757 research outputs found

    The composition of governing bodies : a case study of a college in England

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    The aim of this case study is to investigate the perceptions of the governing body (GB) members of an English college in terms of how they view the composition of FE governance bodies (GBs) in England. It will also attempt to explore various membership types and their roles within the concerned college GB

    Pendidikan Seks Pada Remaja Dalam Keluarga Muslim

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    Keluarga muslim yang terdiri dari pasangan suami dan istri yang mempunyai anak remaja, juga menginginkan anak remaja dapat menjaga dirinya sendiri. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan keluarga muslim adalah dengan memberikan pendidikan yang memadai termasuk pendidikan seks. Pendidikan seks adalah upaya pengajaran, penyadaran dan penerangan tentang persoalan seksual yang diberikan kepada remaja berkenaan dengan naluri seks dan perkawinan. Aspek pendidika seks antara lain: komunikasi, kerjasama, bimbingan dan agama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pola pendidikan seks dan cara mendidik persoalan seks kepada remaja dalam keluarga muslim. Deskripsi fenomena yang ingin diteliti yaitu pendidikan seks pada remaja dalam keluarga muslim. Untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini maka digunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Infroman dalam penelitian ini adalah keluarga muslim yang terdiri dari suami dan istri yang mempunyai anak remaja, yang tinggal di Kota Surakarta dan Kabupaten Sukoharjo, berjumlah 3 pasang suami (enam orang) sebagai informan utama dan tiga remaja anak kandung dari informan utama tersebut sebagai informan pendukung. Karakteristik informan utama penelitian adalah: a. Keluarga inti yang beragama Islam mempunyai anak remaja, b. Beragama Islam sejak lahir, c. Melaksanakan kewajiban sholat dan puasa. Karakteristik informan pendukung penelitian adalah adalah: a. Remaja usia 10-16 tahun, b. Anak kandung informan utama, c. Melaksanakan kewajiban sholat dan puasa. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan bahawa pola-pola pendidikan seks yang dilakukan pasangan didapatkan enam pola yang berbeda-beda. Cara mendidik persoalan remaja yaitu dengan membangun komunikasi dengan memanfaatkan waktu berkumpul untuk menjawab pertanyaan, saling menasehati, menemani menonton TV, melakukan kerjasama dengan pasangan, guru dan tetangga dalam persoalan pendidikan seks pada remaja, membagi peran dengan pasangan, mendampingi dan mengawasi pergaulan anak remaja dengan berdiskusi, memberi teladan, dan menerapkan reward dan punisment. Pasangan suami atau isteri melakukan pola pendidikan seks berbeda-beda urutannya tidak ada yang diutamakan, untuk didahulukan maupun diakhirkan, karena pola tersebut merupakan cara yang terbaik untuk informan itu sendiri


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    Bahan ajar berupa modul yang direncanakan dan dirancang secara sistematis untuk mencapai tujuan belajar yang efektif. Perencanaan dan perancangan modul harus merangsang siswa agar secara aktif memiliki keinginan untuk mempelajari materi modul tersebut dalam kegiatan belajar di kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan modul pembelajaran Kerja Bengkel dan Gambar Teknik berbasis problem solving yang tepat untuk mendukung pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Kerja Bengkel dan Gambar Teknik. Dan untuk mengetahui kelayakan/ fisibilitas modul pembelajaran Kerja Bengkel dan Gambar Teknik berbasis problem solving untuk dipakai sebagai bahan ajar siswa. Hal yang dibuat adalah modul pembelajaran yang dinilai berdasarkan segi materi dan media. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, angket dan dokumentasi. pengumpulan data dengan melakukan observasi ke sekolah dengan cara pengamatan langsung, penyebaran angket kepada para ahli terhadap modul yang dikembangkan serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Pembuatan modul pembelajaran yang berbasis problem solving dengan memberikan masalah-masalah Kerja Bengkel dan Gambar Teknik yang harus diselesaikan. Prosedur dalam pembuatan modul melalui tahap studi pendahuluan, tahap pembuatan dan diseminasi. (2) Kelayakan/ fisibilitas modul pembelajaran Kerja Bengkel dan Gambar Teknik berbasis problem solving dari segi materi termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dengan perolehan skor rata-rata 3.52, dari segi madia termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dengan perolehan skor rata-rata 3.67.; Learning materials in the form of modules that are planned and designed systematically to achieve effective learning objectives. Planning and designing of the modules should stimulate students to actively have a desire to learn the material of the module in the learning activities in the classroom. This research aims to know the process of making learning modules work workshop and Technical Drawing-based problem solving is right to support learning at work workshop and Technical Drawing subjects. And to know the feasibility learning modules work workshop and Technical Drawing based problem solving learning materials for students. The thing that made is the learning modules is assessed based on the facets of the material and media. Data collection techniques in the research of using observation, question form and documentation. The collection of data by doing observation to school by way of direct observation, now spreading to the experts against the modules that were developed as well as documentation. The results showed (1) The making learning modules based problem solving by providing labor issues workshop and Technical Drawing to be completed. Procedure in making modules through the preliminary study phase, the stage of making and dissemination. (2) Feasibility learning modules work workshop and Technical Drawing in terms of the material included in the category of very decent with obtaining an average score of 3.52, in terms of media included in the category with the acquisition of very decent score an average of 3.67


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    Potensi paparan radikalisme di Kalimantan Tengah berada di urutan ke empat secara nasional. Permasalahan penelitian adalah kurang optimalnya upaya pencegahan radikalisme yang ada di Kalimatan Tengah. Sehingga penelitian bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis sinergitas TNI-Polri dalam menangkal paham radikalisme melalui program Desa Lewu Issen Mulang di Kabupaten Katingan Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi tidak terstruktur, serta dokumentasi untuk lebih memperkuat hasil penelitian. Pembahasan penelitian dalam Program Desa Lewu Issen Mulang sebagai pilot project dalam pencegahan radikalisme di wilayah Kabupaten Katingan Kalbar menggunakan konsep keterlibatan masyarakat yaitu adanya citizen control, delegated power, partnership, placation dan consultation. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam Program Desa Lewu Issen Mulang terdapat pencegahan paham radikalisme dengan penanaman ideologi Pancasila serta melibatkan masyarakat sebagai kunci pencegahan radikalisme. Adapun aktor-aktor dalam masyarakat yang terlibat erat dalam pencegahan radikalisme adalah Masyarakat Kabupaten Katingan itu sendiri, Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa, Lurah, Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB) Kabupten Katingan, Polresta Kab. Katingan, Dandim 1015/Sampit dan Pemda Kab Katingan. Sehingga, kesimpulan penelitian adalah Sinergisitas TNI-Polri melalui Desa Issen Mulang tidak hanya sekedar memperhatikan aspek Kamtibmas tetapi juga aspek ketahanan wilayah yang sesuai dengan sistem pertahanan semesta. Saran penelitian adalah diperlukan perwujudan penataan ruang yang dapat memberdayakan wilayah dengan keseimbangan anatara kesejahteraan dan keamanan. Selain itu diperlukan pemberdayaan seluruh unsur masyarakat guna menangkal munculnya paham radikalisme

    Striking a balance with big data

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    In Malaysia, the promotion of the big data analytic ecosystem is under the purview of the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDec) which seeks to harness foreign and domestic potentials of the digital economy. The agency has also implemented programmes on awareness and adoption of big data and supported data science in the academic curriculum in Malaysia

    Investigating different modeling techniques for quantifying heat transfer through building envelopes

