609 research outputs found

    Field programmable Gate Array based Real Time Object Tracking using Partial Least Square Analysis

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    In this paper, we proposed an object tracking algorithm in real time implementation of moving object tracking system using Field programmable gate array (FPGA). Object tracking is considered as a binary classification problem and one of the approaches to this problem is that to extract appropriate features from the appearance of the object based on partial least square (PLS) analysis method, which is a low dimension reduction technique in the subspace. In this method, the adaptive appearance model integrated with PLS analysis is used for continuous update of the appearance change of the target over time. For robust and efficient tracking, particle filtering is used in between every two consecutive frames of the video. This has implemented using Cadence and Virtuoso software integrated environment with MATLAB. The experimental results are performed on challenging video sequences to show the performance of the proposed tracking algorithm using FPGA in real time


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    ABSTRACT This paper is an attempt to find out the influence of derivative market o

    Padina boergessenii ameliorates carbon tetrachloride induced nephrotoxicity in Wistar rats

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    AbstractThis research investigates the ameliorative effect of brown alga Padina boergessenii against CCl4-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Twenty-four Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups as follows: control group (saline), CCl4 group, CCl4+P. boergessenii extract group and P. boergessenii extract alone group. At the end of the experimental period, the animals are sacrificed and tissue samples (kidney) were collected. CCl4 at a dose of 2mL/kg, administered subcutaneously, produced significantly decreased activities of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT). Histopathological examinations showed massive centrilobular necrosis and fat accumulation in CCl4-induced animals. In the protective test, especially in animals pretreated with P. boergessenii (150mg/kg) extract, there was a significant increase in antioxidant enzyme levels although there was no sign of abnormality in the kidney of rats pretreated with extract as evidenced by histopathological sections against CCl4-induced decrease of lipid peroxidation (TBARS). The ameliorative effect may be due to the presence of various bioactive compounds in alga. These results suggest that an extract of P. boergessenii is able to significantly alleviate the nephrotoxicity induced by CCl4 in Wistar rats

    Mycobacteremia in tuberculosis patients with HIV infection

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    Background: Mycobacteremia in HIV positive tuberculosis patients is associated with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis and disseminated tuberculosis. Objective: To study the occurrence of mycobacteremia among HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis (both pulmonary and extra-pulmonary forms) using radiometric BACTEC method. Methods: HIV positive patients admitted to the Government Hospital of Thoracic Medicine with a clinical diagnosis of tuberculosis were screened. HIV serology was reconfirmed using ELISA (two different tests) at Tuberculosis Research Centre. Five ml of venous blood was collected on the day of admission to the ward before start of anti-tuberculosis therapy. Results: Of the 105 patients screened, 85 were were found to be eligible for analysis. Patients were aged between 20-40 years, with a male preponderance (5:1). Pulmonary tuberculosis was the predominant form of tuberculosis (85%), while 15 % had associated extra-pulmonary involvement. Eight-four percent of the patients had CD4 counts of less than 200 cells/mm3, with 42% being below 50 cells/mm3. Four of the 85 patients were blood culture positive; three were identified as M.tuberculosis and one as Mycobacterium phlei. Conclusions: Mycobacteremia was detected in 4% of HIV positive patients with tuberculosis. All of them were immunosuppressed with CD4 counts of <50 cells/m3. More work needs to be done in India to understand the risk factors and outcome of patients with mycobacteremia


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    At present traffic management is a big challenge and plays a vital role in moving the vehicles from one corner of the city to the other. This system not only controls the traffic signals but also it reduces violating traffic rules and accidents. Here when the red light signal is ON there will be a servomotor which pops up barricade from ground level. It applies one special condition in the road by placing a barricade before the zebra crossing which will stop the vehicles when the signal red light is ON. The barricade will automatically pops up on the vehicle stopping mark, when the signal leaves it pops down to the ground. For ambulance, it is having a special feature that there will be an RFID tag which can sense about its arrival. For this reason the RFID reader is fixed to road. During the red signal, when the ambulance needs to pass at that time RFID reads the tag and changes red light to green light in traffic signal through GSM where RFID reader card number is stored in control system. So the barricade will pop down to ground and the other three ways are stopped with red signal light so that the ambulance can easily pass through the way by these one can save someone's life. This project work is carried out by using IOT technology

    Use of multiple media for the cultivation of mycobacteria from specimens other than sputum

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    An investigation was carried out on the efficacy of using multiple media in the isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from specimens other than sputum, during the period 1980-1984. Of a total of 3807 specimens examined, 818 were urine, 1428 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 567 lymph glands, 94 pus samples, 224 operation specimens, 91 gastric aspirates, 108 ascitic fluid and 477 were other types of specimens. Each specimen was inoculated onto one set of media consisting of two slopes each of ‘Lowenstein-Jensen’ medium (LJ), LJ medium containing 0.5 per cent sodium pyruvate (LJP) and 7H11 oleic acid albumin medim (7H11) and two bottles of selective Kirchner’s liquid medium (KL). In all, 550 (14%) were positive by culture in any one of the four media used. Considering the different media individually, KL had the highest efficiency yielding 339 (62%) of the total 550 positive cultures. Also, KL detected 162 positives which were not positive by any of the other media. This was followed by LJ with 328 (60%) positives. LJ and KL when considered together detected 93 per cent of the positives and LJ, LJP and KL increased the positivity to 99 per cent. Thus LJ and KL seems to be the best combination for the isolation of mycobacteria from specimens other than sputum

    Feasibility of utilising address card system for obtaining accurate address of patients under programme conditions

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    An addresscard, one on which patient's home address is asked to be recorded by a person knowing for sure the patient's address, was investigated for acceptability and efficiency, in two Government hospitals located in semiurban areas and six Primary Health Centres located in rural areas in North Arcot district. In all 394 address-cards were given to the patients from the eight centres, of which 374 were returned with the address filled in, showing an acceptability rate of 95%. In all, 373 Type A letters were then posted to these addresscard addresses in respect of which acknowledgment cards were received back from 306 (82%) patients. For 140 patients, the recorded addresses were found to be the same as on the addresscard and the treatment card: In the remaining 233, there was some difference between the two addresses. Type B letters were then posted to the 233 patients at their treatment card address. No definite information was available regarding the receipt of one or both types of letters in respect of 80 patients; so, an attempt was made to visit these patients in their homes to find out the fate of these letters. Of these, no information could be collected in 9 patients. Out of 224 patients for whom information regarding the receipt of letter was available, 143 (64%) patients received both letters and 16 (7%) received neither Type A nor Type B letter. Twenty one (9%) had probably or definitely not received the Type A letter, but had received the Type B letter. Forty four (20%) had definitely or probably not received the Type B letter, but had received the Type A letter
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