22 research outputs found


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    The information society requires changes at all levels, starting from the educational system. In order to change the educational system, it is important to know where to begin, and the start is in working with the youngest children, in preschool institutions and in primary schools. In order to acquire all the necessary knowledge and skills, child has to learn how to learn and communicate in the information society. Here, we thus discover a role of educators and teachers in preschool institutions and primary schools. The aim of the research was to identify the present ICT competences of educators and teachers and their willingness to acquire some new competences required by the information society. This paper shows all the results obtained from both educators (N=59) employed in preschool institutions and teachers (N=92) employed in primary schools in the Republic of Serbia. The questionnaire, especially constructed for this purpose, has been used to test both groups.Informacijsko druÅ”tvo zahtijeva promjene na svim razinama, počevÅ”i od obrazovnoga sustava. Da bi se obrazovni sustav mijenjao, mora se znati odakle početi, a početak se nalazi u radu s najmlađom djecom, u predÅ”kolskim ustanovama i osnovnoj Å”koli. Da bi dijete usvojilo potrebna znanja i vjeÅ”tine, mora naučiti kako učiti i komunicirati u informacijskom druÅ”tvu. Upravo u ovome se sastoji uloga odgojitelja i učitelja u predÅ”kolskim ustanovama i osnovnim Å”kolama. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrde sadaÅ”nje ICT kompetencije odgojitelja i učitelja te njihova spremnost na usvajanje novih kompetencija koje daje informacijsko druÅ”tvo. U radu će biti prikazani rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem odgojitelja (N = 59) zaposlenih u predÅ”kolskim ustanovama i učitelja (N = 92) zaposlenih u osnovnim Å”kolama u Republici Srbiji. Obje ciljne skupine su ispitane upitnikom strukturiranim specijalno za ovaj istraživački rad

    Istraživanje kolektivne inteligencije kao interdisciplinarnog fenomena

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    While people have been talking about collective intelligence for decades, new communication technologies, particularly Web 2.0, allow now for huge numbers of people to work together in new ways. The great success of systems like Google and Wikipedia suggest that it is now the right time for their further development. The aim of this study was to determine which form of collective Web intelligence was used by young people through Web 2.0 applications. The sample (N=103) in this study comprised young people aged 20 to 30. The Evaluation scale of use of Web 2.0 applications was applied in this research. The results showed that young people use collective intelligence based on collaboration through Web 2.0 applications. Presenting the analysis of applications that are most frequently used, the paper suggests possible ways to use Web 2.0 in social learning in order to obtain the best effect in different types of environment.Dok ljudi već desetljećima govore o kolektivnoj inteligenciji, nove komunikacijske tehnologije, pogotovo Web 2.0 alati, sada već golemom broju korisnika omogućuju suradnički rad na mnoge načine. Velik uspjeh sustava poput Google-a i Wikipedije upućuje na činjenicu da je sada doÅ”ao pravi trenutak za njihovo daljnje unapređenje. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti koje oblike kolektivne web-inteligencije koriste mladi primjenom Web 2.0 alata. Uzorak (N=103) u ovom istraživanju činili su mladi u dobi od 20 do 30 godina. U istraživanju je primijenjena Skala za procjenu koriÅ”tenja Web 2.0 alata. Rezultati su pokazali da mladi upotrebljavaju kolektivnu inteligenciju koja se temelji na suradnji putem Web 2.0 aplikacija. Prikazom analize aplikacija koje se najčeŔće koriste, ovaj rad daje prijedloge mogućih načina upotrebe Web 2.0 alata u druÅ”tvenom učenju kako bi se ostvario najbolji učinak u različitim vrstama okoline

    Mission and organizational principles of e-learning center on TeacherĀ“s Training Faculty in Sombor

