11 research outputs found

    Commodity exchange and institutional changes: Case of Iranian agricultural commodity exchange

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    In this study, an attempt is to figure out the institutional changes that initiate the agricultural commodity exchange (ACE). To assess the affecting factors, new institutional economics approach has been chosen. The framework consisting of four levels of social analysis introduced by Oliver E.Williamson is used to analyze the social environment, institutional rules, institutional arrangements and finally the agency level economics (Neo-classical economics). Regarding this framework, the institutional changes that have initiated the Iranian ACE is analyzed and its constraints to further improvement are discussed. --Agricultural Commodity Exchange,institutional economics,Iran

    Commodity exchange and institutional changes: Case of Iranian agricultural commodity exchange

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    In this study, an attempt is to figure out the institutional changes that initiate the agricultural commodity exchange (ACE). To assess the affecting factors, new institutional economics approach has been chosen. The framework consisting of four levels of social analysis introduced by Oliver E.Williamson is used to analyze the social environment, institutional rules, institutional arrangements and finally the agency level economics (Neo-classical economics). Regarding this framework, the institutional changes that have initiated the Iranian ACE is analyzed and its constraints to further improvement are discussed

    QualitĂ© sociĂ©tale de la pĂȘche artisanale en MĂ©diterranĂ©e

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    The environmental aspects of human produced goods have long been studied while research on social impacts of a product has remained marginal. In order to fill in this gap, this thesis targets the improvement of a social impact assessment tool baptized as Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA). S-LCA is an approach close to the principle of Life Cycle Assessment with the objective of anticipating the potential effects of a change in a product’s life cycle on the society. Different approaches have been employed by researchers in the domain since its recent introduction. It is necessary to reach a consensus for a common framework. Insights from sociological perspectives and systems theory have been taken and proposed for the improvement of S-LCA. The principal proposition is to focus on issues such as inclusion/exclusion of agents from their social and working environment.To verify the validation of the proposed improvements, the case of small-scale coastal fishery has been chosen. Small-scale fisheries (SSF) consist a large part of labor in fishery sector. Politicians and researchers are interested to know how the number of active SSF would change by restricting fishers’ activity such as introducing a quota policy or other marine ecosystem conservation strategies. To be able to respond to this question, this thesis has identified the interactions between fishers, their environment (lagoon and sea) and their governance system (EU policies and community norms). An Agent-based model (ABM) is devoted to analyze the interactions between fishers and their correspondent marine environment. Time series data are collected from secondary sources and through interviews with the fishers from fishing communities (Prud’homies) in department of HĂ©rault- French Mediterranean Coast.The results are presented in four articles that constitute four chapters of the thesis. The first paper is an introduction to SSF and the reason we should ever be interested in maintaining them. The second paper is a methodological