28 research outputs found
Formulating a Mixed Integer Programming Model to Solve Multiple Machine Plant Location Problems
The configuration of logistic networks may involve issue relating to plant locations. Indeed, the classic plant allocation problems have been investigated by many researchers over the years.
However, certain practical issues in plant location problems remain uninvestigated and require
further research. This paper describes one variant of multiple machines plant location problem and uses mixed integer programming to formulate it. Finally, this paper presents a real world plant location problem which was worked on at a timber cutting compan
Directorate of Students Development is a department responsible forstudent activities in University of Surabaya. This research discusses the design of Quality Management System which is accordance to the requirements of ISO9001:2015 at Directorate of Students Development. The research started withidentifying gaps, determining improvement opportunities, implementing alternative solutions and evaluating the quality management system. The methodsused for this research are observation, interview, and document collection. The result of gap analysis between organization's existing condition compared to ISO 9001:2015 resulting in 52% conformity, 36% partial, and 12% nonconformity.Based on these assessments, there are some improvement opportunities that can be done such as identifying organization's stakeholders, creating quality objectives based on strategies, analyzing risks and the process of transfer knowledge. The evaluation of quality management system can be done by reviewing the system with the concept of seven principles of Quality Management System
CV. Sinar Nugraha is a company engaged in manufacturing chili sauce, soy sauce, lemonade and ginger. The company is using make to stock strategies for chili sauce product which is the main product and the focus of this study. There are four brands of chili sauce manufactured by CV. Sinar Nugraha namely Sambal Panci, Sambal 2 Cabe, Sambal Harum and Sambal Wong Solo. The demand of chili sauce in CV. Sinar Nugraha are very volatile so that companies can not fulfill the demand on time and lead to lost sales at a particular time. It also appears high inventory costs due to a lack of control in determining the amount of inventory. This is occured because the company only uses estimates in production planning. The purpose of this study is to make chili sauce production planning to minimize the total cost. Aggregate production planning is a way to estimate the amount of goods that will be produced during the planning period taking into account the results of forecasting of consumer demand with production capacity of the company. Demand forecasting is done by WINQSB. Forecasting methods which was used for Sambal Panci is Winters 'Multiplicative, Sambal 2 Cabe is Multiplicative Decomposition, while Sambal Harum and Sambal Wong Solo is Winters' Additive. Results of forecasting consumer demand and the company's production capacity calculations showed that the existing production capacity is sufficient to meet consumer demand, but production planning needs to be done to minimize the total cost incurred by the company. The method used to aggregate planning is Transportation method. This method was chosen because it can provide the optimal production planning results. From the aggregate planning result, do disaggregation by linear programming methods for making production plans for each product. Having obtained the results of theproduction planning for each product, then the next step is to calculate the total cost. Calculation of the total cost derived from the sum of the production costs, inventory costs, and backorder cost. From the results of calculation using company production method acquired the total cost incurred by the company during January to September 2016 amounted to Rp 9,561,198,598.43, while the total cost derived from the calculation using proposed production method is Rp 9,264,868,346.13. So, the total cost savings gained by using proposed production methods is Rp 296,330,252.30 or 3.10%
Directorate of Students Development is a department responsible forstudent activities in University of Surabaya. This research discusses the design of Quality Management System which is accordance to the requirements of ISO9001:2015 at Directorate of Students Development. The research started withidentifying gaps, determining improvement opportunities, implementing alternative solutions and evaluating the quality management system. The methodsused for this research are observation, interview, and document collection. The result of gap analysis between organization's existing condition compared to ISO 9001:2015 resulting in 52% conformity, 36% partial, and 12% nonconformity.Based on these assessments, there are some improvement opportunities that can be done such as identifying organization's stakeholders, creating quality objectives based on strategies, analyzing risks and the process of transfer knowledge. The evaluation of quality management system can be done by reviewing the system with the concept of seven principles of Quality Management System
Perbaikan Sistem Persediaan Karpet dan Spon di UD Luas, Surabaya
Besarnya permintaan karpet dan spon di UD. Luas menyebabkan perusahaan
tersebut sering memesan karpet dan spon dalam jumlah yang besar. Tidak jarang terjadi
bahwa akibat pemesanan yang besar tersebut toko menjadi terlihat penuh dan sesak.
Interval pemesanan untuk karpet dan spon pada saat ini memiliki interval tertentu yang
mengikuti pola FOI (Fixed Order Interval) dimana untuk spon dan karpet Bali,
pemesanannya dilakukan setiap hari. Sedangkan untuk karpet Buana dan Miralon
intervalnya adalah tiap bulan selalu melakukan pemesanan ke pabrik. Di dalam sistem
persediaan usulan, juga akan digunakan metode FOI multi item untuk semua produk
karpet dan spon, kemudian dilakukan perhitungan untuk mendapatkan jumlah
pemesanan ekonomis, persediaan maksimum, frekuensi pemesanan dan total biaya.
Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa total biaya persediaan pada metode
awal adalah sebesar Rp 17.449.845,00 dan pada metode usulan adalah sebesar Rp
14.762.340,00 selama 6 bulan. Jadi pada metode usulan ini total biaya yang harus
dikeluarkan oleh UD. Luas tiap 6 bulan menjadi lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan
metode awal. Begitu juga untuk frekuensi pemesanan spon dan karpet Bali juga menjadi
lebih sedikit, sedangkan untuk karpet Buana dan Miralon terjadi penambahan total
biaya dan juga frekuensi pesan
CV. Sinar Nugraha is a company engaged in manufacturing chili sauce, soy sauce, lemonade and ginger. The company is using make to stock strategies for chili sauce product which is the main product and the focus of this study. There are four brands of chili sauce manufactured by CV. Sinar Nugraha namely Sambal Panci, Sambal 2 Cabe, Sambal Harum and Sambal Wong Solo. The demand of chili sauce in CV. Sinar Nugraha are very volatile so that companies can not fulfill the demand on time and lead to lost sales at a particular time. It also appears high inventory costs due to a lack of control in determining the amount of inventory. This is occured because the company only uses estimates in production planning. The purpose of this study is to make chili sauce production planning to minimize the total cost. Aggregate production planning is a way to estimate the amount of goods that will be produced during the planning period taking into account the results of forecasting of consumer demand with production capacity of the company. Demand forecasting is done by WINQSB. Forecasting methods which was used for Sambal Panci is Winters 'Multiplicative, Sambal 2 Cabe is Multiplicative Decomposition, while Sambal Harum and Sambal Wong Solo is Winters' Additive. Results of forecasting consumer demand and the company's production capacity calculations showed that the existing production capacity is sufficient to meet consumer demand, but production planning needs to be done to minimize the total cost incurred by the company. The method used to aggregate planning is Transportation method. This method was chosen because it can provide the optimal production planning results. From the aggregate planning result, do disaggregation by linear programming methods for making production plans for each product. Having obtained the results of theproduction planning for each product, then the next step is to calculate the total cost. Calculation of the total cost derived from the sum of the production costs, inventory costs, and backorder cost. From the results of calculation using company production method acquired the total cost incurred by the company during January to September 2016 amounted to Rp 9,561,198,598.43, while the total cost derived from the calculation using proposed production method is Rp 9,264,868,346.13. So, the total cost savings gained by using proposed production methods is Rp 296,330,252.30 or 3.10%
Directorate of Students Development is a department responsible forstudent activities in University of Surabaya. This research discusses the design of Quality Management System which is accordance to the requirements of ISO9001:2015 at Directorate of Students Development. The research started withidentifying gaps, determining improvement opportunities, implementing alternative solutions and evaluating the quality management system. The methodsused for this research are observation, interview, and document collection. The result of gap analysis between organization's existing condition compared to ISO 9001:2015 resulting in 52% conformity, 36% partial, and 12% nonconformity.Based on these assessments, there are some improvement opportunities that can be done such as identifying organization's stakeholders, creating quality objectives based on strategies, analyzing risks and the process of transfer knowledge. The evaluation of quality management system can be done by reviewing the system with the concept of seven principles of Quality Management System
Studi Kelayakan Pendirian Industri Ekstraksi Emas dari E-waste di Surabaya
Abstract-- In this modern era along with the development of technology can not be separated from the waste produced. Waste from solid from technological development is electronic waste or often called e-waste. Along with the development of technology followed by an increase in e-waste in both developed and developing countries. E-waste itself is composed of a variety of substances from heavy metals to chemicals and even precious metal groups also make up the e-waste itself. It is said e-waste because it has not been used either because the technology has been left behind by the times, its performance has declined, or it cannot be used. Even so the constituent content in e-waste does not lose its value, one of which is precious metals that can be recycled. In this research, the opportunity to look at the use of precious metal content that is still valuable and can be taken from e- waste is gold, taking into account existing market share and methods for taking gold content in e-waste. This gold extraction activity from e-waste is more commonly known as urban mining outside Indonesia, because from the observations of researchers in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya, this business activity is still rarely an additional reason to conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of this industry in Surabaya. With the characteristics of the City of Surabaya it is assumed to supply qualifie d raw materials for processing, besides that Surabaya is also one of the large market shares in Indonesia. In this research the method of extracting raw materials used is hydrometallurgy, because the product produced is gold so special security management was formed. In addition, because both raw materials and supporting materials in production are classified as B3, special management is also carried out related to waste treatment and worker safety in operational activities. At the founding of this industry capital came from bank loans and own capital with a ratio of 33:67 for a total project cost of Rp 1,455,738,638. The IRR calculation results in this industry are greater than MARR that is 361%> 10.48%), for the NPV value obtained Rp 6,223,244,133.67, then with a 5 -year planning horizon only requires a DPP of 0.313891047 or about 3 months ( smaller than the planning horizon for 5 years). For the sensitivity analysis the most important variables are the selling price and the cost of raw materials.Keywords: e-waste, hydrometallurgy, industrial planning, feasibility study, urban mining
Abstrak -- Pada era modern ini seiring perkembangan teknologi tidak lepas dari limbah yang dihasilkan. Limbah dari padat dari perkembangan teknologi adalah sampah elektronik atau yang sering disebut e-waste. Seiring perkembangan teknologi diikuti peningkatan e-waste baik di negara maju maupun negara berkembang. E-waste itu sendiri tersusun dari berbagai zat baik logam berat hingga zat kimia bahkan golongan logam mulia juga menjadi penyusun dari e-waste itu sendiri. Dikatakan e-waste karena sudah tidak digunakan baik karena teknologi tersebut sudah tertinggal oleh jaman, kinerjanya menurun, maupun sudah tidak dapat digunakan. Walaupun begitu kandungan penyusun pada e-waste tidak kehilangan nilainya salah satunya logam mulia yang dapat didaur ulang. Pada penelitian ini melihat peluang pemanfaatan kandungan logam mulia yang masih bernilai dan dapat diambil dari e-waste yang ada yaitu emas, dengan mempertimbangkan pangsa pasar yang ada serta metode dalam mengambil kandungan emas pada e-waste. Kegiatan mengekstraksi emas dari e-waste ini lebih sering dikenal dengan urban mining di luar Indonesia, karena dari pengamatan peneliti di Indonesia terutama di Surabaya kegiatan bisnis ini masih jarang me njadi tambahan alasan untuk melakukan penelitian studi kelayak pendirian industri ini di Surabaya. Dengan karakteristik Kota Surabaya diasumsikan pasokkan bahan baku mumpuni untuk diolah, selain itu Surabaya juga salah satu pangsa pasar yang besar di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini metode pengekstraksian bahan baku yang digunakan adalah hidrometalurgi, karena produk yang dihasilkan adalah emas maka dibentuk manajemen keamanan khusus. Selain itu karena baik bahan baku dan bahan pendukung dalam produksi tergolong B3 maka juga dilakukan manajemen khusus terkait pengolahan limbah serta keselamatan pekerja pada kegiatan operasional. Pada pendirian industri ini modal berasal dari pinjaman bank dan modal sendiri dengan rasio 33:67 untuk total project cost sebesar Rp 1.455.738.638. Hasil perhitungan IRR pada industri ini bernilai lebih besar dari MARR yaitu 361% > 10,48%), untuk nilai NPV didapatkan Rp,67, maka dengan horizon perencanaan 5 tahun hanya memerlukan DPP sebesar 0,313891047 atau sekitar 3 bulan (lebih kecil dibandingkan horizon perencanaan selama 5 tahun). Untuk analisis sensitivitas variabel yang peling berpengaruh adalah harga jual dan biaya bahan baku.Kata Kunci: e-waste , hidrometalurgi, perencanaan industri, studi kelayakan, urban minin
Perbaikan Penjadwalan Percetakan di PT. Hamudha Prima Media, Surakarta
PT Hamudha Prima Media merupakan suatu perusahaan yang bergerak di
bidang percetakan yang memproduksi surat kabar, buku, dan LKS. Selama ini
perusahaan berproduksi sesuai pesanan dari customer (job order) jadi jika ada pesanan
kemudian perusahaan langsung melakukan proses produksi. Dalam melakukan kegiatan
produksi, perusahaan terkadang mengalami keterlambatan dalam memenuhi pesanan
dari customer. Berdasarkan penjadwalan awal didapatkan hasil persentase number of
tardy job sebesar 15,45% dengan mean tardiness 0,341 hari. Setelah dilakukan
penjadwalan usulan dengan metode EDD dan SPT didapat hasil bahwa persentase
number of tardy job sebesar 8,94% dengan mean tardiness 0,197 hari. Dari 123 job yang
masuk pada perusahaan, 90 order merupakan surat kabar sedangkan 33 order
merupakan buku dan LKS. Job-job yang tetap mengalami keterlambatan adalah job
selain surat kabar, jadi perusahaan perlu mempertimbangkan adanya penambahan
kapasitas mesin potong terutama untuk order selain surat kabar
PT. Hamudha Prima Media merupakan suatu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang percetakan
yang memproduksi surat kabar, buku, dan LKS.
Selama ini perusahaan terkadang mengalami
keterlambatan dalam memenuhi pesanan dari
customer. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena
penjadwalan produksi yang kurang tepat atau memang karena kurangnya kapasitas mesin.
Setelah dilakukan penjadwalan usulan, ternyata masih didapati adanya keterlambatan yang
berada di atas batas toleransi yaitu 5%. Job
yang mengalami keterlambatan adalah job selain
surat kabar, jadi perusahaan perlu mempertimbangkan adanya penambahan kapasitas mesin
potong. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan analisis kelayakan penambahan mesin, dengan melakukan
perhitungan aspek pasar, aspek
teknis, dan aspek keuangan. Mesin yang terpilih kemudian dilihat apakah sudah dapat memenuhi
order dari customer dengan tepat waktu atau belum, dan
melakukan simulasi penjadwalan usulan dengan tambahan satu mesin potong tersebut. Setelah
dilakukan penjadwalan didapat hasil bahwa persentase
number of tardy job dengan 2 mesin
potong adalah 0,81% dengan mean tardiness 0,03 hari