51 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional Fr\"ohlich interaction in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers: Theoretical modeling and first-principles calculations

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    We perform ab initio calculations of the coupling between electrons and small-momentum polar-optical phonons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides of the 2H type: MoS2, MoSe2, MoTe2, WS2, and WSe2. The so-called Fr\"ohlich interaction is fundamentally affected by the dimensionality of the system. In a plane-wave framework with periodic boundary conditions, this coupling is affected by the spurious interaction between the 2D material and its periodic images. To overcome this, we perform density functional perturbation theory calculations with a truncated Coulomb interaction in the out-of-plane direction. We show that the 2D Fr\"ohlich interaction is much stronger than assumed in previous ab initio studies. We provide analytical models depending on the effective charges and dielectric properties of the materials to interpret our ab initio calculations. Screening is shown to play a fundamental role in the phonon-momentum dependency of the polar-optical coupling, with a crossover between two regimes depending on the dielectric properties of the material relative to its environment. The Fr\"ohlich interaction is screened by the dielectric environment in the limit of small phonon momenta and sharply decreases due to stronger screening by the monolayer at finite momenta. The small-momentum regime of the ab initio Fr\"ohlich interaction is reproduced by a simple analytical model, for which we provide the necessary parameters. At larger momenta, however, direct ab initio calculations of electron-phonon interactions are necessary to capture band-specific effects. We compute and compare the carrier relaxation times associated to the scattering by both LO and A1 phonon modes. While both modes are capable of relaxing carriers on timescales under the picosecond at room temperature, their absolute and relative importance vary strongly depending on the material, the band, and the substrate.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Density-functional calculation of static screening in 2D materials: the long-wavelength dielectric function of graphene

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    We calculate the long-wavelength static screening properties of both neutral and doped graphene in the framework of density-functional theory. We use a plane-wave approach with periodic images in the third dimension and truncate the Coulomb interactions to eliminate spurious interlayer screening. We carefully address the issue of extracting two dimensional dielectric properties from simulated three-dimensional potentials. We compare this method with analytical expressions derived for two dimensional massless Dirac fermions in the random phase approximation. We evaluate the contributions of the deviation from conical bands, exchange-correlation and local-fields. For momenta smaller than twice the Fermi wavevector, the static screening of graphene within the density-functional perturbative approach agrees with the results for conical bands within random phase approximation and neglecting local fields. For larger momenta, we find that the analytical model underestimates the static dielectric function by ≈10\approx 10%, mainly due to the conical band approximation

    Density-functional perturbation theory for one-dimensional systems: implementation and relevance for phonons and electron-phonon interactions

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    The electronic and vibrational properties and electron-phonon couplings of one-dimensional materials will be key to many prospective applications in nanotechnology. Dimensionality strongly affects these properties and has to be correctly accounted for in first-principles calculations. Here we develop and implement a formulation of density-functional and density-functional perturbation theory that is tailored for one-dimensional systems. A key ingredient is the inclusion of a Coulomb cutoff, a reciprocal-space technique designed to correct for the spurious interactions between periodic images in periodic-boundary conditions. This restores the proper one-dimensional open-boundary conditions, letting the true response of the isolated one-dimensional system emerge. In addition to total energies, forces and stress tensors, phonons and electron-phonon interactions are also properly accounted for. We demonstrate the relevance of the present method on a portfolio of realistic systems: BN atomic chains, BN armchair nanotubes, and GaAs nanowires. Notably, we highlight the critical role of the Coulomb cutoff by studying previously inaccessible polar-optical phonons and Frohlich electron-phonon couplings. We also develop and apply analytical models to support the physical insights derived from the calculations and we discuss their consequences on electronic lifetimes. The present work unlocks the possibility to accurately simulate the linear response properties of one-dimensional systems, sheds light on the transition between dimensionalities and paves the way for further studies in several fields, including charge transport, optical coupling and polaritronics.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Electron-Phonon Interactions and the Intrinsic Electrical Resistivity of Graphene

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    We present a first-principles study of the temperature- and density-dependent intrinsic electrical resistivity of graphene. We use density-functional theory and density-functional perturbation theory together with very accurate Wannier interpolations to compute all electronic and vibrational properties and electron-phonon coupling matrix elements; the phonon-limited resistivity is then calculated within a Boltzmann-transport approach. An effective tight-binding model, validated against first-principles results, is also used to study the role of electron-electron interactions at the level of many-body perturbation theory. The results found are in excellent agreement with recent experimental data on graphene samples at high carrier densities and elucidate the role of the different phonon modes in limiting electron mobility. Moreover, we find that the resistivity arising from scattering with transverse acoustic phonons is 2.5 times higher than that from longitudinal acoustic phonons. Last, high-energy, optical, and zone-boundary phonons contribute as much as acoustic phonons to the intrinsic electrical resistivity even at room temperature and become dominant at higher temperatures.Comment: 7 pages 5 figure

