-chemicals, pesticides and no pruning and training is followed. Simply, the grapevines are allowed to climb on field/roadside trees. Thus grape production in Kinnaur is organic by default without much pressure on cultivable land. Due to lack of infrastructure for producing and post-production handling of wines, grapes produced in Kinnaur district are mainly used for preparing traditional fermented and distilled beverage known as Angoori. This beverage is being distilled and consumed for centuries in the area without any casualty due to liquor poisoning and as a result farmers in Kinnaur have been permitted by the Government of Himachal Pradesh to distill certain quantity of Angoori for their personal consumption. Traditional indigenous fermentation practiced in the region is low cost, less labour intensive and raw material is locally and easily available. These fermented products have a potential to grow into a small or medium size industry, if scientific, technological and infrastructural support is extended to the existing folk technologies / practices. This would also supplement Indian wine industry for diversifying its product range.Not Availabl