5,985 research outputs found

    Fluctuations, Higher Order Anharmonicities, and Landau Expansion for Barium Titanate

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    Correct phenomenological description of ferroelectric phase transitions in barium titanate requires accounting for eighth-order terms in the free energy expansion, in addition to the conventional sixth-order contributions. Another unusual feature of BaTiO_3 crystal is that the coefficients B_1 and B_2 of the terms P_x^4 and P_x^2*P_y^2 in the Landau expansion depend on the temperature. It is shown that the temperature dependence of B_1 and B_2 may be caused by thermal fluctuations of the polarization, provided the fourth-order anharmonicity is anomalously small, i. e. the nonlinearity of P^4 type and higher-order ones play comparable roles. Non-singular (non-critical) fluctuation contributions to B_1 and B_2 are calculated in the first approximation in sixth-order and eighth-order anharmonic constants. Both contributions increase with the temperature, which is in agreement with available experimental data. Moreover, the theory makes it possible to estimate, without any additional assumptions, the ratio of fluctuation (temperature dependent) contributions to coefficients B_1 and B_2. Theoretical value of B_1/B_2 appears to be close to that given by experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    From Diffusion to Anomalous Diffusion: A Century after Einstein's Brownian Motion

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    Einstein's explanation of Brownian motion provided one of the cornerstones which underlie the modern approaches to stochastic processes. His approach is based on a random walk picture and is valid for Markovian processes lacking long-term memory. The coarse-grained behavior of such processes is described by the diffusion equation. However, many natural processes do not possess the Markovian property and exhibit to anomalous diffusion. We consider here the case of subdiffusive processes, which are semi-Markovian and correspond to continuous-time random walks in which the waiting time for a step is given by a probability distribution with a diverging mean value. Such a process can be considered as a process subordinated to normal diffusion under operational time which depends on this pathological waiting-time distribution. We derive two different but equivalent forms of kinetic equations, which reduce to know fractional diffusion or Fokker-Planck equations for waiting-time distributions following a power-law. For waiting time distributions which are not pure power laws one or the other form of the kinetic equation is advantageous, depending on whether the process slows down or accelerates in the course of time

    Paraelectric in a Strong High-Frequency Field

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    A change in the effective permittivity of a ferroelectric film in the paraelectric phase under the action of a strong high-frequency field (nonequilibrium soft mode heating) is considered. It is shown that this effect must be most clearly pronounced far from the resonance (\omega_0 << \omega_sm), rather than for the external field frequency \omega_0 close to the soft mode frequency \omega_sm. The effective permittivity as a function of the high-frequency field amplitude is calculated using the phenomenological approach and within the microscopic theory based on the simple model of a displacement-type ferroelectric.Comment: 3 two-column page