development of S-LCA which proposes improvements to its on-going discussions. The third and fourth paper are applications of these propositions and their verification in the case of SĂšte social-ecological fishery system. In particular, the third paper focuses on the interactions of fishers with their marine ecosystem and the fourth paper focuses on the interactions that the fishing community has with its governance system.Les impacts environnementaux des produits ont longtemps Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s, tandis que la recherche sur les aspects sociaux est restĂ©e marginale. Afin de combler cette lacune, cette thĂšse vise Ă  l’amĂ©lioration d’un outil d’évaluation de l’impact social baptisĂ©e Analyse du cycle de vie sociale (ACV-S). L’ACV-S est une approche proche de celle d’Analyse du Cycle de Vie environnemental avec comme objectif d’anticiper les effets potentiels d’un changement du cycle de vie d’un produit dans la sociĂ©tĂ©. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodologies ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es par les chercheurs du domaine depuis son apparition rĂ©cente. Il est nĂ©cessaire de parvenir Ă  un consensus pour un cadre commun. Des idĂ©es issues des perspectives sociologiques et de la thĂ©orie des systĂšmes ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es et proposĂ©es pour l'amĂ©lioration de l'ACV-S. La proposition principale est de se concentrer sur des questions telles que l'inclusion / exclusion d'agents de leur environnement social et de travail en tant qu’indicateur.Afin de vĂ©rifier l’applicabilitĂ© des amĂ©liorations proposĂ©es, le cas de la petite pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre a Ă©tĂ© choisi. La petite pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre comprend une grande partie des effectifs du secteur de la pĂȘche. Les politiciens et les chercheurs aimeraient savoir comment le nombre de petits pĂȘcheurs Ă©voluerait en limitant l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche en raison par exemple de l’introduction d’une nouvelle politique de quotas ou bien d’une aire marine protĂ©gĂ©e. Pour pouvoir rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions frĂ©quemment posĂ©es, cette thĂšse a permis d’identifier les interactions entre les pĂȘcheurs, leur environnement (lagon et mer) et leur systĂšme de gouvernance (les politiques EuropĂ©ennes et les normes locales). Un modĂšle Ă  base d'agents (ABM) est consacrĂ© Ă  l'analyse des interactions entre les pĂȘcheurs et leur environnement marin. Le cƓur de la mĂ©thodologie repose sur la mesure de l'inclusion et de l'exclusion des agents de leur environnement de travail. Les donnĂ©es de sĂ©ries chronologiques ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  partir de sources secondaires et complĂ©tĂ©es par le biais d’interviews de pĂȘcheurs de communautĂ©s de pĂȘcheurs (Prud’homies) dans le dĂ©partement de l’HĂ©rault sur la cĂŽte mĂ©diterranĂ©enne française.La recherche est prĂ©sentĂ©e dans quatre articles qui constituent quatre chapitres de la thĂšse. Le premier document est une introduction Ă  la petite pĂȘche artisanale et explique les raisons pour lesquelles nous devrions toujours nous efforcer la maintenir. Le deuxiĂšme article est un dĂ©veloppement mĂ©thodologique de l’ACV-S qui propose des contributions aux dĂ©bats en cours. Les troisiĂšme et quatriĂšme articles sont des applications de ces propositions et leur mise Ă  l’épreuve dans le cas du systĂšme socio-Ă©cologique de la pĂȘche de SĂšte. En particulier, Le troisiĂšme article porte plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur les interactions des pĂȘcheurs avec leur Ă©cosystĂšme marin et le quatriĂšme sur les interactions de la communautĂ© des pĂȘcheurs avec son systĂšme de gouvernance

