5 research outputs found

    Towards multireference equivalents of the G2 and G3 methods

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    The effect of replacing the standard single-determinant reference wave functions in variants of G2 and G3 theory by multireference (MR) wave functions based on a full-valence complete active space has been investigated. Twelve methods of this type have been introduced and comparisons, based on a slightly reduced G2-1 test set, are made both internally and with the equivalent single-reference methods. We use CASPT2 as the standard MR-MP2 method and MRCl+Q as the higher correlation procedure in these calculations. We find that MR-G2(MP2,SVP), MR-G2(MP2), and MR-G3(MP2) perform comparably with their single-reference analogs, G2(MP2,SVP), G2(MP2), and G3(MP2), with mean absolute deviations (MADs) from the experimental data of 1.41, 1.54, and 1.23 kcal mol−1, compared with 1.60, 1.59, and 1.19 kcal mol−1, respectively. The additivity assumptions in the MR-Gn methods have been tested by carrying out MR-G2/MRCI+Q and MR-G3/MRCI+Q calculations, which correspond to large-basis-set MRCI+Q+ZPVE+HLC calculations. These give MADs of 1.84 and 1.58 kcal mol−1, respectively, i.e., the agreement with experiment is somewhat worse than that obtained with the MR-G2(MP2) and MR-G3(MP2) methods. In a third series of calculations, we have examined pure MP2 and MR-MP2 analogs of the G2 and G3 procedures by carrying out large-basis-set MP2 and CASPT2(+ZPVE+HLC) calculations. The resultant methods, which we denote G2/MP2, G3/MP2, MR-G2/MP2, and MR-G3/MP2, give MADs of 4.19, 3.36, 2.01, and 1.66 kcal mol−1, respectively. Finally, we have examined the effect of using MCQDPT2 in place of CASPT2 in five of our MR-Gn procedures, and find that there is a small but consistent deterioration in performance. Our calculations suggest that the MR-G3(MP2) and MR-G3/MP2 procedures may be useful in situations where a multireference approach is desirable.The authors would also like to thank the National Science Foundation International Division for providing travel funds to ~M.S.G. and M.A.F.! and the National Science Foundation Chemistry Division for supporting the research

    The effects of symmetry and rigidity on non-adiabatic dynamics in tertiary amines:a time-resolved photoelectron velocity-map imaging study of the cage-amine ABCO

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    The non-adiabatic relaxation dynamics of the tertiary cage-amine azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (ABCO, also known as quinuclidine) have been investigated following 3p Rydberg excitation at 201 nm using femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging (TRPEI). The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the rigid and symmetric cage structure found in ABCO on the general non-adiabatic relaxation processes commonly seen in other tertiary aliphatic amines (TAAs). Our data is compared with TRPEI results very recently obtained for several structurally less rigid TAA systems [J. O. F. Thompson et al., Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 1826–1839] and helps to confirm many of the previously reported findings. The experimental results for ABCO in the short-time (<1 ps) regime strongly support earlier conclusions suggesting that planarization about the N-atom is not a prerequisite for efficient 3p–3s internal conversion. Additionally, individual photoelectron peaks within our ABCO data show no temporal shifts in energy. As confirmed by our supporting quantum mechanical calculations, this demonstrates that neither internal conversion within the 3p manifold or significant conformational re-organization are possible in the ABCO system. This result therefore lends strong additional support to the active presence of such dynamical effects in other, less conformationally restricted TAA species, where photoelectron peak shifts are commonly observed. Finally, the extremely long (>1 ns) 3s Rydberg state lifetime seen in ABCO (relative to other TAA systems at similar excitation energies) serves to illustrate the large influence of symmetry and conformational rigidity on intramolecular vibrational redistribution processes previously implicated in mediating this aspect of the overall relaxation dynamics