    Theory of infrared double-resonance Raman spectrum in graphene: the role of the zone-boundary electron-phonon enhancement

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    We theoretically investigate the double-resonance Raman spectrum of monolayer graphene down to infrared laser excitation energies. By using first-principles density functional theory calculations, we improve upon previous theoretical predictions based on conical models or tight-binding approximations, and rigorously justify the evaluation of the electron-phonon enhancement found in Ref. [Venanzi, T., Graziotto, L. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 256901 (2023)]. We proceed to discuss the effects of such enhancement on the room temperature graphene resistivity, hinting towards a possible reconciliation of theoretical and experimental discrepancies.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Gate control of spin-layer-locking FETs and application to monolayer LuIO

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    A recent 2D spinFET concept proposes to switch electrostatically between two separate sublayers with strong and opposite intrinsic Rashba effects. This concept exploits the spin-layer locking mechanism present in centrosymmetric materials with local dipole fields, where a weak electric field can easily manipulate just one of the spin channels. Here, we propose a novel monolayer material within this family, lutetium oxide iodide (LuIO). It displays one of the largest Rashba effects among 2D materials (up to kR=0.08k_R = 0.08 {\AA}−1^{-1}), leading to a π/2\pi/2 rotation of the spins over just 1 nm. The monolayer had been predicted to be exfoliable from its experimentally-known 3D bulk counterpart, with a binding energy even lower than graphene. We characterize and model with first-principles simulations the interplay of the two gate-controlled parameters for such devices: doping and spin channel selection. We show that the ability to split the spin channels in energy diminishes with doping, leading to specific gate-operation guidelines that can apply to all devices based on spin-layer locking.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Remote free-carrier screening to boost the mobility of Fröhlich-limited two-dimensional semiconductors

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    Van der Waals heterostructures provide a versatile tool to not only protect or control, but also enhance the properties of a 2D material. We use ab initio calculations and semi-analytical models to find strategies which boost the mobility of a current-carrying 2D semiconductor within an heterostructure. Free-carrier screening from a metallic "screener" layer remotely suppresses electron-phonon interactions in the current-carrying layer. This concept is most effective in 2D semiconductors whose scattering is dominated by screenable electron-phonon interactions, and in particular the Fr\"ohlich coupling to polar-optical phonons. Such materials are common and characterised by overall low mobilities in the small doping limit, and much higher ones when the 2D material is doped enough for electron-phonon interactions to be screened by its own free carriers. We use GaSe as a prototype and place it in a heterostructure with doped graphene as the "screener" layer and BN as a separator. We develop an approach to determine the electrostatic response of any heterostructure by combining the responses of the individual layers computed within density-functional perturbation theory. Remote screening from graphene can suppress the long-wavelength Fr\"ohlich interaction, leading to a consistently high mobility around 500500 to 600600 cm2^2/Vs for carrier densities in GaSe from 101110^{11} to 101310^{13} cm−2^{-2}. Notably, the low-doping mobility is enhanced by a factor 2.5. This remote free-carrier screening is more efficient than more conventional manipulation of the dielectric environment, and it is most effective when the separator (BN) is thin.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Gate control of spin-layer-locking FETs and application to monolayer LuIO

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    peer reviewedA recent 2D spinFET concept proposes to switch electrostatically between two separate sublayers with strong and opposite intrinsic Rashba effects, exploiting the spin-layer locking mechanism in centrosymmetric materials with local dipole fields. Here, we propose a novel monolayer material within this family, lutetium oxide iodide (LuIO). It displays one of the largest Rashba effects among 2D materials (up to k_R = 0.08 \si{\angstrom}^{-1}), leading to a π/2\pi/2 rotation of the spins over just 1 nm. The monolayer was predicted to be exfoliable from its experimentally-known 3D bulk counterpart, with a binding energy lower than graphene. We characterize and simulate the interplay of the two gate-controlled parameters for such devices: doping and spin channel selection. We show that the ability to split the spin channels in energy diminishes with doping, leading to specific gate-operation guidelines that can apply to all devices based on spin-layer locking
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