    Societal quality of small-scale fisheries in Mediterranean Sea

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    Les impacts environnementaux des produits ont longtemps Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s, tandis que la recherche sur les aspects sociaux est restĂ©e marginale. Afin de combler cette lacune, cette thĂšse vise Ă  l’amĂ©lioration d’un outil d’évaluation de l’impact social baptisĂ©e Analyse du cycle de vie sociale (ACV-S). L’ACV-S est une approche proche de celle d’Analyse du Cycle de Vie environnemental avec comme objectif d’anticiper les effets potentiels d’un changement du cycle de vie d’un produit dans la sociĂ©tĂ©. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodologies ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es par les chercheurs du domaine depuis son apparition rĂ©cente. Il est nĂ©cessaire de parvenir Ă  un consensus pour un cadre commun. Des idĂ©es issues des perspectives sociologiques et de la thĂ©orie des systĂšmes ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es et proposĂ©es pour l'amĂ©lioration de l'ACV-S. La proposition principale est de se concentrer sur des questions telles que l'inclusion / exclusion d'agents de leur environnement social et de travail en tant qu’indicateur.Afin de vĂ©rifier l’applicabilitĂ© des amĂ©liorations proposĂ©es, le cas de la petite pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre a Ă©tĂ© choisi. La petite pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre comprend une grande partie des effectifs du secteur de la pĂȘche. Les politiciens et les chercheurs aimeraient savoir comment le nombre de petits pĂȘcheurs Ă©voluerait en limitant l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche en raison par exemple de l’introduction d’une nouvelle politique de quotas ou bien d’une aire marine protĂ©gĂ©e. Pour pouvoir rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions frĂ©quemment posĂ©es, cette thĂšse a permis d’identifier les interactions entre les pĂȘcheurs, leur environnement (lagon et mer) et leur systĂšme de gouvernance (les politiques EuropĂ©ennes et les normes locales). Un modĂšle Ă  base d'agents (ABM) est consacrĂ© Ă  l'analyse des interactions entre les pĂȘcheurs et leur environnement marin. Le cƓur de la mĂ©thodologie repose sur la mesure de l'inclusion et de l'exclusion des agents de leur environnement de travail. Les donnĂ©es de sĂ©ries chronologiques ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  partir de sources secondaires et complĂ©tĂ©es par le biais d’interviews de pĂȘcheurs de communautĂ©s de pĂȘcheurs (Prud’homies) dans le dĂ©partement de l’HĂ©rault sur la cĂŽte mĂ©diterranĂ©enne française.La recherche est prĂ©sentĂ©e dans quatre articles qui constituent quatre chapitres de la thĂšse. Le premier document est une introduction Ă  la petite pĂȘche artisanale et explique les raisons pour lesquelles nous devrions toujours nous efforcer la maintenir. Le deuxiĂšme article est un dĂ©veloppement mĂ©thodologique de l’ACV-S qui propose des contributions aux dĂ©bats en cours. Les troisiĂšme et quatriĂšme articles sont des applications de ces propositions et leur mise Ă  l’épreuve dans le cas du systĂšme socio-Ă©cologique de la pĂȘche de SĂšte. En particulier, Le troisiĂšme article porte plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur les interactions des pĂȘcheurs avec leur Ă©cosystĂšme marin et le quatriĂšme sur les interactions de la communautĂ© des pĂȘcheurs avec son systĂšme de gouvernance.The environmental aspects of human produced goods have long been studied while research on social impacts of a product has remained marginal. In order to fill in this gap, this thesis targets the improvement of a social impact assessment tool baptized as Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA). S-LCA is an approach close to the principle of Life Cycle Assessment with the objective of anticipating the potential effects of a change in a product’s life cycle on the society. Different approaches have been employed by researchers in the domain since its recent introduction. It is necessary to reach a consensus for a common framework. Insights from sociological perspectives and systems theory have been taken and proposed for the improvement of S-LCA. The principal proposition is to focus on issues such as inclusion/exclusion of agents from their social and working environment.To verify the validation of the proposed improvements, the case of small-scale coastal fishery has been chosen. Small-scale fisheries (SSF) consist a large part of labor in fishery sector. Politicians and researchers are interested to know how the number of active SSF would change by restricting fishers’ activity such as introducing a quota policy or other marine ecosystem conservation strategies. To be able to respond to this question, this thesis has identified the interactions between fishers, their environment (lagoon and sea) and their governance system (EU policies and community norms). An Agent-based model (ABM) is devoted to analyze the interactions between fishers and their correspondent marine environment. Time series data are collected from secondary sources and through interviews with the fishers from fishing communities (Prud’homies) in department of HĂ©rault- French Mediterranean Coast.The results are presented in four articles that constitute four chapters of the thesis. The first paper is an introduction to SSF and the reason we should ever be interested in maintaining them. The second paper is a methodological development of S-LCA which proposes improvements to its on-going discussions. The third and fourth paper are applications of these propositions and their verification in the case of SĂšte social-ecological fishery system. In particular, the third paper focuses on the interactions of fishers with their marine ecosystem and the fourth paper focuses on the interactions that the fishing community has with its governance system

    Commodity Exchange and Institutional Changes: Case of Iranian Agricultural Commodity Exchange

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    In this study, an attempt is to figure out the institutional changes that initiate the agricultural commodity exchange (ACE). To assess the affecting factors, new institutional economics approach has been chosen. The framework consisting of four levels of social analysis introduced by Oliver E. Williamson is used to analyze the social environment, institutional rules, institutional arrangements and finally the agency level economics (Neo-classical economics). Regarding this framework, the institutional changes that have initiated the Iranian ACE is analyzed and its constraints to further improvement are discussed

