8 research outputs found


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    Abstract—Solar energy is one of the alternative energy that is environmentally friendly and cheap raw materials and available throughout the year as a substitute for conventional energy whose raw materials are getting thinner and have a bad impact on the environment such as air pollution, noise and hazardous waste for the environment over a long period of time, solar energy has great potential as an independent solar power plant, which offers solutions to provide electricity to meet electricity needs, especially in areas not yet covered by the electricity grid of the National Electric Company. The 1300 W solar power plant is planned to use polycrystalline solar panels with a capacity 100 WP, combined with battery components and inverters, it can generate AC current for daily electricity needs. The greater the electrical load, the faster the battery life. This research shows that it takes 60 polycrystalline solar panels for 12 hours, 26 Solar Chargers 15 A, 9 batteries with a capacity of 150 Ah, and 15 Inverters 1300 W

    Desain Passive Cooling Menggunakan Perforated Aluminum Plate Pada Fotovoltaik Monokristallin

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    The conversion of solar energy into electrical energy using Photovoltaic monocrystalline modules is an alternative power plant that is pollution-free and environmentally friendly. Indonesia is a subtropical area that is rich in sunlight, which is the main raw material for PV. The energy conversion process in PV is strongly influenced by an increase in temperature that exceeds the threshold, which will cause a decrease in PV efficiency. Increasing the efficiency of PV has been done by many researchers from various countries, previous studies mostly used force convection or active cooling methods by adding cooling fans, spray water, heat sinks that require additional energy, problems that arise are how to improve photovoltaic efficiency without adding any extra energies? In this research, increasing the efficiency of PV using the free convection or passive cooling method, designing a perforated aluminum plate that is installed next to the bottom of the PV panel by designing holes 15mm in diameter and 20 mm apart. The idea of this research is something new and has a contribution to science, so it is very necessary to do this research in developing new and renewable technologies

    Smart Export Berbasis IoT pada Digitalisasi Sewa Lahan Ekspor (DSLE) dan Digitalisasi Gudang Bersama (DGB)

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    Sebagai Negara yang kaya dengan sumber daya alam yang melimpah, Indonesia mampu memasok banyak komoditas ekspor di beberapa negara. Revolusi industri 4.0 di Indonesia meningkatkan aplikasi mobile (startup) seperti Go-Jek, Shopee, dan lain-lain. Di sektor-sektor lain seperti pertanian, peternakan, dan perikanan masih menggunakan cara konvensional, sektor-sektor ini penting untuk komoditas ekspor Indonesia, tetapi masalah umum di sektor-sektor ini adalah kuantitas, kualitas dan kontinuitas hasil. Penambahan internet of things (IoT) dalam Digitalisasi Sewa Lahan Ekspor (DSLE) merupakan solusi dari permasalahan kualitas dan kuantitas hasil ekspor, kemudian dilanjutkan ke sistem Digitalisasi Gudang Bersama (DGB) untuk mengatasi permasalahan kuantitas dan kontinuitas

    Rancang Bangun Program Untuk Menggambarkan Kurva Lup Terbuka Pada Suatu Proses Industri

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    Identifikasi kurva lup terbuka pada suatu proses industri sangatlah diperlukan. Identifikasi melalui suatu analisa grafik pemetaan untuk mendapatkan parameter-parameter pengendali PID. Parameter-parameter pengendali PID diperlukan untuk mengadaptasi perubahan parameter proses yang terjadi, dan sekaligus melakukan penalaan kembali perameter pengendali secara otomatis. Dalam tulisan ini akan dirancang bangun program untuk menggambarkan kurva lup terbuka pada suatu proses industri. Dari kurva lup terbuka pada suatu proses industri dapat diidentifikasi dan dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selantutnya. Identifikasi dapat dilakukan dengan model :  tangent, tangent plus titik, C.L Smith, Broida, dan Strej

    Implementasi internet of things (iot) web server smarthome

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    Pemborosan bisa terjadi karena penggunaan listrik rumah tangga yang tidak terkontrol, mengefesienkan penggunaan listrik serta keamanan, kenyamanan pengguna diperlukan pengendali jarak jauh yang digunakan peralatan pengendali dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dengan internet sebagai sumber pengendalinya Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengimplementasi internet of things (IoT) sebagai pengendali peralatan listrik rumah tangga berbasis web dengan konsep rumah pintar (smarthome). Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan empat tahapan, yaitu : 1). software dan hardware 2).  Desain web 3). Pembuatan program 4). Pengujian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa smarthome dapat dikendalikan menggunakan host dan menggunakan jaringan LAN dan modul  wifi esp 8266 digunakan untuk mengontrol kipas, lampu, garasi, pintu dan pagar berjalan dengan bai

    Sistem Portable Hybrid On-Grid PV-PLN-Generator Teraplikasi Di Desa Pemulutan

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    Pemulutan village has a location that is separated by a small river, where only one of its locations has access to PLN electricity rom the government. The portable hybrid on grid system PV-PLN-Generator has the ability to combine a power source from PLN with alternative sources of electricity from solar panels and generators, this system was applied in this study by adding a portable system, so that it can be carried and moved easily from opposite locations of river. The ouput power of one solar panel is about 20-25 W, so it takes 6-7 solar panels to be used with load 70 Watt for 12 hours. The results of this research are very helpful for Pemulutan’s village, with the portable hybrid on grid (PHoG) system can help access electricity for lighting, process garden products, and relieve the cost of charging PLN electricity

    Power and Energy Optimization of Carbon Based Lithium-Ion Battery from Water Spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica)

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    Currently, lithium-ion batteries still use electrodes from graphite, which is a natural resource for non-metallic minerals. As a sustainable plan, research on the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries based on biomass electrodes has prospects for commercial development. In this study, carbon stems of water spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica) were used as electrodes on the battery. Water spinach is processed into nanocarbon by hydrothermal method and pyrolysis. The size of the nanocarbon particles from water spinach in this study was 200 mesh resulting from the grinding method. The type of battery made is a bag battery with a size of 8×12 cm by performing variable optimization by using a concentration of 50% LiCl/Li2SO4 electrolytes media, Polyurethane/Polyacrylate binder, and Triethylamine/Non-emulsifier. The highest power and energy values are generated from carbon based lithium-ion batteries from water spinach with LiCl electrolyte media, Polyurethane binder, and Triethylamine emulsion which is 5.404 W and 4.511 W∙h

    Power and Energy Optimization of Carbon Based Lithium-Ion Battery from Water Spinach ( Ipomoea Aquatica )

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    Currently, lithium-ion batteries still use electrodes from graphite, which is a natural resource for non-metallic minerals. As a sustainable plan, research on the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries based on biomass electrodes has prospects for commercial development. In this study, carbon stems of water spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica) were used as electrodes on the battery. Water spinach is processed into nanocarbon by hydrothermal method and pyrolysis. The size of the nanocarbon particles from water spinach in this study was 200 mesh resulting from the grinding method. The type of battery made is a bag battery with a size of 8 cm x 12 cm by performing variable optimization by using a concentration of 50% LiCl/Li2SO4 electrolytes media, Polyure-thane/Polyacrylate binder, and Triethylamine/Non-emulsifier. The highest power and energy values are generated from carbon based lithium-ion batteries from water spinach with LiCl electrolyte media, Polyurethane binder, and Triethylamine emulsion which is 5.404 W and 4.511 W.h