18 research outputs found

    Instruksionele ontwerp van ‘n afstandsonderrigprogram vir gehoorapparaat akoestici (Afrikaans)

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    Instructional design is a science that has received little attention from residential universities and educational practices. Instructional design is regarded as a prerequisite for designing, delivering and optimising flexi-learning programmes and should be part of the curricularising processes of universities. There is furthermore an increasing awareness, both internationally and nationally, of the need for distance education. The paradigm shift towards more learner centred study, independent of time and place, necessitates the redesigning and development of learning material at tertiary institutions. This study applies the parameters of instructional design and distance teaching to the field of hearing aid acoustics. The stages utilised in the instructional design of a distance teaching program for hearing aid acousticians were the following: planning through an analysis of the situation, design and development of the program, implementing the postgraduate Diploma in Hearing Aid Acoustics and the utilisation and management of the program through continuous assessment of the program. In the planning phase an analysis of the situation was conducted by means of questionnaires to the major role players, viz. hearing aid dispensers in practice and their adult and geriatric clients with a hearing loss. A total of 144 respondents were included in the study. In the planning document the expected outcomes and main traits of the potential learners were identified. The best system for the delivery of the program was also selected. The results of the analysis phase were used to develop and implement a two year post-graduate distance teaching diploma in hearing aid acoustics. A major challenge was to effectively facilitate the practical skills required of hearing aid acousticians within a distance teaching program. Selected contact periods are therefore used for practising practical skills. In the final phase of instructional design, the program was evaluated. It was indicated that instructional design is indeed a prerequisite for specifying conditions for learning, based on sound teaching principles.Thesis (DPhil (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2006.Speech-Language Pathology and AudiologyUnrestricte

    Deaf or hard of hearing children in Saudi Arabia : status of early intervention services

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    OBJECTIVE : This study aims to determine the status of early intervention services provided to children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their parents/caregivers from birth to five years of age at two main state hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, based on their parents’ perceptions. METHOD : A descriptive quantitative research design was used to determine the status of early intervention services for deaf or hard of hearing children in Saudi Arabia based on their parents’ perceptions. Semistructured interviews based on a questionnaire were conducted with 60 research participants from two main state hospitals where early detection and intervention services are provided. A purposive sampling technique was employed. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed on the data collected. RESULTS : The participants’ children were diagnosed at a substantially late age, resulting in delayed ages for initial hearing aid fitting and enrolment in early intervention services. A significant relationship was found between the residential area of the participants and timely access to intervention services. The results indicated that participants residing in Riyadh were fitted with hearing aids and enrolled into EI services earlier than those living outside of Riyadh. The delivery of information also emerged as a weakness in the EI system for the majority of participants. CONCLUSION : The findings of the study suggested that limited services of detection and intervention for deaf or hard of hearing children and residential area of participants are likely to be barriers to early access to intervention services. It is proposed that the benefits of UNHS accompanied by appropriate early intervention services should be made available in all regions throughout Saudi Arabia.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijporl2017-07-31hb2016Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    Knowledge of and attitudes toward hearing loss among primary care physicians in the public health sector of Mauritius

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    Part of this manuscript has been presented as a poster to the 8th International Conference on Public Health virtually on the 29th of July 2022 organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management, Sri Lanka. Part of this manuscript has also been presented orally to the virtual international conference on disability certification of persons with hearing and speech impairment, organized by the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru India on the 27th of August 2022.INTRODUCTION : Primary care physicians are essential first points of contact for patients with hearing loss. Thus, knowledge of hearing loss and related aspects is essential to ensure the optimal management of individuals with suspected hearing loss. OBJECTIVE : This study aimed to determine the knowledge of and attitudes toward hearing loss among primary care physicians in the public health sector in Mauritius. METHODS : In this cross-sectional descriptive cohort study, 320 primary care physicians completed an online questionnaire adapted from previous questionnaires on knowledge of and attitudes toward hearing loss. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and cross-sectional analyses. RESULTS : Primary care physicians showed limited knowledge of hearing loss in areas such as early identification and intervention, professionals responsible for hearing assessments, and hearing tests used for assessing hearing sensitivity. However, the responses also showed positive attitudes toward hearing loss. Significant associations between knowledge of and attitudes toward hearing loss were obtained regarding the type of physician, length of practice, and department posted in. Ear, nose, and throat specialists, as well as pediatricians, demonstrated significantly higher scores for both knowledge of and positive attitudes toward hearing loss. CONCLUSIONS : The findings highlight a strong need for ongoing medical education to spread awareness about hearing loss among primary care physicians in the public health sector of Mauritius.https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/journal/10.1055/s-00025477hj2024Speech-Language Pathology and AudiologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Comparison of the South African Spondaic and CID W-1 wordlists for measuring speech recognition threshold