    QualitĂ© sociĂ©tale de la pĂȘche artisanale en MĂ©diterranĂ©e

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    The environmental aspects of human produced goods have long been studied while research on social impacts of a product has remained marginal. In order to fill in this gap, this thesis targets the improvement of a social impact assessment tool baptized as Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA). S-LCA is an approach close to the principle of Life Cycle Assessment with the objective of anticipating the potential effects of a change in a product’s life cycle on the society. Different approaches have been employed by researchers in the domain since its recent introduction. It is necessary to reach a consensus for a common framework. Insights from sociological perspectives and systems theory have been taken and proposed for the improvement of S-LCA. The principal proposition is to focus on issues such as inclusion/exclusion of agents from their social and working environment.To verify the validation of the proposed improvements, the case of small-scale coastal fishery has been chosen. Small-scale fisheries (SSF) consist a large part of labor in fishery sector. Politicians and researchers are interested to know how the number of active SSF would change by restricting fishers’ activity such as introducing a quota policy or other marine ecosystem conservation strategies. To be able to respond to this question, this thesis has identified the interactions between fishers, their environment (lagoon and sea) and their governance system (EU policies and community norms). An Agent-based model (ABM) is devoted to analyze the interactions between fishers and their correspondent marine environment. Time series data are collected from secondary sources and through interviews with the fishers from fishing communities (Prud’homies) in department of HĂ©rault- French Mediterranean Coast.The results are presented in four articles that constitute four chapters of the thesis. The first paper is an introduction to SSF and the reason we should ever be interested in maintaining them. The second paper is a methodological development of S-LCA which proposes improvements to its on-going discussions. The third and fourth paper are applications of these propositions and their verification in the case of SĂšte social-ecological fishery system. In particular, the third paper focuses on the interactions of fishers with their marine ecosystem and the fourth paper focuses on the interactions that the fishing community has with its governance system.Les impacts environnementaux des produits ont longtemps Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s, tandis que la recherche sur les aspects sociaux est restĂ©e marginale. Afin de combler cette lacune, cette thĂšse vise Ă  l’amĂ©lioration d’un outil d’évaluation de l’impact social baptisĂ©e Analyse du cycle de vie sociale (ACV-S). L’ACV-S est une approche proche de celle d’Analyse du Cycle de Vie environnemental avec comme objectif d’anticiper les effets potentiels d’un changement du cycle de vie d’un produit dans la sociĂ©tĂ©. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodologies ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es par les chercheurs du domaine depuis son apparition rĂ©cente. Il est nĂ©cessaire de parvenir Ă  un consensus pour un cadre commun. Des idĂ©es issues des perspectives sociologiques et de la thĂ©orie des systĂšmes ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es et proposĂ©es pour l'amĂ©lioration de l'ACV-S. La proposition principale est de se concentrer sur des questions telles que l'inclusion / exclusion d'agents de leur environnement social et de travail en tant qu’indicateur.Afin de vĂ©rifier l’applicabilitĂ© des amĂ©liorations proposĂ©es, le cas de la petite pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre a Ă©tĂ© choisi. La petite pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre comprend une grande partie des effectifs du secteur de la pĂȘche. Les politiciens et les chercheurs aimeraient savoir comment le nombre de petits pĂȘcheurs Ă©voluerait en limitant l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche en raison par exemple de l’introduction d’une nouvelle politique de quotas ou bien d’une aire marine protĂ©gĂ©e. Pour pouvoir rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions frĂ©quemment posĂ©es, cette thĂšse a permis d’identifier les interactions entre les pĂȘcheurs, leur environnement (lagon et mer) et leur systĂšme de gouvernance (les politiques EuropĂ©ennes et les normes locales). Un modĂšle Ă  base d'agents (ABM) est consacrĂ© Ă  l'analyse des interactions entre les pĂȘcheurs et leur environnement marin. Le cƓur de la mĂ©thodologie repose sur la mesure de l'inclusion et de l'exclusion des agents de leur environnement de travail. Les donnĂ©es de sĂ©ries chronologiques ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  partir de sources secondaires et complĂ©tĂ©es par le biais d’interviews de pĂȘcheurs de communautĂ©s de pĂȘcheurs (Prud’homies) dans le dĂ©partement de l’HĂ©rault sur la cĂŽte mĂ©diterranĂ©enne française.La recherche est prĂ©sentĂ©e dans quatre articles qui constituent quatre chapitres de la thĂšse. Le premier document est une introduction Ă  la petite pĂȘche artisanale et explique les raisons pour lesquelles nous devrions toujours nous efforcer la maintenir. Le deuxiĂšme article est un dĂ©veloppement mĂ©thodologique de l’ACV-S qui propose des contributions aux dĂ©bats en cours. Les troisiĂšme et quatriĂšme articles sont des applications de ces propositions et leur mise Ă  l’épreuve dans le cas du systĂšme socio-Ă©cologique de la pĂȘche de SĂšte. En particulier, Le troisiĂšme article porte plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur les interactions des pĂȘcheurs avec leur Ă©cosystĂšme marin et le quatriĂšme sur les interactions de la communautĂ© des pĂȘcheurs avec son systĂšme de gouvernance

