167 research outputs found

    The Spectral Nature of Titan's Major Geomorphological Units: Constraints on Surface Composition

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    We investigate Titan's low‐latitude and midlatitude surface using spectro‐imaging near‐infrared data from Cassini/Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer. We use a radiative transfer code to first evaluate atmospheric contributions and then extract the haze and the surface albedo values of major geomorphological units identified in Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar data, which exhibit quite similar spectral response to the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer data. We have identified three main categories of albedo values and spectral shapes, indicating significant differences in the composition among the various areas. We compare with linear mixtures of three components (water ice, tholin‐like, and a dark material) at different grain sizes. Due to the limited spectral information available, we use a simplified model, with which we find that each albedo category of regions of interest can be approximately fitted with simulations composed essentially by one of the three surface candidates. Our fits of the data are overall successful, except in some cases at 0.94, 2.03, and 2.79 μm, indicative of the limitations of our simplistic compositional model and the need for additional components to reproduce Titan's complex surface. Our results show a latitudinal dependence of Titan's surface composition, with water ice being the major constituent at latitudes beyond 30°N and 30°S, while Titan's equatorial region appears to be dominated partly by a tholin‐like or by a very dark unknown material. The albedo differences and similarities among the various geomorphological units give insights on the geological processes affecting Titan's surface and, by implication, its interior. We discuss our results in terms of origin and evolution theories

    Candidate cryovolcanic regions on Ganymede: a target priority for JUICE

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    Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede, is the main target of the upcoming ESA mission JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE), which is planned to launch in 2023. One of the top priorities of the JUICE mission is investigation of past and/or recent cryovolcanic and tectonic activity and the exchange processes with the subsurface and possibly with the ocean (Grasset et al., 2013). Following that objective, the science team has defined ‘potential cryovolcanic regions’ as a category of high interest for observation by JUICE (Stephan et al. 2021). Hence, for preparation of the scientific return of the mission, it is important to study in detail the regions that are considered to be good candidates for past or present activity

    Santorini volcano as a potential Martian analogue: The Balos Cove Basalts

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    The interpretation of geologic processes on Mars from sparse meteorite, remote sensing and rover data is influenced by knowledge gained from well-characterized terrestrial analogues. This calls for detailed study of candidate terrestrial analogues and comparison of their observable features to those encountered on the surface of Mars. We evaluated the mineralogical, geochemical, and physical properties of the Balos cove basalts (BCB) from the island of Santorini and compared them to Martian meteorites, Mars rover surface measurements, and other verified Martian analogues obtained from the International Space Analogue Rockstore (ISAR). Twenty rock samples were collected from the Balos cove area based on their freshness, integrity, and basaltic appearance in the field. Optical microscopy of BCB revealed a pilotaxitic to trachytic texture, with olivine and clinopyroxenephenocrysts in a fine groundmass of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, magnetite, and devitrified glass. All major minerals show normal zoning, including calcic plagioclase (An_(78–85) at the core and An_(60–76) at the rim), augite (En_(36-48)Wo_(41-44)Fs_(11–21)), and olivine (Fo_(74–88)). The dominant bands in the infrared-attenuated total reflectance (IR-ATR) spectra from BCB can be assigned to olivine (~875 cm−1), calcic plagioclase (~1130 cm^(−1)), and augite (~970 cm^(−1)). The whole-rock chemical compositions and mineralogy of the BCB are similar to published analyses of typical olivine-phyric shergottites and basalts and basaltic materials analyzed in Gusev and Gale craters on Mars. BCB porosity is in the range of 7–15% and is similar to the porosities of the ISAR samples. Although no terrestrial rock is ever a perfect match to Martian compositions, the differences in mineralogy and geochemistry between BCB and some classes of Martian samples are relatively subtle and the basalts of Santorini are as close a match as other accepted Mars basalt analogues. The Santorini site offers excellent field logistics that, together with the petrology of the outcrop, makes it a valuable locality for testing and calibration deployments, field training, and other activities related to current and future Mars exploration

    Ganymede paterae: a priority target for JUICE

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    The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE), the first large-class of the European Space Agency (ESA), is planned to launch in 2023, and one of its main goals is to make detailed observations of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. The mission will investigate the past and/or recent cryovolcanic and tectonic activity of the moon and the exchange processes with the subsurface and possibly with the ocean. Recently, the science team defined “potential cryovolcanic regions” as a category of high interest for observation by JUICE (Stephan et al., 2021). For preparation of the scientific return of the mission, it is important to study in detail the regions that are considered to be good candidates for past/present activity. Light material areas on Ganymede imaged by Voyager have been suggested to represent dark terrain resurfaced by cryovolcanic flows (e.g., Parmentier et al., 1982), while the dark terrain’s speculated cryovolcanic origin was later disputed based on higher-resolution images of the Galileo mission. Additional Galileo data showed the significant role of tectonism in the formation of the light material areas, while the role of cryovolcanism remained inconclusive. Currently, small, isolated depressions called ‘paterae’, are the best candidate regions for cryovolcanic activity on Ganymede and suggested to be potential caldera-like cryovolcanic source vents (e.g., Spaun et al., 2001). Their nature has been interpreted as “possible cryovolcanic source vents for extrusion of clean icy material to form light material units” (Collins et al., 2013), and their small size is consistent with a cryovolcanic origin that operates on a local scale. The high-resolution JUICE camera, JANUS, in combination with other remote sensing instruments, is expected to resolve many of the mysteries concerning cryovolcanism on Ganymede and the origin of the moon’s varied geologic features. The “potential cryovolcanic regions” identified by the JUICE team includes 19 out of 30 paterae mapped by Collins et al., (2013) using Voyager and Galileo images. In this study, with the aim to enhance the preparation of the JUICE mission and its science return, we present: a thorough view of all 19 paterae regions; a detailed geomorphological characterization and comparison between the Ganymede paterae with paterae from other planetary bodies; and a spectral assessment using Galileo NIMS data

