24 research outputs found

    Coupling of energy conversion systems and wellbore heat exchanger in a very deep oil well

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    The conventional geothermal power plants use the reinjection wells mostly to avoid the depletion of the geothermal reservoir gathering in the underground of the produced brine. Nevertheless, reinjection operations entail high economic costs and some risks. An alternative is the extraction of the heat without geothermal fluids production, the wellbore heat exchanger. The goal of the present paper is the analysis of the power production of the wellbore heat exchanger (WBHX) in time and the comparison between two different conversion systems of the thermal energy into electrical: the organic ranking cycle (ORC) plant and the Stirling motor. The selected case study is the oil field of Villafortuna Trecate, a medium enthalpy geothermal resource. The simulation results show a substantial decrease of the wellhead temperature in the first 6 months. After 1 year, the thermal power extracted with the WBHX is greater than 1.3 MW. The design parameters are 20 m3/h for the flow rate, outlet temperature 100.38 °C and the inlet temperature is 40 °C. The R-C318 has been selected as working fluid in the ORC plant: the net electrical power is 121 kW. The air is the working fluid in the Stirling motor: the evaluated net electrical power is 152 kW. The Stirling engine has an efficiency greater than 41 % compared to a system ORC

    Geothermal repurposing of depleted oil and gas wells in Italy

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    The decarbonisation of the energy sector is probably one of the main worldwide challenges of the future. Global changes urge a radical transformation and improvement of the energy-producing systems to meet the decarbonisation targets and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The hydrocarbon industry also contributes to this transition path. In a mature stage of oil and gas fields, the production of hydrocarbons is associated with formation waters. The volume of produced water increases with the maturity of the assets and the geothermal repurposing of depleted oil and gas wells could be an alternative to the mining closure. In the described transition scenario, the geothermal energy seems very promising because of its wide range of applications depending on the temperature of extracted fluids. This flexibility enables us to propose projects inspired by a circular economic vision considering the integration in the territory and social acceptance issues. In Italy, since 1985, 7246 wells have been drilled for hydrocarbon, of which 898 are located onshore with a productive or potentially productive operational status. This paper presents a preliminary investigation of oil and gas fields located onshore in Italian territory based on the available information on temperature distribution at different depths. Then, taking into account the local energy demand, existing infrastructure, and land use of the territory, a conversion strategy for the producing wells is proposed for three case studies

    A comprehensive exergy evaluation of a deep borehole heat exchanger coupled with a ORC plant: the case study of Campi Flegrei

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    The paper presents a comprehensive energy and exergy analysis of a possible geothermal power plant located in the geothermal district of Campi Flegrei (Italy), made of a coaxial WellBore Heat eXchanger coupled to an Organic Rankine Cycle. We have accounted for all system components: the ground source, the WellBore Heat eXchanger, the Organic Rankine Cycle cycle, and cooling system. The energy and exergy performance indexes of each subsystems and overall system have been evaluated, thus calculating the net power, the First-Law efficiency, the Second-Law efficiency, the irreversibilities. The results indicate a good potential of the WellBore Heat eXchanger – Organic Rankine Cycle technology in the area, as the estimated performances have similar values to those of classical binary geothermal power plants: a First-Law efficiency of 11.67% and a Second-Law efficiency of about 43.80%. The overall system performances decrease respectively to 10.62% due to the fans energy requirements in the cooling tower and to 23.15% due to the large exergy destruction occurring in the WellBore Heat eXchanger. A deep exergy analysis of the WellBore Heat eXchanger has highlighted that the overall irreversibility is strongly affected by the insulation performance between the two coaxial pipes and by the temperature deviation between the ground and the fluid. The latter one is mainly due to the continuous heat extraction from the geothermal source, therefore proposed improvement strategies consist of both the increasing of thermal resistance of the material insulating the upward pipe and the reduction of the equivalent thermal radius of the well optimizing the heat extraction profiles over the plant lifetime

    Selecting the optimal use of the geothermal energy produced with a deep borehole heat exchanger. Exergy performance

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    The geothermal sector has a strength point with respect to other renewable energy sources: the availability of a wide range of both thermal and power applications depending on the source temperature. Several researches have been focused on the possibility to produce geothermal energy without brine extraction, by means of a deep borehole heat exchanger. This solution may be the key to increase the social acceptance, to reduce the environmental impact of geothermal projects, and to exploit unconventional geothermal systems, where the extraction of brine is technically complex. In this work, exergy efficiency has been used to investigate the best utilization strategy downstream of the deep borehole heat exchanger. Five configurations have been analyzed: a district heating plant, an absorption cooling plant, an organic Rankine cycle, a cascade system composed of district heat and absorption chiller, and a cascade system composed of the organic Rankine plant. District heating results in a promising and robust solution: it ensures high energy capacities per well depth and high exergy efficiency. Power production shows performances in line with typical geothermal binary plants, but the system capacity per well depth is low and the complexity increases both irreversibilities and sensibility to operative and source conditions

