4 research outputs found
La rete idrica del suburbio sud-orientale di Roma: lâacqua come chiave interpretativa dellâuso del suolo e dei modelli insediativi (I-V secolo d.C.)
This paper analyses the relationship between the water supply of the south-eastern suburbium of Rome and the functional destination of this area. The analysed area is bounded to the north by the via Praenestina, to
the south by the via Latina, and is extended eastwards up to the ancient 6th mile. It was characterized by a strong agricultural vocation (from the Late Republic) and, since the 2nd century AD, by a high density of villas, many of which are located along the route of the aqueducts or served by secondary branches. In fact, this portion of the suburbium was a privileged
area from the point of view of water availability: of the eleven aqueducts that supplied the city in the 3rd century AD, six ran along the route of the via Latina to converge to the area of Porta Maggiore â Spes Vetus. Due to its altitude, this area is strategic for the capillary distribution of water in the urban tissue. Therefore, the need to enter the city in an elevated area and the location of the springs from which the pipes came influenced the route of the aqueducts, leading to the conspicuous presence of water supply in this portion of the suburbium. In turn, the settlement and functional network of the south-eastern suburbium seem to have been outlined in response to the presence of the aqueducts, which can be interpreted as âattractorsâ of various functions. Here we try to verify the applicability of the concept of agency to water and hydraulic infrastructures to demonstrate their active role in the choice and development of the land-use patterns of the area
La Regio II Caelimontium a Roma in etaÌ imperiale e tardoantica: una possibile «cintura di margine» tra complessitaÌ e apporti innovativi
This paper proposes an overall analysis of the western Caelian hill urban development from the Imperial to the Late Antique age. During this period, the urban pattern evolved in response to social and political changes, culminating in a complex coexistence of diversified land-uses. The Caelian settlement pattern is here analyzed through a multidisciplinary approach, flanking the topographical method with Urban Morphology. In particular, the fringe belt model will be fundamental to highlight the dynamics underlying the areaâs urban development
Amnis. L'acqua dalla materialitĂ alla parola. Ediz. italiana e inglese
Il presente volume nasce da una selezione dei contributi presentati al convegno AMNIS: Lâacqua dalla materialitĂ alla parola, organizzato tra il 1° e il 3 dicembre 2021 presso lâUniversitĂ di Pisa. Lo scopo del convegno Ăš stato quello di raccogliere ricerche connesse al tema dellâacqua nelle sue diverse declinazioni archeologiche e filologico-letterarie per instaurare un dialogo tra dottorandi, giovani ricercatori e studiosi esperti dellâargomento. La scelta di questo tema Ăš stata dettata dallâampia versatilitĂ di questâultimo, che offre ampi spazi di riflessione e filoni di ricerca interdisciplinare.I lavori del convegno sono stati articolati in quattro sezioni, che sono state mantenute anche in sede di stesura degli atti
Alcune immagini legate all'acqua in Filone Alessandrino
The paper explores the most frequent metaphors, allegories, and figures of thought Philo of Alexandria associates with the biblical water. The investigation sheds light on strongly connotated meanings which Philo tends to relate with water, and which can be classified in âpositiveâ, ânegativeâ and âneuterâ. In images related to water the spheres both of corporeity and of spirituality are reflected. It is also put forward that in many cases the images are related to or share similarities with Philoâs conception of λοÌγοÏ