812 research outputs found
Comment on "Anomalous heat conduction and anomalous diffusion in one-dimensional systems"
We comment on a recent paper by Li and Wang [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 044301
(2003)], and argue that their results violate the non-existence of a
characteristic time scale in subdiffusive systems.Comment: 1 page, REVTeX, accepted to Phys. Rev. Let
L\'{e}vy flights as subordination process: first passage times
We obtain the first passage time density for a L\'{e}vy flight random process
from a subordination scheme. By this method, we infer the asymptotic behavior
directly from the Brownian solution and the Sparre Andersen theorem, avoiding
explicit reference to the fractional diffusion equation. Our results
corroborate recent findings for Markovian L\'{e}vy flights and generalize to
broad waiting times.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe
Dynamical localization and eigenstate localization in trap models
The one-dimensional random trap model with a power-law distribution of mean
sojourn times exhibits a phenomenon of dynamical localization in the case where
diffusion is anomalous: The probability to find two independent walkers at the
same site, as given by the participation ratio, stays constant and high in a
broad domain of intermediate times. This phenomenon is absent in dimensions two
and higher. In finite lattices of all dimensions the participation ratio
finally equilibrates to a different final value. We numerically investigate
two-particle properties in a random trap model in one and in three dimensions,
using a method based on spectral decomposition of the transition rate matrix.
The method delivers a very effective computational scheme producing numerically
exact results for the averages over thermal histories and initial conditions in
a given landscape realization. Only a single averaging procedure over disorder
realizations is necessary. The behavior of the participation ratio is compared
to other measures of localization, as for example to the states' gyration
radius, according to which the dynamically localized states are extended. This
means that although the particles are found at the same site with a high
probability, the typical distance between them grows. Moreover the final
equilibrium state is extended both with respect to its gyration radius and to
its Lyapunov exponent. In addition, we show that the phenomenon of dynamical
localization is only marginally connected with the spectrum of the transition
rate matrix, and is dominated by the properties of its eigenfunctions which
differ significantly in dimensions one and three.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, submitted to EPJ
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