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    BACKGROUND : The home language of most audiologists in South Africa is either English or Afrikaans, whereas most South Africans speak an African language as their home language. The use of an English wordlist, the South African Spondaic (SAS) wordlist, which is familiar to the English Second Language (ESL) population, was developed by the author for testing the speech recognition threshold (SRT) of ESL speakers. OBJECTIVES : The aim of this study was to compare the pure-tone average (PTA)/SRT correlation results of ESL participants when using the SAS wordlist (list A) and the CID W-1 spondaic wordlist (list B – less familiar; list C – more familiar CID W-1 words). METHOD : A mixed-group correlational, quantitative design was adopted. PTA and SRT measurements were compared for lists A, B and C for 101 (197 ears) ESL participants with normal hearing or a minimal hearing loss (<26 dBHL; mean age 33.3). RESULTS : The Pearson correlation analysis revealed a strong PTA/SRT correlation when using list A (right 0.65; left 0.58) and list C (right 0.63; left 0.56). The use of list B revealed weak correlations (right 0.30; left 0.32). Paired sample t-tests indicated a statistically significantly stronger PTA/SRT correlation when list A was used, rather than list B or list C, at a 95% level of confidence. CONCLUSIONS : The use of the SAS wordlist yielded a stronger PTA/SRT correlation than the use of the CID W-1 wordlist, when performing SRT testing on South African ESL speakers with normal hearing, or minimal hearing loss (<26 dBHL).Portions of this study have been orally presented at the ENT/SAAA/SASLHA congress, Sun City, South Africa, on 04 November 2012.Tanya Hanekom received a bursary from the University of Pretoria in 2010.http://www.sajcd.org.zaam2016Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    Speech perception in noise in children with learning difficulties: a scoping review

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    BACKGROUND : Children with learning difficulties (LD) face multiple challenges in classrooms settings while having to meet various auditory demands, such as understanding verbal instructions in the presence of background noise. These challenges pose a risk for academic failure, underachievement, and underemployment. Well-developed skills regarding speech perception in noise promote learning, communication, and academic success. These skills need further investigation to promote evidence-based practice and intervention within the audiological and educational fields. OBJECTIVE : To identify and review published literature on the speech perception in noise abilities of children with LDs. DESOGN : A systematic search strategy was used to identify literature on five electronic databases using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Literature from 2011 to 2021 reporting on speech perception in noise in children with LDs was included. RESULTS : Of 1295 articles identified, five articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in this scoping review. All studies used comparative study designs to determine the speech perception in noise skills of children with LDs. Results indicated that children with LDs have poorer speech perception in noise skills when compared to typically developing children. Trisyllabic words were better perceived in noise than monosyllabic and disyllabic words. CONCLUSION : Children with LDs require greater signal-to-noise ratios if they are to be given the same academic opportunities as typically developing (TD) children. Future studies can investigate the functional outcomes of children with LDs to promote evidence-based practice and intervention.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijporlhj2023Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    Distortion product otoacoustic emissions as a health surveillance technique for hearing screening in workers in the steel manufacturing industry

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    BACKGROUND : Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) are a promising screening technique for the early detection of subtle noise-induced cochlear function changes. OBJECTIVES : To determine the applicability of DPOAEs as a health surveillance technique for the early detection of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in workers at a steel manufacturing industry. METHODS : DPOAE measurements were recorded in 20 participants with no history of occupational noise exposure and 20 participants exposed to noise in the steel manufacturing industry. Participants were not exposed to noise for at least 48 hours prior to testing. All participants were male, with normal audiometric thresholds of ≤15 dB HL. The DPOAE presence and response levels for different frequencies were compared between the two groups. The study further evaluated the shortterm test-retest repeatability of DPOAE measurements. RESULTS : The noise-exposed group had significantly lower DPOAE response amplitudes than the control group for all the tested frequencies: p<0.001 at 2002 to 4004 Hz; p=0.01 and p=0.001 at 6348 and 7996 Hz, respectively, suggesting early outer hair cell damage in the noise-exposed group. DPOAEs showed good reproducibility. CONCLUSION : DPOAEs appear to be a sensitive technique for detecting noise-induced subtle cochlear function changes. DPOAEs could be used as a health surveillance technique in conjunction with pure tone audiometry for the early detection of NIHL in the steel manufacturing industry.http://www.occhealth.co.zaam2018Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    Short-term effects of simultaneous cardiovascular workout and personal music device use on the outer hair cell function of young adults

