21 research outputs found

    Actual implementation of sick children's rights in Italian pediatric units: a descriptive study based on nurses' perceptions

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    BACKGROUND: Several charters of rights have been issued in Europe to solemnly proclaim the rights of children during their hospital stay. However, notwithstanding such general declarations, the actual implementation of hospitalized children’s rights is unclear. The purpose of this study was to understand to which extent such rights, as established by the two main existing charters of rights, are actually implemented and respected in Italian pediatric hospitals and the pediatric units of Italian general hospitals, as perceived by the nurses working in them. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. A 12-item online questionnaire was set up and an invitation was sent by email to Italian pediatric nurses using professional mailing lists and social networks. Responders were asked to score to what extent each right is respected in their hospital using a numeric scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always). RESULTS: 536 questionnaires were returned. The best implemented right is the right of children to have their mothers with them (mean score 4.47). The least respected one is the right of children to express their opinion about care (mean 3.01). Other rights considered were the right to play (4.29), the right to be informed (3.95), the right to the respect of privacy (3.75), the right to be hospitalized with peers (3.39), the right not to experience pain ever (3.41), and the right to school (3.07). According to the majority of nurses, the most important is the right to pain relief. Significant differences in the implementation of rights were found between areas of Italy and between pediatric hospitals and pediatric units of general hospitals. CONCLUSION: According to the perception of pediatric nurses, the implementation of the rights of hospitalized children in Italian pediatrics units is still limited

    Actual implementation of sick children’s rights in Italian pediatric units: a descriptive study based on nurses’ perceptions

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    Background: Several charters of rights have been issued in Europe to solemnly proclaim the rights of children during their hospital stay. However, notwithstanding such general declarations, the actual implementation of hospitalized children’s rights is unclear. The purpose of this study was to understand to which extent such rights, as established by the two main existing charters of rights, are actually implemented and respected in Italian pediatric hospitals and the pediatric units of Italian general hospitals, as perceived by the nurses working in them. Methods: Cross-sectional study. A 12-item online questionnaire was set up and an invitation was sent by email to Italian pediatric nurses using professional mailing lists and social networks. Responders were asked to score to what extent each right is respected in their hospital using a numeric scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always). Results: 536 questionnaires were returned. The best implemented right is the right of children to have their mothers with them (mean score 4.47). The least respected one is the right of children to express their opinion about care (mean 3.01). Other rights considered were the right to play (4.29), the right to be informed (3.95), the right to the respect of privacy (3.75), the right to be hospitalized with peers (3.39), the right not to experience pain ever (3.41), and the right to school (3.07). According to the majority of nurses, the most important is the right to pain relief. Significant differences in the implementation of rights were found between areas of Italy and between pediatric hospitals and pediatric units of general hospitals. Conclusion: According to the perception of pediatric nurses, the implementation of the rights of hospitalized children in Italian pediatrics units is still limited

    Knowledge sharing practices and issues in policing contexts: a systematic review of the literature.

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    The effective sharing of knowledge both within and between police organizations is arguably becoming increasingly vital for success and has driven research in a disparate range of fields. This paper therefore presents the results of an integrative systematic literature review of research into knowledge sharing within and between police organizations across Europe. The 39 papers analysed were drawn from English-language studies published between 2000 and 2013, complemented by additional searches for non-English language papers in nine European countries. Analyses showed that past research has focused on intra-organizational knowledge sharing, with a particular spotlight on criminal intelligence and technology. Barriers / enablers of knowledge sharing were grouped into knowledge management strategy/legislation, technology, culture and loss of knowledge themes. Research recommendations include exploring the role of leadership and examination of police knowledge sharing across regional, institutional and international boundaries. Practical recommendations include having procedural clarity in systems, policies for sharing knowledge and developing the relevant knowledge, skills and motivation of police personnel through appropriate training. Keyword : knowledge sharing, information, systematic literature review, polic

    Actual implementation of sick children’s rights in Italian pediatric units: a descriptive study based on nurses’ perceptions

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    BACKGROUND: Several charters of rights have been issued in Europe to solemnly proclaim the rights of children during their hospital stay. However, notwithstanding such general declarations, the actual implementation of hospitalized children’s rights is unclear. The purpose of this study was to understand to which extent such rights, as established by the two main existing charters of rights, are actually implemented and respected in Italian pediatric hospitals and the pediatric units of Italian general hospitals, as perceived by the nurses working in them. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. A 12-item online questionnaire was set up and an invitation was sent by email to Italian pediatric nurses using professional mailing lists and social networks. Responders were asked to score to what extent each right is respected in their hospital using a numeric scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always). RESULTS: 536 questionnaires were returned. The best implemented right is the right of children to have their mothers with them (mean score 4.47). The least respected one is the right of children to express their opinion about care (mean 3.01). Other rights considered were the right to play (4.29), the right to be informed (3.95), the right to the respect of privacy (3.75), the right to be hospitalized with peers (3.39), the right not to experience pain ever (3.41), and the right to school (3.07). According to the majority of nurses, the most important is the right to pain relief. Significant differences in the implementation of rights were found between areas of Italy and between pediatric hospitals and pediatric units of general hospitals. CONCLUSION: According to the perception of pediatric nurses, the implementation of the rights of hospitalized children in Italian pediatrics units is still limited

    La segnalazione volontaria di eventi avversi da parte di infermieri in un ospedale pediatrico: studio pilota

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    La segnalazione volontaria di eventi avversi (SVEA) o Incident Reporting si è andata sempre più diffondendo come strumento per monitorare e quindi prevenire gli EA. In Italia le esperienze sono ancora scarse e in molte regioni del tutto assenti. Obiettivi di questo studio pilota sono stati testare la praticabilità di un sistema di SVEA in una popolazione di infermieri di un ospedale pediatrico e fare una prima mappatura delle situazioni a rischio per la sicurezza dei pazienti per impostare azioni correttive. Metodi. Agli infermieri di 3 reparti è stato chiesto di segnalare attraverso una scheda cartacea anonima gli EA con o senza danno al paziente, quasi-EA (near misses) e azioni insicure o situazioni di potenziale rischio. I risultati sono stati riportati in forma aggregata agli infermieri in riunioni di reparto, nelle quali sono stati discussi i possibili interventi da attuare. Risultati. Lo studio si è svolto da aprile ad agosto 2006. Hanno partecipato 87 infermieri. Sono state fatte 48 segnalazioni (1/3 firmate e 2/3 anonime). Venti (41.6%) SVEA riguardavano azioni insicure o rischi potenziali, 11 quasi errori o quasi incidenti, 15 eventi senza danno al paziente e 2 con danno al paziente. In 23 casi l’evento ha coinvolto il paziente. Le principali SVEA hanno riguardato la terapia nel 62.5% dei casi, le modalità di erogazione dell’assistenza nel 14.5%, strutture, organizzazione e apparecchiature nell’8.3%, documentazione clinica nel 6.3 %. Nel 40% dei casi, gli EA si sono verificati nella prima o nell’ultima ora del turno. Tra gli EA più frequenti sono stati segnalati la mancata somministrazione della terapia, di farmaci diversi, ad orari diversi o per una via diversa rispetto a quanto prescritto. Conclusioni. Il nostro studio pilota conferma che gli infermieri sono generalmente ben disposti verso le iniziative di SVEA e suggerisce che per ottenere risultati adeguati occorre garantire l’anonimato e la non punibilità del segnalatore

    Cross-sectional study on differences in pain perception and behavioral distress during venipuncture between Italian and Chinese children

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    Venipuncture is perhaps the scariest aspect of hospitalization for children as it causes pain and high levels of behavioral distress. Pain is a complex experience which is also influenced by social factors such as cultural attitudes, beliefs and traditions. Studies focusing on ethnic/cultural differences in pain perception and behavioral distress show controversial results, in particular with regards to children. The aim of this paper is to evaluate differences in pain perception and behavioral manifestations between Italian and Chinese children undergoing a venipuncture, through a cross-sectional study. Behavioral distress and self-reported pain were measured in Chinese and Italian outpatient children during a standardized blood-drawing procedure, using the Observational Scale of Behavioral Distress (OSBD) and pain scales. We observed 332 children: 93 Chinese and 239 Italian. Chinese children scored higher than Italians on pain scales − mean scores 5.3 (95%CI 4.78-5.81) vs. 3.2 (95%CI 2.86-3.53) − but lower mean OSBD scores − mean 4.1 (95%CI 3.04-5.15) vs. 8.1 (95%CI 7.06-9.14). Our data suggest that Chinese children experience higher levels of pain than their Italian peers, although they show more self-control in their behavioral reaction to pain when experiencing venipuncture