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    Uvjeti suvremenog obrazovanja nametnuli su mnogo ozbiljniji pristup upravljanjem procesima stjecanja znanja. Taj trend je primjećen na svjetskom nivou sedamdesetih godina proÅ”log vijeka. Paralelno sa promjenom koncepta o važnosti znanja, dolazi do ogromne ekspanzije, prije svega, PC tehnologije i do razvoja aplikativnog softvera, uz poÅ”tovanje svima dobro poznatog "user friendly" trenda. Krajem sedamdesetih godina, odnosno 1978. godine, pojavljuje se aplikacija bazirana na hipertekstu i groupware-u. Osamdesetih godina XX vijeka znanje dobiva tretman korporativnog dobra, ali ga klasična ekonomija joÅ” uvijek tako ne tretira. Tih godina se razvoj sistema za upravljanje znanjem bazirao na dostignućima iz oblasti ekspertnih sistema i vjeÅ”tačke inteligencije, koji su bili osnova koncepata poznatih kao "sistemi bazirani na znanju", "inženjerstvo znanja", "razmjena znanja", "partnerstvo u učenju", "organizacija koja uči". Fakultet za 21. vijek mora se bazirati na novim alatima i osigurati svim nastavnicima i studentima jednostavan i brz pristup do ukupnog svjetskog znanja. Stoga je danas posljednji trenutak za početak temeljnog preobražaja sistema za obrazovanje nastavnika koji će daleko viÅ”e nego do sada koristiti ICT. Imajući u vidu prethodno iznijete činjenice razvojni tim Učiteljskog fakulteta razvija i implementira interaktivni sistem za učenje u vidu e-learning centra prilagođen suvremenom okruženju.Modern education imposed more serious approach toward managing processes of acknowledgments. This trend is noticed in the world during the seventies of XX century. At same time with changing of concept of knowledge importance, PC technology is in a great expansion and applicative software develops with respect to well-known "user friendly" trend. The end of seventies, in 1978, invents the application based on hypertext and groupware. In the eighties of 20 century knowledge was treated as a corporate good although the classical economy did not admit that. At that time, development of system for knowledge management based on achievements of expert systems an artificial intelligence known within concepts as "systems based on knowledge", "knowledge engineering", "knowledge exchange", "partnership in learning", "organization which learn". The Faculty for 21 century has to be based on new tools and assure teachers and student a simple and quick approach to total worlwide knowledge. For that reason today is a last moment to start a radical change of system for techersĀ“education which would use an ICT more than before. Regarding to previously exposed facts, team for development on TeacherĀ“s Training Faculty develops and implements an interactive learning system in a frame of E-Learning Center adjusted to modern environment

    Web 2.0 as a potential for development of young people

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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi koliko danaÅ”nji studenti dobro poznaju i koriste Web 2.0 arhitekturu, kao i razloge zaÅ”to koriste aplikacije temeljene na Web 2.0 arhitekturi. Uzorak (N = 103) u ovom istraživanju su činili studenti oba spola, starosti 20 do 30 godina na dva fakulteta i dva studijska programa. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću upitnika kao istraživačke tehnike u kojem je Web 2.0 ispitivan kroz indikatore računalnih, informacijskih i komunikacijskih aspekata. Upitnik se sastoji od 23 pitanja, specijalno izgrađenim za ovaj istraživački rad. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od svibnja do srpnja mjeseca 2012. na Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menažment u Novom Sadu i Fakultetu za menadžment u sportu u Beogradu.The research aims to determine how well today\u27s students know and use Web 2.0 architecture, as well as why they use applications based on Web 2.0 architecture. The sample in this study consisted of 103 students of both sexes, aged 20 Ć· 30 on two faculties and two study programs. The research was conducted using questionnaires as a research technique in which Web 2.0 was investigated by the indicators of computer, information and communication aspects. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions, and was specially created for this research. The survey was conducted between May and July 2012 at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Management in Sport in Belgrade

    Percepcije studenata o važnosti upotrebe Facebooka za akademske svrhe

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    Facebook as the most popular social network, has found great application among students, who, in addition to entertainment and communication use it for the exchange of relevant information regarding their study. Considering Facebook is the most used social network among the student population, the aims of this research were to analyse the key factors that motivate students to use Facebook, identify reasons for using Facebook as well as the potential of its use for academic purposes. The basic research instrument is a structured questionnaire. The survey was conducted at the Belgrade Banking Academy for the purposes of this study. There were 159 participants ā€“ students from all years of primary and master studies in September 2016. The results were analysed using the following methods: t-test, correlation coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. The obtained results show that students mostly use Facebook for social purposes. Regarding the use for educational purposes, Facebook is the most respected platform for exchange of materials and information from lectures, communication with colleagues and creating academic groups. In recent years, there has been the growing popularity of social networks among students, who have the potential to become an important source of support for educational communications and cooperation with faculty.Facebook, kao najpopularnija druÅ”tvena mreža, pronaÅ”la je veliku primjenu među studentima koji se njom, osim za zabavu i komunikaciju, koriste i za razmjenu relevantnih informacija o svojim studijima. Facebook je najčeŔće upotrebljavana druÅ”tvena mreža među studentskom populacijom. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest ispitati ključne čimbenike koji motiviraju studente da se koriste Facebookom, utvrditi razloge upotrebe Facebooka i potencijal za njegovu upotrebu u akademske svrhe. Osnovni istraživački instrument strukturirani je upitnik. U rujnu 2016. godine intervjuirano je 159 studenata svih godina preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija. U analizi dobivenih podataka koristile su se sljedeće metode: t-test, koeficijent korelacije i analiza faktorske potvrde. Rezultati pokazuju da se studenti uglavnom koriste Facebookom za druÅ”tvene svrhe. Å to se tiče upotrebe u obrazovne svrhe, Facebook je najvrednija platforma za dijeljenje materijala i informacija s predavanja, komunikaciju s kolegama i stvaranje akademskih skupina. Posljednjih godina sve veća popularnost druÅ”tvenih mreža među studentima ima potencijal da postane važan izvor podrÅ”ke obrazovnoj komunikaciji i suradnji s fakultetom

    Management of blood lipid profile and oxidative status in Holstein and Simmental dairy cows during lactation

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    Upravljanje i određivanje lipidnog profila krvi i oksidacijskog statusa vrlo je korisno sredstvo za dokazivanje utjecaja stranih kemijskih tvari na proizvodnju mliječnih krava. Istraživanje različitih biomarkera oksidativnog stresa povezanog s različitim problemima u proizvodnji mliječnih krava predstavlja vrlo važno pitanje. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti različite bioloÅ”ke markere krava holstein i simentalske pasmine, tijekom različitih faza laktacije. Ukupno 60 krava holstein i simentalske pasmine podijeljeno je u dva tretmana (HF i S) koji su dalje podijeljeni u tri skupine. Skupine svake pasmine krava bile su podijeljene u tri faze u ranoj laktaciji od 32-75 dana (HF1 i S1), maksimalna laktacija 80-165 dana (HF2 i S2) i niska laktacija od 175 dana nadalje (HF3 i S3). Tijekom pokusa utvrđena je ukupna proizvodnja mlijeka i postotak mliječne masti i proteina. Uzorci krvi su uzeti iz jugularne vene svake krave, dok serum je sakupljen bez antikoagulanta i pohranjen na -20 Ā°C u malim alikvotima do daljnje analize. Serum je zatim analiziran na trigliceride, kolesterol, HDL, LDL, AST, ALT, GGT, ukupni antioksidacijski status (TAS), ukupni oksidacijski status (TOS), MDA, SOD, katalaze i paraoksonaze (PON1). Značajno (P<0,05) su se pokazale visoke vrijednosti kolesterola, TOS-a i SOD-a na vrhuncu laktacije kod svih krava. Postupno opadanje od rane laktacije do niske laktacije uočeno je u vrijednostima triglicerida, ALT, dok je MDA postupno rasla iz iste faze u svih krava, dok su LDL i katalaza pokazale nepravilan raspon varijacija u različitim fazama laktacije među svim skupinama. Holstein pasmina pokazala je značajno viÅ”e vrijednosti ALT i PON1 (level of signifikance), dok su vrijednosti HDL, TAS i TOS bile niže u simentalskoj skupini. Pokazujući znakove oksidativnog stresa, zaključeno je da metabolički napori krava tijekom vrha laktacije utječu na istražene parametre. Poremećaj u unosu hrane i porast metaboličkih procesa podižu oksidativni stres kod krava, osobito tijekom vrha laktacije koji se može odrediti nadziranjem promjena u krvi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je krave holÅ”tajn pasmine bila pod većim oksidativnim stresom u različitim fazama laktacije u odnosu na krave simentaske pasmine.Managing and determination of the blood lipid profile and oxidative status are useful tool to show the influence of foreign chemical substances on production of dairy cows. Investigation of various biomarkers of oxidative stress related to various problems in the production dairy cows presents a very important issue. The aim of this research was to investigate different biological markers in two different breeds of dairy cows ā€“ the Holstein Friesian and the Simmental, during different stages of lactation. The total of 60 Holstein Friesian and Simmental cows were divided into two treatments (HF and S) which was further divided into three groups each, respectively. Lactating groups of each cow breed was divided into three stages at early lactation of 32-75 days (HF1 and S1), peak lactation of 80-165 days (HF2 and S2) and low lactation of 175 days onward (HF3 and S3). During the research the total milk production and the percentage of milk fat and protein were determined. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein of each cow, the serum was harvested without anticoagulant and stored at -20 Ā°C in small aliquots till further analysis. Serum was then analyzed for triglyceride, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, AST, ALT, GGT, the total antioxidant status (TAS), the total oxidant status (TOS), MDA, SOD, catalase and paraoxonase (PON1). Significantly (P<0.05) higher values of cholesterol, TOS and SOD at peak lactation stage was observed in all cows. A gradual decline from early lactation to low lactation was observed in the values of triglycerides and ALT, while MDA gradually increased from the same stage in all cows. The values of LDL and catalase showed an irregular pattern of variations in various lactation stages among all groups. The Holstein Friesian breed showed significantly higher values of ALT and PON1, while values of HDL, TAS and TOS were the lowest in Simmental group (P<0.05). By measuring the signs of oxidative stress, it was concluded that metabolic efforts of cows during the peak of lactation affected the investigated parameters. Disturbance in feed intake and rise in metabolic processes lift up oxidative stress in cows, especially during the peak of lactation, which might be determined by monitoring blood alterations. Results of our study indicated that the Holstein Friesian breed was under higher oxidative stress during different lactation stages compared to Simmental dairy cows