    Selecting the Optimal Use of the Geothermal Energy Produced with a Deep Borehole Heat Exchanger: Exergy Performance

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    The geothermal sector has a strength point with respect to other renewable energy sources: the availability of a wide range of both thermal and power applications depending on the source temperature. Several researches have been focused on the possibility to produce geothermal energy without brine extraction, by means of a deep borehole heat exchanger. This solution may be the key to increase the social acceptance, to reduce the environmental impact of geothermal projects, and to exploit unconventional geothermal systems, where the extraction of brine is technically complex. In this work, exergy efficiency has been used to investigate the best utilization strategy downstream of the deep borehole heat exchanger. Five configurations have been analyzed: a district heating plant, an absorption cooling plant, an organic Rankine cycle, a cascade system composed of district heat and absorption chiller, and a cascade system composed of the organic Rankine plant. District heating results in a promising and robust solution: it ensures high energy capacities per well depth and high exergy efficiency. Power production shows performances in line with typical geothermal binary plants, but the system capacity per well depth is low and the complexity increases both irreversibilities and sensibility to operative and source conditions

    Evaluation of geothermal energy production using a WellBore Heat eXchanger in the reservoirs of Campi Flegrei and Ischia Island

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    The volcanic district of Campania (Italy) is an area with a remarkable geothermal potential, especially in the areas of the Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei and Ischia Island. However, in the Campania region it is very difficult to obtain the community support for geothermal projects because the population is scared by of possible induced seismic and volcanic phenomena related to the plant activities. A good compromise between the social acceptance and the geothermal energy exploitation can be the extraction of heat without the production of geothermal fluids by using a heat exchanger inside the well, the WellBore Heat eXchanger (WBHX). The aim of this work is the evaluation of the performance of the wellbore heat exchanger in the reservoir of Campi Flegrei and Ischia Island

    Analisi delle performance del wellbore heat exchanger in differenti ambienti geotermici

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    Uno dei problemi tecnici più complessi nelle centrali geotermiche è la re-iniezione dei fluidi una volta estratto il calore. Tale operazione comporta costi economici elevati e non sempre è possibile la re-iniezione allo stesso livello in cui è stato effettuato il prelievo. Una soluzione può essere l’estrazione del calore presente nel sottosuolo senza produzione di fluidi utilizzando uno scambiatore di calore inserito direttamente in pozzo, il WellBore Heat eXchanger (WBHX). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è verificare, per mezzo di simulazioni numeriche, la possibilità di utilizzo dello scambiatore in ambienti geotermici differenti e terreni dalle proprietà termiche e fisiche diverse, a parità di modalità operative. Il target finale è l’individuazione degli ambienti geotermici maggiormente favorevoli all’estrazione dell’energia con il WBHX. A tale scopo sono stati selezionati una serie di sistemi geotermici reali interessanti e a partire dai risultati ottenuti per i casi reali sono stati costruiti dei casi sintetici al fine di valutare come le caratteristiche sito-specifiche influenzino il funzionamento del WBHX. Infine è stata individuata una modalità di rappresentazione del funzionamento del WBHX indipendente dalle dimensioni del pozzo e dai parametri operativi, che potesse permettere una stima preliminare delle potenzialità di un pozzo geotermico

    Study of geothermal power generation from a very deep oil well with a wellbore heat exchanger

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    The present study analyses the possibility to implement a WellBore Heat exchanger (WBHX) on one of the largest European oil fields: the Villafortuna Trecate oilfield. The research is focused on the optimization of the WBHX to maximize the extracted heat. Hence, a numerical model of a WBHX has been setup. The simulations have considered the use of two different heat transfer fluids: water and diathermic oil. It was also tried different internal diameters of the pipes in order to optimize the geometrical configuration for the specific case study. To assess the energy conversion by an ORC plant a model has been build. The goal was to evaluate the possible working fluid as well as validate the MIT correlation. The R-C318 has been selected and a good agreement between MIT correlation and the ORC plant model has been highlighted. The simulations demonstrated the importance to consider the change of fluid properties inside the exchanger. With a water flowrate of 15 m(3)/h the optimum condition is obtained; under such condition, the thermal power is 1.5 MW and the net electrical power is 134 kW for single well. The results lead also to conclude that the water is the best heat transfer fluid


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    In current energy outlook and oil price trends, oil companies are actively seeking more innovative ways to reduce operating costs and to extend the life of their ageing fields. Mature oil fields are characterized by a large amount of co-produced water, which must be treated continuously and could not be delivered to the environment. The waste heat recovery from the produced stream could be a quite interesting option, when the wells are still producing hydrocarbons. When the oil field is depleted the field could be convert into a geothermal plant. This study proposes an unconventional lifecycle management: a selection matrix to choose between two different technologies in order to convert a hydrocarbons field into a geothermal one. The matrix is implemented on one of the largest European oil fields, Villafortuna-Trecate oil field