59 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Indeks Bahaya Kebakaran di Hti Sbawi Sumatra Selatan

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    Sistem peringkat bahaya kebakaran sangat penting pada kondisi pengelolaan hutan tanaman industri untuk mendeteksi potensi kebakaran. Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) merupakan satuan indeks kebakaran yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai bahaya kebakaran hutan secara dini karena hanya memerlukan data curah hujan dan suhu udara maksimum harian saja. Makalah ini akan mengurai penggunaan KBDI untuk deteksi dini bahaya kebakaran hutan di SBA Wood Industries. Penelitian dilakukan di Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan dengan melakukan perbaikan terhadap nilai parameter KBDI agar sesuai dengan kondisi setempat. Metode yang digunakan adalah: (i) pengamatan terhadap curah hujan, suhu udara, dan kedalaman muka air tanah untuk periode 1 April 2009 sampai 11 Mei 2010 digunakan untuk penghitungan model KBDI pada lahan basah, (ii) proses optimisasi untuk memperoleh nilai parameter baru dalam perhitungan faktor kekeringan dan faktor muka air tanah. KBDI yang dikembangkan memiliki kinerja yang baik dalam mendeteksi bahaya kebakaranhutanyaitukejadian kebakaran hanya terjadi pada level ekstrim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedalaman muka air tanah kritis untuk mempertahankan KBDI pada level yang aman yaitu pada kedalaman 0,659m, dan jika kedalaman melebihi nilai kritis tersebut maka potensi bahaya kebakaran di lokasi SBAWI akan meningkat


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    The number of smokers in Indonesia has increased significantly from year to year, especially among teenagers. Data from the IAKMI Tobacco Support and Support Center in 2014, shows one example, that the number of tobacco smokers in the population is 15 years more than those who chew tobacco. This happened because there were no laws issued by the government which prohibited smoking children while industries advertised their products by increasing through various media, including through online media, targeting teenagers. The purpose of this study is to find out what online media advertises cigarettes targeting teenagers in Indonesia. Creative advertisers emphasize that the advertisements they make are introducing brands, products, or creating awareness for their consumers. But there are also advertisements that direct the action, such as the actions of consumers to buy products. Media exposure theory, especially with the use of online media, is used to see the extent to which cigarette advertisements can penetrate the space and time of young people in urban areas. This study uses a quantitative approach with a method of distributing questionnaires to urban teenagers living in five major cities in Indonesia, namely in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. The results of this study show that all lines of online media consumed by teenagers are used massively by advertisers of cigarettes. Online media that most often upload cigarette advertisements are YouTube, Website, Instagram and online games

    STUDY ON THE SYNTHESIS OF MONOLAURIN AS ANTIBACTERIAL AGENT AGAINTS Staphylococcus aureus Kajian Awal Sintesis Monolaurln sebagai Antibakteri Staphylococcus aureus

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    ABSTRACT Themonolaurincompoundhadbeensynthesizedfromlauricacidandglycerolby usingsulfuricacid (HzS04Jas catalyst. The synthesis of monolaurin was done by batch esterification on the free solvent system. The esterification reaction was performed on the equivalent mol ratio between lauric acid and glycerol 1:1, in the presence of 5% H2S04, at 130°C, for 6 hours, produced ester compounds on 59.29%. The products of column chromatography on silica gel purification are monolaurin and dilaurin in amount of 31.05 and 4.48%, respectively. The monolaurin and dilaurin were identified by TLC, FTIR, GC-MS, and NMR spectrometer. The spectral data of monolaurin was compared to spectral data of standard monolaurin. The result of NMR identifications showed that synthesis products were a-monolaurin and a,a\u27-dilaurin. The antibacterial activity of synthesis products was tested against Staphylococcus aureus. The activity result showed that the antibacterial activity of monolaurin is more active than dilaurin

    Pengkajian nilai-nilai luhur budaya spiritual bangsa daerah Jawa Tengah

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    Pengkajian nilai-nilai luhur budaya spiritual dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menginventarisasi butir-butir nilai luhur yang terkandung dalam ajarnn penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa; mengungkap nilai luhur budaya spiritual yang terkandung dalam ajaran penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa agar dapat dipahami masyarakat; menyiapkan bahan sebagai salah satu a ltematif pembinaan budi luhur bangsa demi persatuan dan kesatuan sesuai ajaran P4; memperkaya khasanah kebudayaan bangsa sebagai sumber budaya; dan mempertinggi harkat dan martabat bangsa sebagai bangsa yang berbudaya menuju kualitas dan sumber daya manusia

    Remaja Perkotaan sebagai Sasaran Masif Terpaan Iklan Rokok di Media Online

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    The number of smokers in Indonesia has increased significantly from year to year, especially among teenagers. Data from the IAKMI Tobacco Support and Support Center in 2014, shows one example, that the number of tobacco smokers in the population is 15 years more than those who chew tobacco. This happened because there were no laws issued by the government which prohibited smoking children while industries advertised their products by increasing through various media, including through online media, targeting teenagers. The purpose of this study is to find out what online media advertises cigarettes targeting teenagers in Indonesia. Creative advertisers emphasize that the advertisements they make are introducing brands, products, or creating awareness for their consumers. But there are also advertisements that direct the action, such as the actions of consumers to buy products. Media exposure theory, especially with the use of online media, is used to see the extent to which cigarette advertisements can penetrate the space and time of young people in urban areas. This study uses a quantitative approach with a method of distributing questionnaires to urban teenagers living in five major cities in Indonesia, namely in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. The results of this study show that all lines of online media consumed by teenagers are used massively by advertisers of cigarettes. Online media that most often upload cigarette advertisements are YouTube, Website, Instagram and online games

    Women DPR-RI Members and the Public Policy Making Process: the Amendment of the General Election Law

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    This Policy Research is WRI's research report as well as recommendation for the involvement of women DPR-RI members in policy making. This policy research is a means for WRI to deliver inputs from its findings so that gender equality and equity, in particular the 30% quota target of women in parliaments can be achieved. This Women Research Institute (WRI) study attempts to see how the current women DPR-RI members are involved in the process of policy making, particularly policies that accommodate the needs and interests of women (gender responsive policies). Through this study, WRI also seeks to analyse the effectiveness of the 30% quota policy for women parliament members

    Do Harmonised Accounting Standards Lead to Harmonised

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the level of harmonisation for IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and to identify if different levels of harmonisation are associated with company-specific factors. Based on Rahman et al. (2002), we used the Jaccard (JACC) index to determine the level of harmonisation between IAS 39 and the financial reporting practice of a broad-based sample of European-listed companies in 2005.We applied regression analysis to identify companies’ specific characteristics that affect the level of convergence of the reporting practice of financial instruments. The results of this study show a high level of harmonisation between accounting practices of European companies included in our sample and IAS 39


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    Stock return volatility is influenced by various internal factors and external factors. This study aims to examine the effect of company fundamentals and macro-economics to return stock companies listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The research data obtained through documentation techniques include data on the financial statements of companies in Indonesia who are members of JII during the years 2007-2009 from Bank Indonesia and the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The study took a sample of 9 companies listed in the JII with purposive sampling method. While the analysis of data using multiple linear regression. Based on the results of this study concluded that: (a) the entire company fundamental variables simultaneously have significant effect on stock returns at the companies listed in the JII. The contribution of these variables in explaining stock return variation amounted to 47.5%, (b) ROI, ROE, asset growth, and EPS have positive and significant effect on stock return, (c) DER and DPR partially have not significant effect to stock return of the companies listed on JII, (d) all macroeconomic variables simultaneously have significant effect on stock return of the companies listed on JII with a contribution of 43.5%, (e) inflation and foreign exchange rates partially have significant and negative effect on stock return, (f) economic growth is partially variable does not significantly influence stock returns, but simultaneously has positive and significant impact on stock return, (k) and the interest rate partially has not significant effect on stock returns of the companies listed on JII

    ANALISIS STRATEGI PEMASARAN PT. TIRTA MEGAH CENDANA SEMARANG Suatu Studi Tentang Pengembangan Strategi Pemasaran Perusaliaan Air Minim Dalarn Kemasan

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    ABSTRAK Penurunan volume penjualan produk air minum dalam kemasan (AMDK) merek Sipp dari PT Tirta Megah Cendana, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini merupakan masalah yang melatar belakangi penulisan tesis ini. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan pengembangan strategi pemasaran PT Tirta Megah Cendana dalam memasarkan produk AMDK Sipp, agar dapat meningkatkan volume penjualannya. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis SWOT PT Tirta Megah Cendana dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai perusahaan yang spekulatif aman. Spekulatif berarti perusahaan berada dalam posisi ancaman lingkungan eksternal yang tinggi dan tingkat peluang yang tinggi pula. Sedangkan aman (favourable) berarti perusahaan memiliki posisi persaingan yang baik atau aman. Atas dasar posisi tersebut, strategi alternatif yang dikembangkan adalah strategi investasi atau pertumbuhan. Implementasi dari strategi pertumbuhan ini adalah penerapan strategi konsentrasi dengan menekankan pada peningkatan tingkat penggunaan produk, strategi perluasan pasar intensif dan integrasi vertikal. Analisis regresi dalam rangka mengevaluasi efektifitas bauran pemasaran PT Tirta Megah Cendana menunjukkan bahwa bauran pemasaran yang dilaksanakan cukup efektif namun kurang efisien. Kebijalcan produk berkorelasi negatif artinya bahwa penambahan jumlah variasi produk akan menurunkan volume penjualan yang berarti juga menurunkan volume produksi. Rekomendasi yang disarankan adalah menghentikan salah satu jenis kemasan yang tidak profitable yaitu kemasan galon berisi 19 liter. Kebijakan harga berkorelasi positif artinya ditinjau dari nisi produsen kenaikan harga akan menaikkan volume produksi. Namun dalam posisinya sebagai pengikut pasar (market follower) dalam struktur pasar oligopoli dominan, perlu hati-hati dalam menaikkan harga. Disarankan untuk mengikuti perkembangan harga dari merek dominan, apalagi harga yang sekarang sudah memberikan margin yang cukup. Kebijakan distribusi mempunyai korelasi positif terhadap volume penjualan, yang berarti kenaikan biaya distribusi akan meningkatkan volume penjualan atau juga volume produksi. Kebijakan yang disarankan adalah memperbanyak saluran distri¬busi tidak langsung (indirect selling) dengan mengangkat agen-agen baru, sehingga biaya distribusi bisa lebih ditekan. Kebijakan Promosi berkorelasi positif dengan volume produksi. Kebijakan promosi yang selama ini dijalankan lebih banyak menitik beratkan pada promosi kepada pelanggan melalui pemberian potongan harga, bonus atau hadiah


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    Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Nilai semua barang dan jasa akhir, yang diproduksi dalam perekonomian (suatu negara) selama kurun waktu tertentu (1 tahun) Total pendptan seluruh penduduk dlm perekonomian Total pengeluaran atas barang dan jasa dlm perekonomia
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