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    There is interest concerning the energy performance of buildings in the United States. Buildings, whether residential, commercial or institutional, generally underperform in terms of energy efficiency when compared to buildings that are constructed following sustainably and energy efficiency standards. A substantial percentage of energy loss in these buildings is associated with the thermal efficiency of its envelope (exterior walls, windows roof, floors and doors). The objective of this study will evaluate the results of three energy modeling techniques developed to investigate the energy transfer through the envelope of existing campus buildings. The techniques employed are solving the heat transfer calculations using spreadsheets, using a stand-alone modeling software (OpenStudio) and using an integrated building energy modeling software (eQuest) employed in Autodesk Revit. The first technique is somewhat different from the other two because it does not require a 3D representation of the building to be generated as the first step in the modeling process. It is the application of a mathematical methodology employing heat transfer algorithms entered into the spreadsheet’s cells to estimate the heat transfer through the building envelope. Data needed for this technique are weather data of the buildings location, surface area of the building envelope, and the overall heat transfer coefficient (U-value) of each component of the building envelope. The OpenStudio technique involves a 3D representation of the building. The building is drawn on a 3D modeling computer program called SketchupPro, which communicates directly to the OpenStudio energy modelling interface. The building operations as well as the building characteristics, such as the composition and type of the elements that made up the building envelop, the thermal zone, occupancy schedule and the space type was inputted in the OpenStudio engine. The OpenStudio engine runs the simulation and generates a detail result about the energy usage and energy transfer in the building. The third method that employs AutoCAD Revit software is a standalone technique that does not require an external software for sketching the building model. Revit the ability to draw the model as well as perform the energy analysis at the same time with the aid of inbuilt eQuest modeling engine. The model in Revit is generated with the right building envelope characteristics as the existing building and the weather file. The process is somewhat similar to the OpenStudio technique; the main difference is the level of detail and limitation provided by both the energy modeling engine (eQuest and EnergyPlus). At the end of the simulation, the building energy modeling using Autodesk Revit presents a detailed result of the energy usage and energy flow in the building. The underlying reason of the comparison of three techniques is to understand the simplest, most efficient, accurate method to quantify heat transfer through the building envelope. By the end of this study, the most efficient technique for investigating the building envelope will be expected to be the EnergyPlus technique because of the usage simplicity, ability to take in a lot of details required for simulation and the periodical software updates

    Selecting the Most Effective Energy Modeling Tool Based on a Project Requirement

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    Building energy usage can be derived and controlled by performing building energy modeling. BEM can be performed using numerous software tools such as DesignBuilder, OpenStudio, EnergyPlus etc. These modeling tools can be sorted into three different modeling categories: Black-box, Gray-box and White-box. It is important for a modeler to be able to quickly select the proper tool from the proper category to meet the need of the project. To validate the method of categorizing tools, the three models generated using tools from each category and the modeling outputs required were compared. Each model was designed to estimate the amount of heat transfer through building envelope elements. All the modeling tools were able to generate the required output, therefore, the method for selecting the most effective tool will be based on the output requirements and the time it takes to build the model, time it takes to generate the output and interpret the output

    Pembantaran Pelaku Tindak Pidana yang Menderita Gangguan Jiwa dalam Tinjauan Hukum Pidana Islam: Studi Kasus di Polrestabes Surabaya

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    The paper aims to find out the Islamic Criminal Law's perspective on the postponement of the penal sentence on the criminal offenders who suffer mental disorders at the Surabaya Police Headquarters. At the end of the paper, it is concluded that the implementation of postponement arouses two main points of discussion. First, it is seen from the condition and fitness of the perpetrator that is the effect of mental disorders on the criminal. According to the opinions of ulama 'Malikiyah and Hanafiyah, the insane condition that occurred before the judge's decision could stop the court examination process and postpone it until the insane state disappeared. Their reason is that to impose a sentence requires a taklif, which must be present when conducting an examination. Second, because of postponing penal sentence on the criminal offender who has a mental disorder aims to facilitate the police to obtain clarity on a criminal case committed by the perpetrator or the suspect, so whether the suspect can be held accountable for the criminal act or not is in the interest of smooth examination. Therefore, in the view of Islamic Criminal Law, it is appropriate to postpone the legal sentence, because it is based on the text related to the prohibition of carrying out punishment if still in doubt (shubhat). &nbsp


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    The ombudsman concept has grown from being a medieval administrative mechanism into a modern tool for market regulation, dispute resolution, complaint handling, consumer protection and access to justice. This chapter examines the meaning and conceptual understanding of the ombudsman with emphasis on its origin and cultural underpinnings in selected legal traditions