    Antimicrobial efficiency of medicinal plants and their influence on cheeses quality

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    Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi najstarija su i najčeŔće konzumirana hrana Å”irom svijeta. Ističu se kao izvor visokokvalitetnih proteina i najvažniji izvor bioaktivnih peptida. Mliječni proteini imaju visoku nutritivnu vrijednost i izvanredna ljekovita svojstva. Poznati su kao potencijalni sastojci funkcionalne hrane koja promiče zdravlje, a mliječna industrija već je komercijalizirala mnoge mliječne proteine i proizvode na bazi peptida koji se mogu konzumirati kao dio redovite dnevne prehrane. Osim toga, sir je vrlo osjetljiv na kontaminaciju patogenim i mikroorganizmima kvarenja, Å”to rezultira smanjenjem njegovog roka trajanja i uzrokuje ozbiljne rizike za zdravlje potroÅ”ača. Danas se prehrambena industrija sve viÅ”e specijalizira, a metode obrade se stalno razvijaju kako bi zadovoljile potrebe i zahtjeve potroÅ”ača. PotroÅ”ači zahtijevaju proizvode koji su sigurni i po mogućnosti bez sintetskih aditiva, Å”to je dovelo do potrebe za traženjem prirodnih alternativa. Ljekovito bilje i njihovi ekstrakti zanimljiva su prirodna alternativa za očuvanje i poboljÅ”anje kvalitete sira. Neke su tvari pokazale dobre učinke protiv većine uzročnika kontaminacije sira, kao Å”to su Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus i Salmonella spp. Ipak, nije sasvim jasno utječe li dodavanje ljekovitog bilja na promjene karakteristika sira. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati učinak dodanog ljekovitog bilja, začina i eteričnih ulja na sireve u funkciji zaÅ”tite i kvarenja uzrokovanog patogenima i mikroorganizmima, kao i njihovog utjecaja na kvalitetu sira.Milk and dairy products are the oldest and most widely consumed nutritious foods worldwide. They are highlighted as a source of high-quality proteins and the most important sources of bioactive peptides. Milk proteins have high nutritive value and remarkable medicinal properties. They are known as potential health-promoting ingredients of functional foods, and the dairy industry has already commercialized many milk proteins and peptide-based products which can be consumed as part of a regular daily diet. Besides, cheese is highly susceptible to contamination by pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, which results in a decrease in its shelf life and cause serious risks to the consumersā€™ health. Nowadays, the food industry is continuously becoming more specialized towards meeting consumer needs and demands. Consumers demand safe products, which are also preferably free of synthetic additives. Therefrom to the need to search for natural additives has emerged. Botanicals and their extracts came to an interest as a natural alternative for cheese preservation and quality enhancer. Some substances have demonstrated good effects against most pathogens of cheese such as Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella spp. Nevertheless, it is not quite clear do the botanical addition affect cheese quality characteristics. This review aims to present the effect of added botanicals such as medicinal plants, herbs, spices and essential oils to cheeses in the function of protection against pathogens and spoilage microorganisms, as well as for their influence on the cheese quality


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    Abstract Modern management is basically a humanistic approach, where the concept of a man is understood as a whole, consisting of his skills, needs and ambitions. Although science has much to object to modern management in &quot;indulging a man&quot; and therefore losing its criticism, this discipline is under constant development and has materialized in practice. Successful management means understanding a man, where basic psychological concepts are considered as guidelines on the road of a successfully accomplished job. Psychology acts as a frame for understanding not only human motivation but also interpersonal communication as a basic social need and as a basic means for satisfying other psychological needs. In the other side, modern management also includes connection between man and technologies. is means understanding IT (Information technology) as one of leading high technologies and speci c knowledge about IT as necessity for any kind of managers&apos; activity. JEL Classi cation: D82, L86, M1

    The analysis of macroeconomic determinants of the banking sector liquidity with role in financing agricultural sector

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    In this study, we aimed to identify the factors of the greatest impact on the banking sector liquidity in order to support agricultural business. The main goal of the research is based on the assessment of whether and how the variation of macroeconomic factors affect the exposure of the banking sector to liquidity risk, which is determined by the willingness of the banking sector to respond to the growing financial needs of agriculture. By using the appropriate statistical methods such as correlation and multiple regression analysis, we obtained significant results that can form the basis for monitoring and measuring il/liquidity of the banking sector in relation to the real agricultural sector. The obtained results confirm inflation and unemployment rates as determinants of liquidity in the banking sector. More importantly, this can help to plan, i.e. predict the funds for agricultural sector