    Discussing features of social measures important in SLCA impact indicators' selection

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    International audienceThere have been several attempts to formalize Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) methodology and make it as robust as the environmental part of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). "Guidelines for SLCA of products" (UNEP/SETAC, 2009) and progressively "The Methodological Sheets for Sub-categories in SLCA" (UNEP/SETAC, 2013) have provided recommendations on how to conduct the first two phases of SLCA (i.e., goal and scope definition and life cycle inventory). The research on the third phase (life-cycle impact assessment) was, at that time, not considered sufficiently mature to be included (Sureau et al. 2017). With S-LCA conceived by the same practitioners who created LCA, it is not surprising that they attempted to model social impacts in the same way it was done for environment alone (Iofrida et al. 2017). Most of the applications take into account values, stakeholders’ perceptions, subjectivities, and participation in an interpretivist way, but often without clarifying the theoretical underpinnings (Iofrida et al. 2017). In the following we attempt to clarify the role of these features of societal measures in the selection of the end-point social impact indicators in SLCA

    Co-management of fisheries through a negotiation lens: The case of prud’homies

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    International audienceWhile the European Union’s fishing policy is mainly based on maximum sustainable yield, at the local fishing community level, fishers’ main incentive to sustain fish stocks appears to be maintenance of social relationships. Divergence of the stakeholders’ objectives on the management of marine resources creates conflicts of interest that can be overcome through a process of negotiation. The formulation of the solution is embedded in the perspective of the stakeholders. In this paper we analyze the negotiation mechanisms between the French Mediterranean local fishing communities and the European Union common fishery policy. Inspired by interactive governance theory, the performance of Prud’homies, a local governance entity in the French Mediterranean, has been analyzed through their capacity to cooperate and represent the fishers’ voice in formal institutes. We are witnessing a declining representation of this local institute among the official decision-makers of the marine resource governance

    Area of protection in S-LCA: human well-being or societal quality

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    PurposeThe set of stakeholders included in the social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) guideline (UNEP/SETAC 2009) could create confusion as to the target of the assessment: individuals or society. This paper attempts to develop the epistemological foundations of S-LCA in social sciences. Its major discussion is who should be addressed in S-LCA: individuals or society as a whole. This article contributes to the definition of a social life cycle based on sociological perspectives.MethodsThis paper is a critical evaluation of well-being methodologies and sociological perspectives used to analyze the effects of a change in a social system. The two perspectives, individualistic and holistic, have been evaluated based on four criteria: subjectivity, social values, possibility of aggregation of social data and rebound effects. We have examined different points of view in the sociologic discipline to determine which perspective would be more suitable. Insights have been taken from structural functionalist, symbolic interactionism, and conflict theories to answer the troubling debates identified in S-LCA: Can the life cycle defined for LCA be used in S-LCA? More specifically, does S-LCA include the same actors and timeline as LCA? Does aggregation of data of individuals convey the characteristics of a society?Results and discussionOrganizational or technical changes induce new cost and benefits in the social system. When focusing on the well-being of individuals, little emphasis is directed to the relations between people, and thus social costs and benefits are not valorized. The sociological perspectives that deal with social change (structuralism, functionalism, and symbolic interaction) seek to explain social phenomena based on the relations that are established and affected by a social phenomenon. The sociologic concept has brought insights to the definition of a social life cycle, the object of S-LCA.ConclusionsThis paper is an attempt to bring the attention of S-LCA practitioners to the concept of social change defined by sociologists. Whether society is considered as a sum of individuals or as an independent entity determines our approach as individualistic or holistic. This would obviously influence our perspective in the selection of stakeholders of the life cycle, the boundaries of the analysis, and the indicators to be assessed. We recognize the central social matter of a product system as its contribution to the overall order in a society