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    BACKGROUND : Recreational noise exposure, including personal music device use (PMD), has become a growing public health concern, as it may potentially result in the development of hearing difficulties. OBJECTIVES : The aim of the study was to determine the differential impact and short-term effects of simultaneous cardiovascular workout and PMD use on the outer hair cell (OHC) function of young adults. METHOD : A quantitative research approach was followed. In this study a pre-test post-test approach was used and twelve subjects participated in three 1 h testing conditions with altered variables including: (i) exposure to PMD use in isolation, (ii) exposure to cardiovascular workout in isolation, and (iii) simultaneous exposure to the latter mentioned. Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were conducted pree and postexposure for each testing condition as primary indicator of cochlear responses. The process consisted of a cycling procedure through the preset stimulus frequency sequence, measuring the 2f₁ef₂ (75e70 dBSPL) and constructing a plot of DPOAE levels as a function of frequency. RESULTS : Individual testing conditions did not result in statistically significant changes of the DPOAE response, however a significantly different profile in the DPOAE response level increase/decrease for the higher frequencies (6e8 kHz) was obtained when comparing the different sessions. Exposure to cardiovascular workout condition in isolation indicated a clear trend of an increased DPOAE response level between the pre-exposure and postexposure testing from 2 kHz to 8 kHz with a maximum increase at 6 kHz. Both the music-only condition and the combined condition resulted in a clear trend of decreased DPOAE response amplitudes between the pre-exposure and post-exposure testing for the higher frequencies. CONCLUSION : Findings support the notion of a clear effect of cardiovascular workout with and without music exposure on the OHC function at higher test frequencies, as measured by DPOAEs. Decreased DPOAE amplitudes between 2 kHz and 8 kHz were observed with music exposure and the opposite effect was observed for cardiovascular workout in isolation.AGTERGROND : Blootstelling aan geraas tydens ontspanningsaktiwiteite, soos die gebruik van persoonlike musiektoestelle (PMT), veroorsaak toenemende kommer met betrekking tot moontlike ontwikkeling van gehoorverlies. DOELWITTE : Die doel van die navorsing was om die differensiële impak en korttermyn gevolge van gelyktydige kardiovaskulêre oefening en PMT gebruik op die buitenste haarselfunksionering van jong volwassenes te bepaal. METODE : Tydens die studie is 'n kwantitatiewe pre-toets post-toets navorsingsbenadering gebruik waartydens twaalf deelnemers blootgestel is aan drie afsonderlike toetsomstandighede van een uur elk: (i) PMT gebruik in isolasie, (ii) kardiovaskulêre oefening in isolasie, en (iii) gelyktydige kardiovaskulêre oefening en PMT gebruik. Distorsieproduk otoakoestiese emissies (DPOAE) is uitgevoer voore en na blootstelling aan bogenoemde omstandighede as die primêre aanduiding van kogleêre response wat ontlok word deur 'n vasgestelde stimulus frekwensie patroon wat 2f₁ e f₂ (75e70 dBSPL) meet en voorstel as ‘n grafiek van DPOAE as 'n funksie van frekwensie. RESULTATE : Die individuele toetsomstandighede het in isolasie geen statisties beduidende verskille in DPOAE amplitudes getoon nie. Statisties beduidende verskille in DPOAE amplitudes van die ho€e frekwensies (6e8 kHz) is verkry tydens die vergelyking tussen die verskillende toetsomstandighede. Blootstelling aan kardiovaskulêre oefening alleenlik het 'n duidelike tendens van verhoogde DPOAE amplitudes tussen voor -en na blootstelling tussen 2 kHz en 8 kHz, met 'n maksimum by 6 kHz, getoon. Beide die musiek in isolasie en gekombineerde omstandighede het ‘n duidelike afname in DPOAE amplitudes tussen voor – en na blootstelling getoon. GEVOLGTREKKING : Hierdie bevindinge ondersteun die teorie dat kardiovaskulêre oefening ‘n invloed op buitenste haarselfunksionering van hoë frekwensies kan hê, soos gemeet deur DPOAEs in die teenwoordigheid en afwesigheid van musiek. Verlaagde DPOAE amplitudes tussen 2 kHz en 8 kHz is geobserveer tydens musiektoestel blootstelling en die teenoorgestelde effek is waargeneem vir kardiovaskulêre oefening in isolasie.am2017Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    A comparison of the digits-in-noise test and extended high frequency response between formally trained musicians and non-musicians