    Surface albedo changes with time on Titan’s possible cryovolcanic sites: Cassini/VIMS processing and geophysical implications

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    We present a study on Titan’s possibly cryovolcanic and varying regions as suggested from previous studies [e.g. 1;2;7]. These regions, which are potentially subject to change over time in brightness and are located close to the equator, are Tui Regio, Hotei Regio, and Sotra Patera. We apply two methods on Cassini/VIMS data in order to retrieve their surface properties and monitor any temporal variations. First, we apply a statistical method, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [3;4] where we manage to isolate regions of distinct and diverse chemical composition called ‘Region of interest – RoI’. Then, we focus on retrieving the spectral differences (with respect to the Huygens landing site albedo) among the RoIs by applying a radiative transfer code (RT) [5;3]. Hence, we are able to view the dynamical range and evaluate the differences in surface albedo within the RoIs of the three regions. In addition, using this double procedure, we study the temporal surface variations of the three regions witnessing albedo changes with time for Tui Regio from 2005-2009 (darkening) and Sotra Patera from 2005-2006 (brightening) at all wavelengths [3]. The surface albedo variations and the presence of volcanic-like features within the regions in addition to a recent study [6] that calculates Titan's tidal response are significant indications for the connection of the interior with the cryovolcanic candidate features with implications for the satellite’s astrobiological potential

    Titan's cold case files - Outstanding questions after Cassini-Huygens

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    The entry of the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft into orbit around Saturn in July 2004 marked the start of a golden era in the exploration of Titan, Saturn's giant moon. During the Prime Mission (2004–2008), ground-breaking discoveries were made by the Cassini orbiter including the equatorial dune fields (flyby T3, 2005), northern lakes and seas (T16, 2006), and the large positive and negative ions (T16 & T18, 2006), to name a few. In 2005 the Huygens probe descended through Titan's atmosphere, taking the first close-up pictures of the surface, including large networks of dendritic channels leading to a dried-up seabed, and also obtaining detailed profiles of temperature and gas composition during the atmospheric descent. The discoveries continued through the Equinox Mission (2008–2010) and Solstice Mission (2010–2017) totaling 127 targeted flybys of Titan in all. Now at the end of the mission, we are able to look back on the high-level scientific questions from the start of the mission, and assess the progress that has been made towards answering these. At the same time, new scientific questions regarding Titan have emerged from the discoveries that have been made. In this paper we review a cross-section of important scientific questions that remain partially or completely unanswered, ranging from Titan's deep interior to the exosphere. Our intention is to help formulate the science goals for the next generation of planetary missions to Titan, and to stimulate new experimental, observational and theoretical investigations in the interim

    Titan: Earth-like on the outside, ocean world on the inside

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    Thanks to the Cassini-Huygens mission, Titan, the pale orange dot of Pioneer and Voyager encounters, has been revealed to be a dynamic, hydrologically shaped, organic-rich ocean world offering unparalleled opportunities to explore prebiotic chemistry. And while Cassini-Huygens revolutionized our understanding of each of the three "layers" of Titan-the atmosphere, the surface, and the interior-we are only beginning to hypothesize how these realms interact. In this paper, we summarize the current state of Titan knowledge and discuss how future exploration of Titan would address some of the next decade's most compelling planetary science questions. We also demonstrate why exploring Titan, both with and beyond the Dragonfly New Frontiers mission, is a necessary and complementary component of an Ocean Worlds Program that seeks to understand whether habitable environments exist elsewhere in our solar system

    PSMA-PET/CT-guided salvage radiotherapy in recurrent or persistent prostate cancer and PSA < 0.2 ng/ml.

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    PURPOSE The purpose of this retrospective, multicenter study was to assess efficacy of PSMA-PET/CT-guided salvage radiotherapy (sRT) in patients with recurrent or persistent PSA after primary surgery and PSA levels < 0.2 ng/ml. METHODS The study included patients from a pooled cohort (n = 1223) of 11 centers from 6 countries. Patients with PSA levels > 0.2 ng/ml prior to sRT or without sRT to the prostatic fossa were excluded. The primary study endpoint was biochemical recurrence-free survival (BRFS) and BR was defined as PSA nadir after sRT + 0.2 ng/ml. Cox regression analysis was performed to assess the impact of clinical parameters on BRFS. Recurrence patterns after sRT were analyzed. RESULTS The final cohort consisted of 273 patients; 78/273 (28.6%) and 48/273 (17.6%) patients had local or nodal recurrence on PET/CT. The most frequently applied sRT dose to the prostatic fossa was 66-70 Gy (n = 143/273, 52.4%). SRT to pelvic lymphatics was delivered in 87/273 (31.9%) patients and androgen deprivation therapy was given to 36/273 (13.2%) patients. After a median follow-up time of 31.1 months (IQR: 20-44), 60/273 (22%) patients had biochemical recurrence. The 2- and 3-year BRFS was 90.1% and 79.2%, respectively. The presence of seminal vesicle invasion in surgery (p = 0.019) and local recurrences in PET/CT (p = 0.039) had a significant impact on BR in multivariate analysis. In 16 patients, information on recurrence patterns on PSMA-PET/CT after sRT was available and one had recurrent disease inside the RT field. CONCLUSION This multicenter analysis suggests that implementation of PSMA-PET/CT imaging for sRT guidance might be of benefit for patients with very low PSA levels after surgery due to promising BRFS rates and a low number of relapses within the sRT field