2 research outputs found

    Distance-sensitive planar point location

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    Let be a connected planar polygonal subdivision with n edges and of total area 1. We present a data structure for point location in TeX where queries with points far away from any region boundary are answered faster. More precisely, we show that point location queries can be answered in time TeX, where ¿p is the distance of the query point p to the boundary of the region containing p. Our structure is based on the following result: any simple polygon P can be decomposed into a linear number of convex quadrilaterals with the following property: for any point p¿¿¿P, the quadrilateral containing p has area TeX

    Trajectory grouping structure

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    The collective motion of a set of moving entities like people, birds, or other animals, is characterized by groups arising, merging, splitting, and ending. Given the trajectories of these entities, we define and model a structure that captures all of such changes using the Reeb graph, a concept from topology. The trajectory grouping structure has three natural parameters, namely group size, group duration, and entity inter-distance. These parameters allow us to obtain detailed or global views of the data. We prove complexity bounds on the maximum number of maximal groups that can be present, and give algorithms to compute the grouping structure efficiently. Furthermore, we showcase the results of experiments using data generated by the NetLogo flocking model and from the Starkey project. Although there is no ground truth for the groups in this data, the experiments show that the trajectory grouping structure is plausible and has the desired effects when changing the essential parameters. Our research provides the first complete study of trajectory group evolvement, including combinatorial, algorithmic, and experimental results