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM : Musical training has been hypothesised to result in enhanced Speech Perception in Noise (SPIN) abilities, but prolonged exposure to music also increases the risk for Music-Induced Hearing Loss (MIHL). The Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNR) and the Extended High Frequency (EHF) thresholds between formally trained musicians and non- musicians were compared to determine the effect of musical training on musicians’ SPIN and hearing abilities. METHODS : This cross-sectional study included 40 musicians and 39 non-musicians 18–30 years, with mean age (SD) 22.43(2.71) years. EHF audiometry and the Digits-in-Noise (DIN) test were conducted via a smartphone. RESULTS : Differences found between the two groups regarding the DIN test and EHF thresholds were statistically insignificant. Musicians displayed early signs of MIHL as the musicians reported significantly more (p=0.004) instances of tinnitus than non-musicians. A statistically significant correlation was found only for the non-musician group between the 12.5 kHz threshold left and the SNR obtained in the diotic listening condition (rs=-0.465; p=0.003). CONCLUSION : The results suggested that musicians did not display a significant advantage for SPIN and did not appear to have significantly poorer EHF hearing sensitivity. However, slight trends were noticeable in the musicians which gravitated more towards studies that found enhanced SPIN abilities and elevated EHF thresholds in the musician population. In the future, it may be useful to include additional speech tests (open-set) alongside the DIN test (closed-set). The present study suggests that EHF audiometry may be used for the early detection of MIHL.https://avr.tums.ac.ir/index.php/avrhj2023Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    The use of the Feather Squadron to identify auditory processing disorders in South African children : a comparative study

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    OBJECTIVE : Development of the Feather Squadron (FS) has created a cost-effective, accessible form of assessment through tele-audiology. As accessibility to reliable, cost-effective assessment of auditory processing (AP) skills is limited in South Africa (SA), this study aims to establish whether there is correlation between the FS and traditional tests of AP viz. Frequency Pattern and Dichotic Digits Test, and to establish its relevance to the SA population. DESIGN : Retrospective, within-subject, comparative design used to compare performance on the FS and the traditional tests. Data were considered in two ways: Firstly, using the traditional −2SD cut-off on some subtests of the FS compared to the same traditional tests, and secondly, by comparing the Z-scores obtained on the FS compared to Z-scores on the same traditional tests obtained by applying a double arcsine transformation. STUDY SAMPLE : Sixty-six subjects (35 males, 31 females) aged between 8.08 and 9.75 years (mean = 8.73; SD = 0.51) seen for AP assessments between 2016 and 2019. RESULTS : −2SD criteria yielded no significant association (p > 0.05). Z-score comparison suggested a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION : A statistically significant correlation between certain subtests of FS with traditional tests of AP to merit its use in the SA population is suggested.https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iija20hj2023Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    Effects of language experience on selective auditory attention and speech-in-noise perception among English second language learners : preliminary findings

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    OBJECTIVE : The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of language experience on selective auditory attention and speech-in-noise perception in English Second Language (ESL) learners aged seven to eight years. METHOD : A quantitative, descriptive, comparative cross-sectional research design was used to determine the effect of age of exposure to English on the selective auditory attention abilities and speech-in-noise perception skills of 40 children with normal hearing in first or second grade (aged seven to eight years). The control group comprised of 20 English first language (EFL) learners (mean age = 7.35 years ±0.49) and the research group included 20 s language learners (mean age = 7.70 years ±0.47). In order to compare the control and research groups with respect to the age of exposure to English through various sources, the Mann Whitney test was used. Information regarding the age of exposure was gathered by a case history questionnaire, completed by the parents/guardians of the participants. The Selective Auditory Attention Test (SAAT) and Digits-in-Noise (DIN) test were performed in one sitting. RESULTS : No statistically significant differences between the EFL and ESL groups were found for the SAAT and DIN. However, a statistically significant difference was obtained between the SAAT lists 1 and 3 & the DIN: diotic listening condition for the ESL group only (rs = −0.623; p = 0.003). The difference between the EFL and ESL groups in the mean age of exposure to English was statistically significant (p = 0,019), with mean age of exposure to English in the ESL group (mean age = 2.82 ± 0.53) being higher than the mean age of exposure in the EFL group (mean age = 1.81 ± 1.53). However, this difference did not influence the results of the SAAT and DIN significantly. CONCLUSION : The main finding was that selective auditory attention and speech-in-noise perception were not significantly affected in the ESL learners who participated in the study – learners who were recruited from private schools located in an urban area and thus from higher socio-economic status (SES) households. There is a need for additional research with a larger sample size to determine the selective auditory attention abilities and speech-in-noise perception skills of ESL learners in government-funded schools located in rural areas and from various socio-economic backgrounds.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijporlhj2023Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiolog